• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Darynal

    I have a PC who was turned Blue, how do I undo?

    You could call it... Cyan Man Group. Nah, it'd never catch on.
  2. Darynal

    Pathfinder 1E New to Pathfinder

    Thanks for the welcome! Yeah from what I read of it today it sounds very cool! Tweaked but retaining the core of 3rd edition, which I did like -- I didn't even know PF was released last year. Glad to see 3.x got a facelift of sorts with Pathfinder and is alive in the gaming community.
  3. Darynal

    Pathfinder 1E New to Pathfinder

    Oh wow! I hadn't heard much of Pathfinder before, but took a look at this forum and the links -- Awesome. Loved the overall structure of 3e before. This looks cool as hell, I'm glad this thread got posted =)
  4. Darynal

    Dragon Age 2

    Sad to hear if DA2 is gonna be crushed by EA. They do it with a number of other franchises too.
  5. Darynal

    Gliese 581g - A Tidally Locked DnD World

    I like your thinking! Almost didn't read this because it was one big paragraph, so I separated it for my own sake =) This is a pretty cool thing to consider about a tidally-locked setting. It makes me think of Dark Sun's backdrop in terms of the unique kind of global phenomena that can be...
  6. Darynal

    D&D is now in (exceedingly awesome) commercial form

    Lol. Indeed. The ad definitely has a narrow appeal due to that. I thought it was alright, but honestly the beginning kind of confused me.. and it was only because I recognized the old d&d art that I got it half-way through. Which is kind of beyond the "either you got my attention, or you...
  7. Darynal

    Edition Love (not War)

    Since 2E I've loved it! Tons of memories and good times.
  8. Darynal

    So EnWorld, What are you listening to?

    Ennio Morricone is very good. Nice pick! YouTube - Bush - Letting the cables sleep remix
  9. Darynal

    NWN1 Forgotten Realms Fans?!?

    This thread is a couple weeks old, but good luck with finding some new players! I remember NWN fondly! Haven't played it in years, but role-playing communities anywhere (NWN, free-form rp, whichever) are awesome. =) good luck again