13TH AGE Battle Scenes: A Sneak Preview Of The Upcoming Book Of Set Piece Battles

An important skill in running a combat encounter in a tabletop roleplaying games is creating varied and interesting battles. To that end, Pelgrane Press has a new book coming out entitled High Magic and Low Cunning: Battle Scenes for Five Icons, which contains no less than 45 set piece battle encounters designed for various tiers of play. These battle scenes are connected to five of the setting's thirteen Icons: the Orc Lord, Prince of Shadows, Archmage, High Druid, and The Three. Pelgrane has very kindly sent me along a preview of the third battle in "Rafting Razoredge Gorge", the Orc Lord themed series of battles. The PCs have been rafting down a river while being attacked by orcs, and now they've come to a stop right beside the main orc camp. Take a look!

An important skill in running a combat encounter in a tabletop roleplaying games is creating varied and interesting battles. To that end, Pelgrane Press has a new book coming out entitled High Magic and Low Cunning: Battle Scenes for Five Icons, which contains no less than 45 set piece battle encounters designed for various tiers of play. These battle scenes are connected to five of the setting's thirteen Icons: the Orc Lord, Prince of Shadows, Archmage, High Druid, and The Three. Pelgrane has very kindly sent me along a preview of the third battle in "Rafting Razoredge Gorge", the Orc Lord themed series of battles. The PCs have been rafting down a river while being attacked by orcs, and now they've come to a stop right beside the main orc camp. Take a look!


High Magic & Low Cunning: Battle Scenes for Five Icons brings you 45 challenging and memorable sets of battles, against enemies connected to the Orc Lord, Prince of Shadows, Archmage, High Druid, and The Three. Drop these fights into your game at every tier of play from adventurer to epic, and bring them to life with gorgeous maps by our expert cartographers.
With High Magic & Low Cunning, you can:

  • Give the PCs compelling reasons to fight based on their icon relationships, their stories, and your campaign
  • Pit them against NPCs and monsters whose icon connections make them meaningful opponents—not just random foes
  • Use traps and terrain to provide a challenging environment with opportunities for clever tactics
  • Unleash all-new monsters on the PCs, along with new magic items to wield in battle.
  • Easily adjust battles to make them easier, or harder
  • Use the provided storylines to link each battle to the ones that come after, taking the PCs from one full heal-up to the next using only the battles in the set – with room to expand on these stories to fill multiple sessions of gameplay.
From a white-knuckle white-water ride past orcish hordes, to abseiling kobolds and a perilous magical cloud fortress, High Magic & Low Cunning takes your players on an unforgettable journey to adventure.
You can also get the complete set of High Magic & Low Cunning printed color maps in the High Magic & Low Cunning Map Folio.


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High Magic and Low Cunning is 192 pages in print, with the PDF included, as well as the PDF of the map folio. It includes 45 battles scenes like the one above. The book is $30.

If you want the map folio in print form, loose, letter size, with both GM and player maps, it's an additional $10.

13th Age doesn't uses grids, so we don't include one.

Are the maps scaled for use with minis (1" = 5')?

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thanks for clarifying!
I think I am too habituated to terrain to imagine putting all those minis on a letter size sheet of paper....would seem like it would be jammed up.
I hope the product does well because I really like Pelgrane!


First Post
thanks for clarifying!
I think I am too habituated to terrain to imagine putting all those minis on a letter size sheet of paper....would seem like it would be jammed up.
I hope the product does well because I really like Pelgrane!

Thanks for your kind words - it's selling well!

The maps aren't intended for miniatures, but to help the players picture the terrain and environment. When I ran this last year for my group, having the printed out full colour map in the center of the table really helped.


First Post
Thanks for your kind words - it's selling well!

The maps aren't intended for miniatures, but to help the players picture the terrain and environment. When I ran this last year for my group, having the printed out full colour map in the center of the table really helped.
I know it would add considerably to the production costs and final price, but would you consider for future releases having battlemaps scaled to 1" = 5' ? Not sure how many people are as big on minis and tactical positioning as my group is, and how many people go theater of the mind, but consider this a vote for full-sized battlemaps.

I love your products - 13th Age is my favorite RPG now and our regular group is having a great time telling their characters' stories with the help of the BG, OUT and Icon rules. I've even ported these rules to our 4e game as well.



First Post
Hi, I need some clarification about this product...what does the Bundle include? It's priced at 26,50 pounds, does this include the book and colour maps printed plus pdf of all of them?


First Post
By the way, seems like a very interesting product. I am really loving all 13th Age line and has become my favourite D20 RPG - even above D&D 5th Edition! Last product I've bought is Eyes of the Stone Thief and was absolutely astonished by the high quality of this book. Keep up the good work Pelgrane!


Hi, I need some clarification about this product...what does the Bundle include? It's priced at 26,50 pounds, does this include the book and colour maps printed plus pdf of all of them?

The pre-order page is confusing for sure. They should leave out the pdf release dates on the print product header.

Tony Vargas


$30.00 for a PDF is nuckin futs. :erm:

$40 + shipping for a softcover and PDF is still nuts.
When you think about it, if we were used to buying a D&D book a month back in 2008-10, there should be plenty of room in our budget, now, given the number of D&D books that have come out in the last few years. ;)


When you think about it, if we were used to buying a D&D book a month back in 2008-10, there should be plenty of room in our budget, now, given the number of D&D books that have come out in the last few years. ;)

That wasnt me then, nor is a $40 purchase for gaming material easy to justify in my budget now as I took a 30% paycut at the end of last year.

If your budget warrants, good for you, but don't make assumptions about mine, thanks.


First Post
Hi, the pricing has clearly caused some confusion, for which I apologise.

The High Magic and Low Cunning print book is $30 - not $40. It includes the PDF of the book and the PDF of all the maps in full colour (the Map Folio). The book is a 192 page softcover.

We are also offering a bundle, which includes the book in print, plus the Map Folio in print plus the two PDFs for $40 - though this price will increase shortly.

The PDF-only versions will be available after the print version is released.

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