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  1. squirrel

    Aiding Another In Magic Item Crafting

    I think this may be what you are looking for from the Rules of the Game Archive http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20050118a : Edit note: I added this post because I'm not sure if your druid friend would meet any of the preqs to help with the crafting.
  2. squirrel

    Epic Prestige Class -- Knight Paramount

    For the bonus feat list you should consider adding a couple more feats, possibly Epic Will/Fort, Epic Toughness, Superior Initiative, and/or Spellcasting Harrier just have a little more selection since the class grants feats a rapid pace.
  3. squirrel

    Character Concept Ideas?

    A nomadic herdsman, whose society values horses and furs as a trading currency instead of those shiny metal circles, and hasn't had much contact with the "civilized" lands. Whenever you are recieving payment, you demand it to be in horses and whatnot. Also it gives paths for a mounted combat...
  4. squirrel

    Troupe of the Painted Soul IC!

    This is really unexpected, what is this Marion anyways. Anyhow, I have to keep from showing fear infront of him. Demb thinks to himself hoping that Kail will keep up his end and not let anything slip through. "I seek your audience to gain knowledge, Your Majesty, and if one wants the best, he...
  5. squirrel

    Troupe of the Painted Soul IC!

    Dembrilion takes a small step forward, and in a sweeping bow, he says "Greetings, Your Majesty, I am Dembrilion and this is my companion Kail. We seek your audience." While bowing Dembrilion takes a quick glance trying to see where the voice came from and to get a view of his surroundings...
  6. squirrel

    Troupe of the Painted Soul IC!

    Dembrilion places his daggers back on his person, and turns to Kail, "Put that thing away, we're fine." Directing this towards the unknown man, "Lets head off." Dembrilion begins to make his way past the man since it appears he was waiting for Dembrilion to pass. ooc - sorry I missed the...
  7. squirrel

    Troupe of the Painted Soul IC!

    Dembrilion turns to the voice and smiles, "Great, that means I won't have to wait till tonight." He hands the child the rest of his pay, and whispers to him, " I trust this won't get you in too much trouble." He walks to the man and hands his two daggers hilt first and says, "I assume you'll...
  8. squirrel

    Troupe of the Painted Soul IC!

    "We have an agreement, now answer the question and you'll walk away with both your hands."
  9. squirrel

    Troupe of the Painted Soul IC!

    "I care because I needed to see what you know about your city. Who knows about the most about the workings in this city? (ooc - waiting to see a name before I ask the next questions, because they will vary depending on who the kid says ;))
  10. squirrel

    Troupe of the Painted Soul PbP OOC!

    I've been trying to keep up on it as best I can, though at the moment I speculate that my college and work are in conspiracy to slowly kill me over the first few weeks of school. Next week I'll be back on a normal schedule since my hours at work will finally be limited again ^_^
  11. squirrel

    Troupe of the Painted Soul IC!

    "Alright, who in the Empire brings in the slaves, when do the slaves usually arrive, how often do they arrive, and where and how are they kept?" [ooc - if he answers, I'll hand the kid 10 gold pieces a sign of good faith, then move onto the more promising questions]
  12. squirrel

    Troupe of the Painted Soul IC!

    Yes I am ;) ------------ "I'll make it worth your time to answer my questions. If you do answer the questions, I do offer four fifths of a pound of gold in exchange." ooc - What "vigilante" punishments can be done for theft, which are the most common.
  13. squirrel

    Troupe of the Painted Soul IC!

    ooc - I want a Sense Motive (+6) to see if he is worried at all that we have him cornered here. Then I want a Spot check (+11) to see if he has any other purses or other likely stolen goods on his person, then if I do spot I want an Appraise check (+11) to get a rough estimate of their worth...
  14. squirrel

    Troupe of the Painted Soul IC!

    Dembrilion listens to child's rant and takes it as bluster, then says, "Listen urchin, I don't need your help, but it is more convient since you are here. I don't want to withdrawl my offer of pay for your services, but if you remain uncooperative, I will, and I will have my information. I...
  15. squirrel

    Troupe of the Painted Soul IC!

    "Don't fear child, I have no intention of hurting you if you are willing to work with me, because I know what its like to be in your position, but I need a couple of services from you. If you would open the bag you took from me, it will not be your payment, but I do have your payment for when...
  16. squirrel

    Troupe of the Painted Soul IC!

    Seeing the child run into the alley, Dembrilion makes a quick decision and goes against his better judgement, and he decides to follow into the alley for the needed information. If the child has dissappeared, he will walk (ooc-hustle) down the alley to see where it leads and if there are not...
  17. squirrel

    Troupe of the Painted Soul IC!

    After Kail pointed out the child, Dembrilion says to the soldier, "Excuse me for a minute." Then he begins to chase after the vagabond. He will try to follow without causing a disturbance among the crowd, but if he starts to lose any ground, he will bump into a few people if it is necessary...
  18. squirrel

    Troupe of the Painted Soul PbP OOC!

    I was waiting to see if Neowolf had anything he wanted to do or add along with what was going on in the market. And since a dm plot brick hit me in the head, I just made a post ;)
  19. squirrel

    Troupe of the Painted Soul IC!

    "Hmmmm interesting things seem to be occuring lately here, Kail, and what is even more interesting is what the Empire is doing, I do believe we shall go check it out." Dembrilion heads over towards the slave market to begin to casually look over the slaves, but really looking for a way to...
  20. squirrel

    Troupe of the Painted Soul IC!

    "Alright, Kail, lets head to our destination now," Dembrilion says as he walks towards the door. Outside, he quickly fills a coin purse with rocks and places it on his belt and makes way to the forum. On the way to the market Dembrilion keeps an eye on the people on the street trying to get a...