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  1. M

    Engaging A Distant Player

    Talk to her. Be guessing what she wants you'll get no results. Take her aside, and talk it through. From your text, I suspect she may be REALLY tired. Something you and I cannot do anything about. But you can ask for some attention. I know I don't like it if people ignore or miss things I say...
  2. M

    Risky plot device, advice appreciated!

    Thanks guys, I'm really picking up awesome ideas here :) And to react on the above post: Yes, the dragon is dangerous... and where it not for the 'summoned' dragon, it would tear the good-guys armies apart. However, the dragon is not nearly the only problem. The flying castle is equipped with...
  3. M

    Risky plot device, advice appreciated!

    I personally loathe the concept of 'good' creatures and 'evil' creatures. If it's sentient, it'll make it's own choice regarding it's lifestyle. That also goes for Dragons. The only exceptions to that may be angels, demons and devils and comparable stuff. And even there I might throw in...
  4. M

    Risky plot device, advice appreciated!

    To react to your aside, the problem is in their stats and number. Magic items are few, and mostly either minor, funny (they like that) or useless, or a combination of those. I'm pretty careful about what I give them. That's why I have to find something minor, yet useful for the rest of the...
  5. M

    Risky plot device, advice appreciated!

    Hmm, you gave some inspiration for the dragon summoning. Perhaps it’s an idea to have the dragon tell the players that if that tattoo would ‘send off a specific signal’ (“you’ll know when it sends that signal, trust me”), it would be wise to cast a certain spell into the tattoo (preferably done...
  6. M

    Risky plot device, advice appreciated!

    First of all, excuses for the vague topic description, but I couldn't manage to convey the situation in that short of a title ;) Anyway, my players are running a campaign, and one of the players is playing (thanks to my inexperience at the time) an out-of-system character (I play D&D3.5e...
  7. M

    Combat length

    I found that one-on-one playing (one DM and one player) works REALLY well for teaching. You can take all the time you need for explaining the character sheet and the basics of roleplaying. Another clear advantage is that you gently roll into a combat encounter, and can simply -stop- the game...
  8. M

    Help with a big battle ahead in my RP.

    If you want to win, I suggest a different strategy: If you can't beat 'em, then join 'em. Honestly Petel, my players tend to think I'm trying to kill them (or at least their characters). I think I should use you as an example of 'worse alternatives' ;) Though my campaign is more of a...
  9. M

    Help with a big battle ahead in my RP.

    It honestly seems to me as though your DM wants you dead =_= So basically, Mr. Sauron has a huge range, AND can simply 'wipe' things out of time and thus existence? This honestly sounds like a BIG problem indeed. So, how can you beat a being capable of beating time? By killing it in ONE fast...
  10. M

    Help with a big battle ahead in my RP.

    Sauron is the first bugger you'd want to kill or at least shut up. Get Dayan or you to create a blinding light in front of Sauron, not only blinding him, but also allowing for some time to get David to slice off the head on Sauron's newly formed giant shadow (you'd want to be as far away as...
  11. M

    How much stuff can a person carry - inventory

    I do keep track of the 'weight'. I just don't do it continuously, nor demand it from my players. If they end up not having penalties for being 'overweight', that's their luck. On a check, they usually end up cleaning out there inventory (which usually equates to throwing junk on a wagon, cart or...
  12. M

    How do you handle 'special' actions in your game?

    Very cool systems, I especially like the simpleness of Raven Crowking's ruleset. The DMG says I should 'adjudicate' combat stunts. But in my opinion, that's easier said than done. I'm not that good at balancing things on the run, and like stormonu, I also have the bad habit of striking down...
  13. M

    I really want to play...

    I'm not really that experienced. Basically, I've only played a lawful good Dwarven Fighter, and after that I became a DM. I've created a Barbarian half-orc. Which didn't have a lot of interesting points. A slightly more interesting human barbarian, I believe he even sacrificed the speed...
  14. M

    How do you handle 'special' actions in your game?

    Woops, I forgot... D&D 3.5e I'll edit the start post as well.
  15. M

    Adventuring party names

    I don't know what these names say about my DM-style, but one of my players came up with a few 'complimenting names': "The Not Yet Headless Bunch" (What can I say? They have high expectations :angel:) "The Knights without a table" (He DOES have a shed WITH a table! I swear!) "The Goblinslayers...
  16. M

    How do you handle 'special' actions in your game?

    I was thinking about how to spice up combat a bit. Now it is too much of: "I attack X for X and deal X damage". With me describing how badly wounded the target now is (loosely translated example: "You hit the Goblin, he staggers, and a lot of blood flows out of the large wound you've just...
  17. M

    Difficult Character and Player

    @DrunkonDuty Heh, thanks for the concern, but understanding English generally isn't a problem, even with made-up words. :P Sometimes I just cannot seem to think up the word I'm looking for when explaining myself. Which usually results in more words to say the same ;) My characters face mainly...
  18. M

    Bribing Players during PCGen

    Conflict situation: I've devised a low-magic world. But one of the players wants to play a mage. I could disallow magic-users. Not fun for mage-wannabe. I could discourage and bribe non-magic users, mage-wannabe still plays mage, bribe only works to advantage other players, since the mage...
  19. M

    Difficult Character and Player

    Certain spells are overpowered, usually in a 'save-or-die' way. The spells specifically mentioned happen to pop up a certain volume of solidified air. Sounds innocent, but for example, if I send in single monsters she can solidify air around it, and while I've removed the suffocation effect...
  20. M

    Difficult Character and Player

    I hope necro-ing an old thread isn't frowned upon here (this forum didn't appear to have rules on it, but I might've missed something), if so, my excuses. But since I've only played about twice since the last thread in this topic it's still quite relevant to me... and may be useful to others...