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1000 page PHB


A thousand pages would be a bit excessive, I think. If they have that much "core material" I'd rather see it split into at least 2 or 3 volumes (B / E / C ?).

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The game needs to be playable in 20 minutes or less. A PH the size of a phonebook (sorry, kids, look it up on wiki) would make this prospect difficult.

As for the format, hardback for the luddites and iBooks (ePub) for the rest.

No thank you. Frankly, I want to see a 64 page PHB (plus a 96 page DMG and a 32 page adventure, all in a sturdy box with dice). You can add details and options to the game all you want, and I'll be glad to check them out, but if you can't give me a complete, playable game in 192 pages, total, you have failed.

I want to see a Players' Handbook with over five hundred pages. I think we can all be happy if the Wizards publish a Starter Box with a slim Players' Book and an Advanced Players' Handbook at the same time.


Ok if I included all the ideas here I liked the PHB would be like 1000 pages.
Is that what we want-One book to rule them all?

I can think of few quicker ways to kill the game stone dead.

A really good Starter Set, one Core Rulebook (of 250-300 pages), and supplements. Back it all up with really strong DDI support, and you've got your product line.

Some way down the line, once they've more or less mined out the line for supplements, and applied all the errata/revisions they are determined to pollute the game with, they should consider doing an "Encyclopedia Version" of the game. That's the place for the 1,000 page books - if books are even still around in ten years time. :)



What if they really, really, really need 193...?;)

Epic Fail! ;)

I have hopes for 5n, but I fear for the implied bloat that their vision encompasses. If you want fast and streamline, how much in the way of options do you put in the core book? The nerdrage over not being able to play a gnome barbarian right out of the gate was unbelievable.


First Post
Seems sensible to me to have a cheap, short, basic book, with the core players rules ( enough to create a character using the core game and start playing ). Sell that both seperately and included in a boxed set that also includes a GM book, core monster manual and a startoff adventure. That lets a group all have their own book, cheaply, and lets the GM have enough to get started.

Then you release 'Advanced Dungeons and Dragons' as either a Tome of a book, or a book for each core class, with all the optional rules they have at initial release.

You also include a unique code in each book to access the material via DDI.

I could be wrong tho.



A thousand pages sounds good. The basic rules should be light, but the book itself should contain all the moduals needed to basicly emulate any edition, otherwise they'll lose players right off the bat, they won't want to want till wotc gets around to releasing it.

As for those complaining about how heavy pathfinder's weight is, get some exercise, cause if your having a hard time carrying that book you got a problem. I load and unload 49 bags of magic melt (50 pounds each) and wheel barrells full if bricks during the rest of the year and my dad think a I'm weak and lazy, how sad is it you think a book is heavy. Your kids probably carry more in thier back pack.

The price is more serious problem.

Maybe 600 pages would be a good comprise, with web enchancements.


I'm not sure how to read a desire for a 1000 page core book. Or even a 500 page one.

If I read it as: "Hey, I want all the cool things about D&D ever in one book!", then it makes sense. It's a statement about how much cool stuff you think is in D&D.

If I read it literally, it becomes kinda crazy. 1000 page rule books are not inviting to newcomers. They also say the wrong thing to old hands looking for a simpler, faster playing version of D&D.

Really, 500-1000 page rule books aren't just a bad idea, they're toxic to the brand.

Ergo, I'll read this the first way, and concur: D&D is full of cool stuff!


New Publisher
Um, I don't like that idea at all. Not even a little.

I want a game that can be started within 30 minutes of opening the box, with lots of supplements sold if you want them.

I never want to pick up a book that long again*

*unless someone could transport me back in time, so I can afford to buy Ptolus in hard cover.....

Voidrunner's Codex

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