• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. S

    D&D 5E Money System in D&DN?

    I like the idea of a silver standard with 100SP to 1GP, which allows electrum to be relevant serving as a coin between silver and gold.
  2. S

    Online Character Builder is LIVE!

    Something i wish it would do is just have the adventurers kit be a shortcut that automatically purchases and lists each item individually in my inventory, instead of just saying "adventurers kit" As it is i have to look up whats in that and write it all down separately anyway to track the...
  3. S

    Online Character Builder is LIVE!

    Hah, I just copied the xml from the CharacterFile part of the Debug tab at vecna.wizards.com and saved it as a .dnd4e file in my old character builder save directory... and loaded it up just fine in the old character builder, well, to an extent, all the new powers and such are missing from the...
  4. S

    Online Character Builder is LIVE!

    Character Builder I haven't read the full thread but, anyone notice this? Not only is it a lot faster way to access the builder than going through the main site, but it has a debug tab where you can copy the XML for your character data... so export ability is already there, they just need to...