2024 ENNIE Nominations

The ENNIE Awards are pleased to announce this year's nominees. The full list can be found at 2024 Nominees – ENNIE Awards. Voting will be opened to the public on July 12th and run through July 21st. Winners will be announced at the awards ceremony at Gen Con on August 2nd and live-streamed as well.

We are also currently accepting applications for judge and nominations for Best Publisher.

Judges’ Spotlight Winners​

Joe BlankenshipThe Wassailing of Claus Manor, Clear Keep
Author: Mike Martens

James Surano – Essence 20 Roleplaying System Field Guide to Action and Adventure Crossover Sourcebook Power Rangers G.I. JOE Transformers, Renegade Game Studios
Authors: Ryan Costello, Ben Heisler, Ginny Loveday, Bryan C.P. Steele

Amelia Antrim – OBSCURE: Found Footage Inspired Horror TTRPG, Sunzenaut
Author: Tommy Sunzenauer

Tom King – Gods of the Forbidden North: Volume 1, Pulp Hummock Press
Authors: Robert Alderman, Chris Cotgrove, The Scrying Dutchman, Joel Hines

Shauna Ratliff – CHEW: The Roleplaying Game, Imagining Games
Authors: Pete Petrusha, Justin Forest, Justin Ford, Steve Dee, Joseph Weaver

Best Adventure – Long Form​

Call of Cthulhu: Alone Against the Static, Chaosium Inc.
Author: B.W. Holland

Delta Green: God’s Teeth, Arc Dream Publishing
Author: Caleb Stokes

Heckna! Campaign Book, Hit Point Press
Authors: Ashley Warren, TR Rowe, Ryan Servis, Jordan Richer, Jay Jackson

The Devil’s Bridge, Yellow Madhouse
Authors: Hristo Hristov, Martin Hristov, Lucas Iliev, Stoil Monev, Nikolay Salutski

The Bloom, Space Penguin Ink
Author: Josh Domanski

Best Adventure – Short Form​

Eat The Reich, Rowan, Rook and Decard
Author: Grant Howitt

Losing Face, Pelgrane Press
Author: Kevin Kulp

One-Shot Wonders, Roll & Play Press
Authors: Sam Bartlett, Beth Davies, Destiny Howell

The Well of All Fear, Miskatonic Repository
Author: Kat Clay

Vineyard RPG: The Undead Gala, Is Friday Productions LLC
Authors: Luna Petra Giannotta, Friday Strout

Best Aid/Accessory – Digital​

Fantasy Complete IV, Monument Studios
HEXROLL 2E, Pen, Dice & Paper
Historica Arcanum: Empires of the Silk Road Soundtrack Album, Metis Creative
LegendKeeper, LegendKeeper / Algorific LLC
The Zone RPG · Digital Version, Laughing Kaiju

Best Aid/Accessory – Non – Digital​

Arkham Investigator’s Wallet, H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society
Atlas, Moonlight Maps
Epic Encounters: Local Legends – Tavern Kit, Steamforged Games
Hexcrawl Toolbox, Games Omnivorous
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition The Book of Nod Deluxe Artifact Edition, Renegade Game Studios

Best Art, Cover​

Click here to see the nominees collage

Across a Thousand Dead Worlds, Blackoath Entertainment
Artist: Vladimir Manyukhin

Eat The Reich, Rowan, Rook and Decard
Artist: Will Kirkby

Koriko: A Magical Year, Mousehole Press
Artist: Deb JJ Lee

Not The End – Stories, Mana Project Studio
Artist: Pietro Bastas

Tomorrow City: Dieselpunk Roleplaying, Osprey Games
Artist: Biagio D’Alessandro

Best Art, Interior​

Cick here to see the nominees collage

Against the Faerie Queene – Art Book, Adder Stone Games
Artists: Rafa Guisso, Geraldo Prado, Tom Trengrove, Angus Martin, Deren Orzturk

