2024 D&D Character Sheets Available to Download

You can download free copies of the new D&D character sheets starting today.

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The newly designed character sheets for Dungeons & Dragons are now available on D&D Beyond's website. The new sheets were created for use with the new 2024 revised 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons and were released as part of the early release launch of the 2024 Player's Handbook on D&D Beyond. Notably, the new character sheets are condensed from 3 pages to 2, contain attunement slots for magic items, and place various skill proficiency stats under their corresponding core ability score. Also, the new character sheet contains various technical updates, such as "Heroic Inspiration" replacing inspiration and "Species" replacing "Races." Please note that this is not a fillable PDF, so you'll have to print it and fill it out on your own.

This marks the first time since 2014 that D&D has updated its official character sheets, with print copies eventually going on sale in a couple of weeks. Also to come are several campaign tracker sheets that will be available as part of the to-be-released Dungeon Master's Guide.

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Christian Hoffer

Christian Hoffer


I like a lot of the changes they made, but two things I didn't like:
  • The ability scores are placed asymmetrically and it hurts my eyes.
  • Having all spells be a giant list instead of being divided according to spell levels is... Understandable to an extent, but it feels wrong to me. I realise that the 2014 sheet had too few spaces per level so high-level wizards had their spell ist literally overflow, but I feel like there are other sheets that handled this better.


Oh my goodness, this is so much better, there's no comparison. And the multi-million dollar corporation couldn't do this while a random guy on ENWorld could?!
Oh, I'm sure they could have, but for whatever reason, they have chosen not to.

With OG 5e, they offered both options. There was the standard sheet from the back of the PHB that had skills grouped separately, but there was also an alternative sheet that grouped them by ability score.

I do think it was silly of them to only offer a sheet grouping the skills by ability score this time, especially since "skills with different abilities" is still an option highlighted in the new PHB.

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