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  1. F

    Looking for Gamers in Toronto

    Anyone looking to play with an experienced group of gamers and live in or around T.O. drop me a line at I'll fill you in on our style and games. Primarily d20 games.
  2. F

    [Babylon5] Whoot!!

    Is it just me, or is this just one long fabulous gaming year? B5 is smashing even if you never play the darn thing. Some people have said that this whole d20 OGL thing would result in much crap little substance. So far, as long as you do a little research into your writers and publishers this...
  3. F

    [Midnight] Congrats FFG!

    Just a hearty congratulations to FFG and the team behind the Midnight setting. You've put loads of hard work into making a world that is a blast to play in. Looks like the Ennie's folks agreed. Keep up the great work!
  4. F

    [Midnight] Do yourself a favour!

    Seriously, I am incredibly impressed by Fantasy Flight Games' new setting. If you are a collector of RPG's this is a must have. My gamers have pretty much gone gaga and insisted I run it. Reading the sourcebook is a pleasure. Congrats to all involved I am extremely impressed.