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  1. K

    Pathfinder 1E Ryan Dancey Predicts Pathfinder RPG in '06

    Okay, the point seems to be sailing over your head like a F-18 on full afterburner, so I'm going to break it down into little chunks and hopefully that will help. * Dancey claimed that the OGL would allow the D&D ruleset to improve because WotC could take the best of the open rules and...
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    Pathfinder 1E Ryan Dancey Predicts Pathfinder RPG in '06

    First, you're missing the point that these incorporations have absolutely nothing to do with the OGL and would have happened regardless, just as D&D 3.0 used stuff from non-OGL games. Second, name one thing from UA that was generated by a third-party producer and was incorporated into the main...
  3. K

    Pathfinder 1E Ryan Dancey Predicts Pathfinder RPG in '06

    You must be using a very different definition of "hit" from the one found in the dictionary. Looking at the predictions here, I don't see a single hit that's relevant to RPGs (you were right about year-end layoffs at Upper Deck, which in modern business is about as insightful as predicting the...
  4. K

    Pathfinder 1E Ryan Dancey Predicts Pathfinder RPG in '06

    Clearly, the people who run WotC don't agree with Monte. WotC has not included refinements from other games into D&D -- there is not one single element of the SRD that has been lifted from other companies' OGC. Likewise, there is no WotC-produced D&D book that uses other companies' OGC except...
  5. K

    Pathfinder 1E Ryan Dancey Predicts Pathfinder RPG in '06

    He was wrong about Organized Play. He was wrong about Rolling Thunder. He was wrong about the OGL leading to refinement of the D&D rules (Wizards has flatly refused to incorporate anyone else's developments into D&D). He was wrong that the OGL/STL would arrest the decline of the RPG...
  6. K

    Pathfinder 1E Ryan Dancey Predicts Pathfinder RPG in '06

    I am really excited about Pathfinder. I have been hoping for a Pathfinder-type RPG from Paizo for years. I will certainly be buying it when it hits the shelves (something that is not true of 4e, although I will buy the 3 cores eventually). That said... When Pathfinder completely and utterly...
  7. K

    D20 Modern: Has Wizard stopped caring about it?

    FWIW, both Stan! and Rich Redman have stated that d20M sold decently well, about as well as SW-RCR and better (in the pre-GURPS4e/NWoD era) than any other modern-era RPG. It wasn't a commercial failure, unless you're holding it to a D&D standard of sales; unfortunately, that's the standard that...
  8. K

    Fantasy craft??? will you bother?

    Given their inability to get products out in anything like a timely fashion, I can't help but wish that the Crafty guys would actually stick to supporting their stated core audience (i.e. people who want "d20 tuned for modern action gaming") and get previously announced stuff like Farthest Star...
  9. K

    Does Saga Edition make anyone else jones for Star Wars in general?

    I think SECR is absolutely wonderful and it totally has me jonesing for SW in general! As others have said, the SW universe is absolutely huge in terms of both time and space, so canon doesn't need to be a problem unless your PCs insist on being the ones who bring down the Empire. But...
  10. K

    Star Wars. what era are you playing in? Or who isn't playing in Legacy?

    No Legacy for me -- I'm of the opinion that Legacy and NJO aren't terribly SW in feel, and I also agree with wingsandsword that Legacy reads like mediocre fanfic. I pretty much ignore everything after the Thrawn trilogy. I'm currently trying to decide between the following eras: * The classic...
  11. K

    Star Wars Saga RPG: Square Book? WTF

    I'm pretty sure Pagan Priest was being sarcastic. At least, I really hope so... KoOS
  12. K

    Star Wars Saga Edition [SECR] Preview #8 is Up

    Saga Edition is wonderful I really have very little of substance to add. I just wanted to say that I am very very happy with my new copy of the SECR. It's a physically beautiful work, the best looking SWRPG book by far IMO, and it reads really nicely. I am an enthusiastic supporter of all...
  13. K

    Werebears in Whitewolf's nWoD?

    Apparently there will be a forthcoming Changing Breeds (i.e. non-wolf weres) sourcebook for NWoD, penned by ex-Mage developer Phil Brucato among others, but no date has been announced. KoOS
  14. K

    Star wars SAGA cover?

    It's about 8.5" x 8.5", not 11" x 11". KoOS
  15. K

    Mutants & Masterminds

    None of those products have ever been standalone games... unlike Gamma World for most of its decades-old existence. KoOS
  16. K

    Star Wars Saga Edition [SECR] Preview #2 is Up

    It makes perfect sense for a pulpy setting like Star Wars, where characters should be well-rounded and skilled in multiple areas of expertise. Your example is a bit extreme but not beyond the bounds of reason for certain specific character concepts... and frankly, if a player is enough of a...
  17. K

    Q on Scarred Lands

    Honestly? Probably neither in the long term, since my group mostly plays Greyhawk with a bit of Eberron on the side and isn't super interested in branching out. I asked because at one of my FLGSs, both the Ghelspad and Termana hardcovers are on sale for $5 CDN, along with some of the other...
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    Q on Scarred Lands

    What's the single best book as an introduction to the Scarred Lands as a campaign setting? KoOS
  19. K

    Will either of these books see print?

    Two books I'd like to get, if they ever see the light of day... anybody got the scoop? 1) An updated version of the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer. I'd prefer a revised version, and its lack of availability in these parts has me wondering if a revision is on the cards... 2) An Age of Worms...
  20. K

    d20 Modern Dark*Matter hardcover from WotC?!?

    They've already invested time and money in the product, so why pull it off the schedule otherwise? It's the most logical leap, albeit there could be other explanations. I'm also not convinced that d20D*M is a bona fide product. KoOS