1st Edition Premium Unearthed Arcana Reprint


Well, that was fun
Staff member
A bunch of people have emailed me this link (thanks to you all) - an Amazon page referring to a 1st Edition Premium Unearthed Arcana hardcover reprint slated for February 19, 2013. It's on Amazon [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Edition-Premium-Unearthed-Arcana-Accessory/dp/0786964448/"]here[/ame].

Unearthed Arcana was published in 1985 and witten by Gary Gygax. It included new races (drow, svirfneblin), classes (barbarian, cavalier, thief-acrobat), and a wide selection of new rules.


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Lord Rasputin

1. The link takes me to a 404 page. Searching Amazon for "unearthed arcana premium" brought me [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Edition-Premium-Unearthed-Arcana-Accessory/dp/0786964448/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1348060501&sr=8-1&keywords=Unearthed+arcana+premium"]this[/ame].
2. If this is real, does it include the errata from Dragon #103 (IIRC)? For $50, it would be an insult to not include it.


I am REALLY glad to see them doing reprints, but afaic, this is one where I do not understand the want factor, and have a hard time believing there is a big enough demand among old school AD&D players for it. It is generally poorly received. Having a quality binding of course would be a plus, but if you hunt around you can buy 3 decent used copies for what they are asking.

At any rate, HEY WOTC! :D I hope we will see a reprint of the original box set, Greyhawk, Blackmoor, Eldritch Wizardry, and GDgH. That is something I would lay out some coin for as I sold my copies years ago when I needed cash. Shoved all into a heavy page count 6x9 Hardcover would be great. Get on that, K? thxbye :D


First Post
There is also the D&D 3.5 Premium Spell Compendium [ame="http://www.amazon.com/3-5-Premium-Spell-Compendium-Accessory/dp/0786964480/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1348061584&sr=1-1"]here[/ame]


First Post
One thing about UA is that unlike the original three core books, most copies were very poorly bound and didn't last for several decades, or even years. There may be dedicated 1e gamers whose copy has fallen apart.


What? Me Worry?
One thing about UA is that unlike the original three core books, most copies were very poorly bound and didn't last for several decades, or even years. There may be dedicated 1e gamers whose copy has fallen apart.

My copy had binding problems, too, that cropped up soon after I bought it new when it was published. I took care of it, but I knew of some that fell apart.

I'm guessing this reprint will be bound just as the other 1e reprints were. So far, those seem pretty sturdy to me. I've been able to find original copies of various printings going for much less than the reprints, too, so that's not a factor for me with UA.

Yeah I never knew anyone who didn't like UA...the binding of course was awful, but the book was generally much appreciated, so it's definitely on my must get list, same for my current grognard cohorts.

Voidrunner's Codex

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