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  1. T

    Roleplaying tips for new players.

    This. I'm still new to the game myself, but I've already seen that different players have different play styles. Getting everyone to play the same way might hamper the fun. That said, it might help for the DM to set out some rules or a kind of "player's guide." Things like ettiquite, basic...
  2. T

    Runepriest multiclass

    Thanks, all...this confirms my suspicions. I had thought as much--and ultimately, it's not a big deal as with the way our party is built, only one of them will be close enough to benifit most of the time--but I want to know the ins and outs of the class!
  3. T

    Runepriest multiclass

    I seem to remember seeing this come up before, so please forgive my asking it again, but I couldn't find the original thread... I understand that when one hybrids with Runepriest, you do get Runic Artistry (selection between wrathful hammer an defiant word), but Rune Master (extra benefit while...
  4. T

    Building a practical unarmed monk

    The only reason I'm wondering about weapons and how they interact with the ki focuses and such is because I've multiclassed into Runepriest--I know, not the optimal or expected choice!--and would like to have a good option for those powers. That's why I'd originally thought urgrosh, though...
  5. T

    Building a practical unarmed monk

    I guess accurate Ki focus would work nicely with any weapon I want to use it with. Maybe I'll try playing with that in the builds... As for the implement/ki focuses question; this is very clear now, thank you. basically, one or the other. This actually makes my choice a bit easier, because I'm...
  6. T

    Building a practical unarmed monk

    Ha...that's what I thought. For the past week I've been playing around with different combinations, but they've all involved using both a Ki Focus and an Implement, stacked. I'll have to rethink this... I have two main reasons to use weapons: I've multiclassed into Runepriest (because I've...
  7. T

    Building a practical unarmed monk

    Tried a Crashing Tempest style as well, which looks nice. With a rhythm dagger in my off hand, a club in my main hand, and a +2 Ki focus, I still have a +10 to hit. If i were to use a Ki club, would that damage stack with the style? This would put my FoB damage at 11 each time I hit, which is...
  8. T

    Building a practical unarmed monk

    I'm playing with the cb now and I can't seem to get much better than I have done, a build using unarmed strike and a Ki cutting wheel +1 with a Ki Focus +2. This gives me +10 to hit and about 6 extra damage. The accurate dagger would put me up to +11 to hit at the cost of a feat if I get a +2...
  9. T

    Building a practical unarmed monk

    Must have been my rolls...your analysis is right, but I seemed to roll lower than a 9 more often than not. Maybe it's time for a new die ;) That's nice to hear. I'm really very new to D&D, and thought I was missing something...but after playing with the CB for a week, I can't seem to get above...
  10. T

    Building a practical unarmed monk

    I'm building a Monk right now in prep for a new game starting up in a couple weeks, and am wondering about the to hit bonuses as well. I played a fighter in the just finished portion of our campaign, and had a +11 to hit at level 6--and I barely hit anything. This is only my second character...
  11. T

    Advice on a new character: Monk/Runepriest

    So I've been tweaking the above build over the past week or so, after talking with the rest of the party and what they're doing for characters. It turns out two of our party are going to be hanging back and using ranged attacks, while our defender and I get up close and personal, which suits me...
  12. T

    Advice on a new character: Monk/Runepriest

    Ah...this makes sense, and seems a lot less broken. So this Ki Focus would only be useful when using an action point, for example, or an attack that has a rider saying I can make a secondary attack? Or (not that I plan on this, just thinking out loud) if I were to multiclass into Ranger instead...
  13. T

    Advice on a new character: Monk/Runepriest

    So our campaign has reached a branching point where our DM has given us a choice--stay with your current character (I'm a human/Damphyr fighter) or let them go on their way and create a new character at level. I've chosen the latter. I wanted to play a Dwarf--never have, I'm very new to D&D. The...
  14. T

    The Legacy of the Dark Guardian...help with an adventure!

    Hello! I'm completely new to D&D, but it has absolutely captured my imagination. I used to be a writer, until I "grew up" and started concentrating on things like family and full time jobs and being generally dull...but D&D has got my creative juices flowing, and I'm loving it. Despite being...
  15. T

    A question about grab/other mechanics

    So I ended up with a different feat--training in perception, which was great because mine sucked--and the inspiring fortitude utility. I didn't retrain anything, but have that option next level. And in our session last night, I was able to incorporate some of the 'vampiric tendancies' into my...
  16. T

    A question about grab/other mechanics

    That's the way I was going originally, i think--story over ability--but what it came down to is that I'm not fully familiar with all the rules yet, and I probably should be before i start manipulating them. But don't get me wrong, it's still something I'd like my character to do...my next feat...
  17. T

    A question about grab/other mechanics

    So I spoke with my DM and we've decided to forego the vampiric heritage for now. Turns out we're leveling up in time for tonight's session, and although he had many of the same ideas and suggestions as everyone here, we've both decided that it's just a clunky thing. I want to keep the longspear...
  18. T

    A question about grab/other mechanics

    In this case, I could just expend a minor action to ready my spear again, right? As long as I remember to do so, it should be fine. I don't suppose there's a feat out there that allows you to treat a two handed weapon as a one handed weapon?
  19. T

    A question about grab/other mechanics

    Good point...and I am the defender, so keeping the enemy grabbed is a good use of that role...