Electronic Convention


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One of the members of the VT community is organizing an all electronic convention.

From the message thread:

The list is starting to grow, so I thought it might be good to put up a list of official sponsors for iCon. Date has been officially set as March 23rd & 24th.

The following vendors have all signed up as official sponsors and to offer copies of their products as prizes at iCon:
Battlegrounds: RPG Edition
Fantasy Grounds
RPTools.net (MapTools)

Also signed up for interviews concerning their products/development:
Battlegrounds: RPG Edition
RPTools.net (MapTools)
James D. Hargrove with his rules-lite RPG System Simple20
Daan from Redblade
Robin V. Stacey aka Greywulf with his rules-lite d20 RPG System Microlite20

As it stands now, this list is not complete, as we have allot of other company/people in the works that we are in talks with. I expect this list to grow some in the near future.

For companies or people interested come visit the message thread: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5390


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Kepli Sire

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Announcing iConvention 2007!

Our team at Fouruglymonsters.com has decided to help move the gaming industry forward by producing an internet gaming convention on March 24 & 25 of this coming year. This has been done before so you may ask why we would attempt this venture, the reason is simple.

We see the future in online gaming, specifically Virtual Gaming Table applications such as Fantasy Grounds, MapTool, Battlegrounds, Kloogle.Werks, and others out there. These applications push the envelope of gaming and bring gaming to a large gaming audience already present on the web. It is also ushering a large return of those gamers who have moved on in their lives, now have a family and cannot get away for the weekly game. These 'mid-life' gamers are looking for ways to reconnect with their friends and their beloved hobby. These applications are enabling them and creating strong growth in the industry.

Along with the virtual gaming table applications, the recent growth of applications geared directly for gamers has increased. Applications such as PCGen, Dundjinni, Campaign Cartographer, Redblade, and e-Tools have ushered in a great new era of gaming, providing gamers with previously unknown power to unleash their creativity.

Already we have seen a stunning amount of support from many of the developers behind these applications and many have pledged support in the form of free products for door prizes, demonstrations of their applications, interviews with the development staff, and advertising on their websites.

Our mission statement:
Our goal is to bring attention to the various Virtual Game Table and Gaming software products available to gamers wanting to capture the feel of live role-playing games when separated by physical boundaries.

At this time, the convention is in the planning and resource gathering stage. Suggestions are welcome. Continue to check back here for updates.

The FourUglyMonsters.com



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What about anohter iCon for Gen Con

A virtual gaming table convention should be great also as a satellite event for Gen Con (or one of them). At least people there, here, and the industry too would be in the mood. There are the three-odd months between iCon and Gen Con ... ;)


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That is a good idea actually. We had actually considered making this a twice a year affair if this first one goes off well. If the interest is there, that would definitely be a possibility.....all depends on the interest this garners. So far, the developers and many of the producers of products for use by these VGTs all seem very interested, most have agreed to offer free prizes to participants at the convention, many are going to run demonstrations of their software, we are planning demonstration videos with some of them, and even some podcasts/conferencing with the developers.
If you want to help us, get the word out, tell those companies out there that you think should be involved to contact us, and by all means, you should think about stopping in and checking out the convention.....after all, this will a FREE convention, open to all to attend and see some of the amazing software in use out there for gamers!


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Big Update!

Just wanted to let you all know today we got notice today from two great companies in the VGT and RPG world on their support of iCon:

  • Malhavoc Press - I am sure you all know who they are, here is the details from their site:
    Malhavoc Press is the publisher of the award-winning Book of Eldritch Might, Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved, and other d20 System roleplaying game titles. Hallmarks of Malhavoc products include unusual magic, monsters, and evocative game elements that go beyond traditional fantasy, as well as a mastery of the d20 System rules.
  • Digital Adventures - Kevin's excellent company that produces some of the best products for Fantasy Grounds, including many titles from Malhavoc Press's library.

Thank you to them and their support in our efforts to get iCon off the ground and make it a success, adding their names to our sponsor list definitely ups the ante a little!


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Not at all, this will be an entirely FREE convention showcasing the various software applications in use out there by role-players in their games. Additionally, we are starting to get other companies wanting to be part of the convention as well, such as some small press publishers.
Looks like are going to have a large assortment of various prizes to give away to participants as well, so in addition to being free, you could walk away with free copies of products from Malhavoc Press, Fantasy Grounds, Battlegrounds, Digital Adventures, ViewingDale, d20Pro, and we have even more sponsors in the works.....

Kepli Sire

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And don\'t forget the interviews with several VT developers and other people in the business. We will also have some movies to show how these VT\'s work.

And it\'s all free ... :D


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Another publisher has signed up to support iCon, the following companies have agreed to support iCon with a few products to be given away as prizes to participants.

Be sure to check out their line of products at:
* Malhavoc Press (http://www.montecook.com/cgi-bin/page.cgi?malhavoc)- Malhavoc Press is the publisher of the award-winning Book of Eldritch Might, Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved, and other d20 System roleplaying game titles. Hallmarks of Malhavoc products include unusual magic, monsters, and evocative game elements that go beyond traditional fantasy, as well as a mastery of the d20 System rules.
* Digital Adventures (http://www.digitaladventures.net/) - Kevin's excellent company that produces some of the best products for Fantasy Grounds, including many titles from Malhavoc Press's library.
* Expeditious Retreat Press (http://www.xrpshop.citymax.com/) - Small press publishers of some great works.

On another note, the official site is now up and live.

Steve Jung

Just so you're aware, there is a sci-fi convention named I-Con on Long Island. Incidentally it's taking place March 23-25 this year.

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