• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. C

    A 4E Retro Clone

    In my opinion the worst thing about 4e is the whole system of at-will, encounter, and daily powers.
  2. C

    An Unusual Use for Rust Monsters

    For a time, my players actually farmed rust monsters. they would grind them up into a powder that they would apply to locks on doors, throw onto heavily armored adversaries, etc.
  3. C

    My DM'ing has gotten worse over the years, not better

    I too am a spontaneous dm. Last week my players went in a completely diffferent direction than i had planned and i was forced to improvise. It was the best game that i had run in a long time. This week however, i had everything mapped out, encounters planned, npcs statted up, everything that a...
  4. C

    Greyhawk vs Dragonlance vs Forgotten Realms vs Mystara vs Birthright

    Im not a very big fan of Dragonlance, perhaps it was my personal experiances with it though. It seems like all Dragonlance games I have played had too grand a scope and an overly epic plotline. I perfer starting small.
  5. C

    Greyhawk vs Dragonlance vs Forgotten Realms vs Mystara vs Birthright

    I would really like to play Eberron, but for now I'll stick to Dark Sun.
  6. C

    Greyhawk vs Dragonlance vs Forgotten Realms vs Mystara vs Birthright

    I admit that I have never played an Eberron game, however your description and many others that I have seen make it abundantly clear; because of the combo of science and magic, and the overall steampunky feel of the setting, that it is not generic at all.
  7. C

    Greyhawk vs Dragonlance vs Forgotten Realms vs Mystara vs Birthright

    I think that Eberron was not included on the list because it wasnt considered a 'generic' campaign setting.
  8. C

    Views on 2nd ed. Non Weapon Proficiencies.

    I love th 2e NWP system. Its simple and effective, however i dont like the skills being grouped by class, rogues should be able to smith weapons as well.
  9. C

    noob question

    Is there a maximum number of spell that can be cast per day in 2e?
  10. C

    My players want to buy an Inn.

    The local mob demand a small monthly payment for protection, the payment is small. Then prohibition, business drops, cant pay th mob, the mob gets angry.
  11. C

    Help with Shrine and Tomb ideas for 4E campaign

    What has really gotten me hung up is a riddle or something that will foreshadow the traps/tests that the tomb will have. Greetings friends if that ye be, But enemies do not proceed. The terror in these halls be great, And is not wise to underestimate. Proceed with care if ye wish to live...
  12. C

    Please Help!

    I forgot to prepare annything for tomorrows D&D game, please help! My players have just finished HS1 The Slaying Stone, a small twist that I added was that, over the course of the adventure they collected seven magical rubies. The players then sold the rubies at the nearest town before heading...
  13. C

    A+ Fantasy

    Does annyone have a monster list for this game?