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  1. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos OOC

    I have a hypothetical question open to debate: Is there any reason for an immortal creature to die heroically? I'm not going to go run Dipani off a cliff or anything, but once we get into combat, why should she risk her neck for you guys? She has no need to be immortalized in combat. As Woody...
  2. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos

    Dipani takes her Crystal Orb in her left hand and lies down on the hill. Her eyes close and her light dims as she addresses the group silently. "How are we going to gain entrance? We could simply sneak inside, but it's possible that would reflect badly upon Er'Vyo. Few guardsmen are encouraged...
  3. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos

    "Alright. I shall depart now." Dipani moves toward the door, motioning for her comrades to follow. She leaves 2 gold pieces with Bertram and takes her leave. ...A few seconds later, Dipani returns to the doorway. "Upon further consideration, I am uncertain in which direction to proceed. Sir...
  4. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos

    "Excellent. While Asteron engages in theological debate, I may remain unnoticed. A foolproof plan!" Dipani seems genuinely relieved to have avoided the potential crisis. "Now, all we need do is set out in the correct direction. Er... no, that's incorrect. How long have we been talking? Is it...
  5. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos

    Dipani leans forward, intrigued. "It would seem prudent to help out the city, but I must admit the prospect of ghouls on the road is worrying. Illusions are next to useless against the undead; at best I could provide illumination to the battle.... However, if we avoid such creatures en route, I...
  6. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos

    Dipani takes Robin's dagger before pulling over a chair from another table with Mage Hand. She sits down heavily, still notably tired. "Asteron, I believe this might be the most motley crew ever assembled in this inn. Apart from Mr. Foley here, we seem to be pushing the definition of 'humanoid'...
  7. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos

    Dipani blinks rapidly and stands up straight. Her light dims to a familiar pink as she lowers her weapons. "I apologize for the melodrama, Mr. Foley. My species has few lesser emotions; I believe the situation caused mine to surface." Dipani sways slightly, and turns to face the Genasi...
  8. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos

    "Of course there isn't, Sunset. That man is a reproachable beast, threatening to stop the already fleeting existence of another sentient being." Dipani takes her psychic orb in her left hand, and her spellshard in her right. As she stands up and walks over to join the discussion, her glow...
  9. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos

    Dipani sits up with a start, scowling. "Sunset, if you display visual or auditory clues a secret conversation is happening, it hardly remains a secret. Communicating silently is less likely to confuse others - or was that the idea? You humanoids can be so... different sometimes. I leave the...
  10. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos

    "What do you two think? It would seem foolish to pass up a guide, especially one who seems knowledgeable of local affairs. If he is indeed as low-maintenance as he claims, it will not be much trouble at all. Besides, another over-sized humanoid could be advantageous in a combat situation. I...
  11. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos OOC

    Heads up: I'm out of the country from July 1st to 10th, so don't be surprised if I'm not posting. I one-up your green serifs with random pink!
  12. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos

    "Sunset, this beer is excellent! It should be a more vibrant colour though; the yellowed-brown is far too drab." The beer changes to a neon pink with yet another wave of the hand. "That's much better. I'd forgotten how refreshing nourishment can be." "Sir Duktak, I do hope your rumours are...
  13. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos

    "Do you see? Trouble. I do believe I could have been a successful conjurer." The spoon dims and floats back to the table. The Blue Danube stops as Dipani turns to face the newcomer. "Welcome. I am Dipani. At this point, it is customary to state your own name and why you are here."
  14. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos

    "I have several spells prepared that could incapacitate a large percentage of the inn's patrons, but I would have to discourage illegal activities. Alternatively, I could change the flavour of someone's food to something less appetizing. It's extraordinarily funny to watch a human's reaction...
  15. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos Roster

    Dipani is one of the "new" Shardmind. When an older Shardmind dies, another one wakes up somewhere else. In effect, the total population stays constant. Dipani woke up last month. She displayed a knack for illusions, and took up adventuring as a career. After trading some scrap metal and...
  16. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos

    Dipani snaps her fingers and the Blue Danube begins to play faintly, emanating from the center of the table. Another pair of gestures make a spoon emit light and float over her head, a tiny chandelier. A final movement and the food gives off a little puff of steam. After preparing the table...
  17. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos

    Dipani walks behind you, staring intently at the street. You both hear telepathic agreement to the prospect of beer and stew. "Sustenance is important to you, yes? Perhaps it would be advantageous to pursue a meal... I myself would welcome the chance to imbibe an alcoholic beverage; they sound...
  18. Moniker247

    Tales of Irthos Roster

    Dipani, Shardmind Wizard Level 1 Age: Immortal Gender: None Height: 5' 9" Weight: 134lbs Alignment: Unaligned STR 11 CON 13 DEX 16 INT 20 WIS 17 CHA 12 AC 13 FORT 11 REF 15 WILL 15 Speed 6 HP 23 Initiative: +3 Trained Skills Arcana +12 Diplomacy +6 Insight +10 Perception +8 Feats...