Astra Fauna: Expeditions, Astra Fauna
Artist: Sarah Dahlinger

Eat The Reich, Rowan, Rook and Decard
Artist: Will Kirkby

Ultraviolet Grasslands 2E, Exalted Funeral Press
Artist: Luka Rejec

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Maledictum Core Rulebook Collector’s Edition, Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd
Artists: Helge C. Balzer, Alberto Bontempi, Simon Carr, Bartłomiej Fredyczak, Runesael Flynn, Wesley Gardner, Marc Grunert, Tom Hutchings, Dániel Kovács, Sam Manley, JG O’Donoghue, Christian Alias Perez, Aurèle Prandal, Erin Rea, Felix Tisch

Best Cartography​

ALIEN RPG – Building Better Worlds, Free League Publishing
Stefan Isberg, Christian Granath, Dave Semark, Clara Fei-Fei Carija

Atlas, Moonlight Maps

Border Riding, Stout Stoat Press
Eli Spencer

Dragonbane Core Set, Free League Publishing
Francesca Baerald, Niklas Brandt

Hexcrawl Toolbox, Games Omnivorous
Kevin Cannon

Best Community Content​

Call of Cthulhu: Los Hobos and the Wolves of Carcosa, Critical Hit Publishing (Miskatonic Repository)
Author: Alex Guillotte

Is this a Curse? (DMs Guild)
Author: Jeremy Cheong

The Huangfu Heist, Neo Tokyo Project (DMs Guild)
Author: Jason Koh, Darryl Ho

The Last Dance of Lola Montez: A Call of Cthulhu Modern Adventure (Miskatonic Repository)
Author: David Waldron

The Well of All Fear (Miskatonic Repository)
Author: Kat Clay

Best Family Game / Product​

BREAK!! Tabletop RPG, Grey Wizard Press & Naldobean Games
Authors: Grey Wizard, Reynaldo Madriñan

If I Were A Lich, Man, Hit Point Press
Author: Lucian Kahn

Little Game Masters, Randall Hampton Art and Design
Authors: Randall Hampton, Conor Napier, Adam Johns, Hunter Fell, Devon Chulick, Dr. Megan Connell, Lauren Urban

My Little Pony Roleplaying Game Limited Core Rulebook, Renegade Game Studios
Authors: Ryan Costello, Trivia Fox and Elisa Teague with John Kennedy and Andrew Peregrine

Pinebox Middle School Box Set, Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Authors: Scott Woodard, Preston DuBose, Ed Wetterman, Tracy Sizemore, Jameson McDaniel, Shane Hensley

Best Free Game / Product​

Heckin’ Good Doggos – Someone’s Last Day at the Track, Wet Ink Games, LLC
Matthew Orr, Brandon K. Aten, Sarah Orr Aten

Level 1 The Free RPG Day Indie RPG Anthology 2023, 9th Level Games
Author: Mark Kennedy, Dustin Blottenberger, KJ Lappin, CJ Lappin, M. Belanger, Rue Dickey, Nat Mesnard, Gabrielle Rabinowitz, Noah Lemelson, H. L. Black, Brigitte Winter, Sylvia Gimenez, Zak Eidsvoog, Ian Rickett, Goat Song Publishing, Helena Real

Losing Face, Pelgrane Press
Author: Kevin Kulp

Mazes Zero Prep Introduction to Fantasy Roleplaying, 9th Level Games

Rivers of London: The Domestic, Chaosium, Inc.
Authors: Gavin Inglis, Lynne Hardy

Best Game​

Kobolds Ate My Baby – The Orange Book, 9th Level Games
Author: Chris O’Neill, Bug Boll, Jon Maness
Art: John Kovalic
Editing: Heather O’Neill, Adriel Wilson
Layout/Design: Chris O’Neill

Not The End, Mana Project Studio
Author: Claudio Pustorino, Fabio Airoldi, Claudio Serena
Art: Pietro Bastas
Editing: Claudio Serena
Layout/Design: Claudio Pustorino

Outgunned, Two Little Mice
Authors: Riccardo “Rico” Sirignano, Simone Formicola
Art: Daniela Giubellini
Editing: Simone Formicola, John Marron
Layout/Design: Luca Carbone, Sabrina Ceccon

