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Search results

  1. S

    What stat bonuses do you expect the non-elves will get?

    After reading the Fractured family bit, it seems like Eladrins will have +2 Dex, +2 Int and the Drow will have +2 Dex, +2 Cha.
  2. S

    NWN: Deviations from 3e.

    Power Word Kill and Power Word, Stun are Divination Spells. Mordekainen's Sword is a Transmutation spell Incendiary Cloud is an Evocation The new spell 'Greater Stoneskin' is a Transmutation Specialist Wizards have their opposition school pre-chosen for them.
  3. S

    Serious changes at WotC

    This from gamingreport.com: link How reliable is this site anyways? Does anyone know if there's any truth behind the article?
  4. S

    FF Tactics DnD Campaign Setting

    Re: HEY! WAIT A MINUTE! I'd love to take a look, but I'm getting a 404 Error.
  5. S

    [OT-sorta] IWD2 Announced

    Re: ... Actually the Infinity Engine belongs to Bioware. It's conceivable, that as part of the settlement, Bioware lets BIS use the engine in exchange for Infogrames publishing NWN
  6. S

    Poll: Favorite Non-D&D RPG Setting

    FASA's Mechwarrior. Who can resist the alure of Stomping around in a 12 meter tall Mech?
  7. S

    FF Tactics DnD Campaign Setting

    I'd love to see what you did here, mainly because I see this class as very problematic for a DM... many possibilities for abuse. Could he copy the effects of some feats and skills? Spells? AoO? other class abilities? Extraordinary or Supernatural Abilities from monsters? On another note, I...
  8. S

    FF Tactics DnD Campaign Setting

    Not only calculators, but how do you plan on implementing Mimics? Not much material there for a full 20-level class, or even a Prestige Class, and seems rather powerful for a feat.
  9. S

    The Best Final Fantasy

    Another vote for FF Tactics. Very nice gameplay and class system. FF IV is a close second in my mind. I've always liked Cecil's story, the redemption of the black knight of Baron.
  10. S

    [OT] Space combat computer game?

    I think you should definetely take a look at Master of Orion 3, slated for a Q2 2002 release. 1. The game uses something called the Imperial Focus Point system (or IFPs for short). Essentially IFPs limit just how much you can do on a turn, so you'll have to prioritize(spelling?) on what needs...
  11. S

    Non-English speakers: what language do you game in?

    From a game mechanics point of view, we make up english sounding spanish "verbs" for actions like casting a spell ("castear") or to roll a dice ("rolear") and others. Things that have english names (Feats & Skills) remain in english, becuse I would not bother to translate every single detail. (I...