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1000 features, traps, and other things to spice up a dragon's lair

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19. A three-legged table made of wood, with a small doily atop it. Sitting on that is a steaming mug of tea. The tea will (eventually) cool if removed from the table and the doily. The magic is in the table and doily. They must be together and, when an empty mug is placed atop them, it will fill with tea and (in the time it takes a kettle to boil), heat up to a pleasantly warm, well-brewed cup.

20. A three-legged table made of wood with a small doily atop it. The doily is the dreaded attack-macrame. It does 1d4 suffocation damage on a successful hit. (Note: ideally 19 and 20 would be on opposite sides of the same room, with a freshly knocked-off cup between them.)


I crit!
21. The horde is perfectly balanced upon a round platform suspended in the middle by a rusty steel chain over lava. Remove one single item and it'll all tip over into the lava.

22. The dragon sleeps upon the platform as well and like a spider in a web it knows how to attack the PC's without tripping the trap.


A Wicked Kendragon
23. A bridge over a huge chasm into nothing. The bridge IS a river of lava held in place by a magic word. When the word is said it begins to flow again (but still retains the bridge shape).


I crit!
24. The dungeons and lair are full of voices, ghosts of dead adventurers from times before. Many only tell the players that they are doomed and must leave, others give bad advice, some of which seems like really good advice, until it's tried....


25. The treasure contains a massive wardrobe. The dragon would spend its leisure time polymorphing into beautiful women of different races and wearing the prettiest clothes it could find.

26. The dragon enjoys riddles. If you can beat enough riddles, or provide an interesting one for it, the dragon will allow you to take one item from its hoard.

27. Deep in the desert a dragon has made its lair. Using fire the wyrm has created a vast lair under the sands made of glass. Should a fight go poorly, it will smash through the roof and collapse the glass cavern. The shards will take care of any intruders, leaving the dragon free to make a newer, better lair and recover its hoard and expand it.


28. At the top of an extinct (or at least dormant) volcano is a caldera-lake, which sports an island at the center. Here, under the open sky, where nothing can approach him unseen, the dragon lairs. And within the waters of the lake dwell his offspring; the as-yet-wingless newts that hunger for the flesh and bones that will allow them to grow to a size wherein it will be their turn to challenge their progenitor for possession of a hoard that has been building since the turn of a new age...


29. In the dragon's treasure hoard is a tapestry. This tapestry appears to be hundreds of possibly even thousands of years old but is in perfect condition. It details the geneology of the dragon's entire ancient family. It includes locations and colorings for the dragons (since they rarely change lairs). Should a new dragon be born is magically updates to add in new branches and details.

30. In a field nearby the dragon's lair is a great herd of sheep with many shepherds and magical wards to protect them. At the edge of the field are a few small houses, and a great fire pit for roasting. These shepherds cook sheep for the dragon once a week. In exchange the dragon protects them and teaches one child every 10 years to learn magic.


31. The hoard is actually inside a couple bags of holding the dragon wears around its "wrist" like a charm bracelet. Whenever it needs to sleep it empties the bags and uses the pile of gold, gems, and treasures as a bed.

32. The lair entrance is filled with smoke. It is extremely dark and the visibility is horrible. The dragon has adapted to its chosen lair and can take advantage of the intense smoke when thieves enter the lair. The ground is filled with low walls and debris that make entering on foot extremely difficult and noisy. If any thieves make it past the smoke without the dragon just roasting them for dinner, they have to climb down sheer wall to a great lake of lava with a large island where the dragon sleeps. If the dragon cannot defeat or flee from any attackers who seek to kill it, it will destroy as much of the treasure as it can by casting it into the lake.

Voidrunner's Codex

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