Salvage Union, Leyline Press
Author: Panayiotis Lines, Aled Lawlor
Art: Alex Connolly, Hamish Frater, Francesco Silva, Aled Lawlor
Editing: Jarrett Crader (MRC), Panayiotis Lines
Layout/Design: Aled Lawlor

Shadowdark RPG, The Arcane Library
Author: Kelsey Dionne
Art : Lucas Korte, Brandish Gilhelm, Jesse Egan, Yuri Perkowski Domingos, Matt Marrow, Matt Ray, Mark Lyons, Abdul Latif
Layout/Design: Kelsey Dionne

Best Layout and Design​

BREAK!! Tabletop RPG, Grey Wizard Press & Naldobean Games
Grey Wizard, Reynaldo Madriñan

CBR+PNK: Augmented, Mythworks
Emanoel Melo, Raul Rinaldi

Not The End – Corebook, Mana Project Studio
Claudio Pustorino

Shadowdark RPG, The Arcane Library
Kelsey Dionne

TEETH, Big Robot Ltd
Marsh Davies

Best Monster/Adversary​

Big Bads – Yku, Hit Point Press
Author: I-Hsien Sherwood
Art: Thomas Fowler, Lucas Elliott

MONSTROUS, Cloud Curio
Authors: Kyle Latino, Kenny Webb
Art: Kyle Latino

Runecairn Bestiary, By Odin’s Beard RPG
Author: Colin Le Sueur
Art: Goran Gligović, Brandon Yu, Kim Diaz Holm, Felipe Faria, Jeffrey Koch, Dean Spencer, Perplexing Ruins

VR Dead, Space Penguin Ink
Author: Daniel Hallinan
Art: MACKLE, Neetols, Ben Guldenhoys, Manos Lagouvardos

Warhammer 40,000 Wrath & Glory Threat Assessment Xenos, Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd
Authors: Christopher Colston, Michael Duxbury, Chris Edwards, Chris Handley, Travis Legge, Ciarán O’Brien, Sven Truckenbrodt
Art: LJ Koh, Sam Manley, JG O’Donoghue, Stefan ‘Storykillinger’ Ristik, and Michael Savier

Best Online Content​

Alexandrian, Dream Machine Productions
Alphastream Game Design Blog
Dave Thaumavore RPG Reviews
Skeleton Code Machine
, Exeunt Press
TTRPG Creator Resources Masterpost 2.0, Starshine Scribbles

Best Production Values​

Arkham Investigator’s Wallet, H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society

Hexcrawl Toolbox, Games Omnivorous

Koriko: A Magical Year, Mousehole Press

Outcast Silver Raiders Box Set, Esoteric Ludology LLC

Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition The Book of Nod Deluxe Artifact Edition, Renegade Game Studios

Best RPG Related Product​

Experience Points – The Lost Chapters from Monsters, Aliens, & Holes in the Ground, Exalted Funeral Press
Authors: Stu Horvath, Ed Coleman

KOBOLD Guide to Roleplaying, Kobold Press
Authors: Keith Ammann, Ginny Di, Clint McElroy, Erin Roberts, Michael E. Shea, Gail Simon, B. Dave Walters, Bryan Camp, Luke Hart, Chris Kluwe, CHristopher M. Cevasco, Sage Stafford, Basheer Ghouse, Shanna Germain, Shareff Jackson, Luke Gygax, Rajan Khanna, Curtis C Chen, Sharang Biswas, Scott Lynch, Robert Mason

My Little Kobold Plush, 9th Level Games

RPG Stamps, Weird Works

So You Want to Be a Game Master: Everything You Need to Start Your Tabletop Adventure for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, and Other Systems, Page Street Publishing Co.
Author: Justin Alexander

Best Rules​

Action 12 Cinema, Plus D12 Games
Author: Michael K. Ross

Not The End – Corebook, Mana Project Studio
Authors: Claudio Pustorino, Fabio Airoldi, Claudio Serena

Pathfinder Player Core, Paizo Inc
Authors: Alexander Augunas, Kate Baker, Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Carlos Cabrera, Calder CaDavid, James Case, Adam Daigle, Eleanor Ferron, Steven Hammond (II), Joan Hong, Vanessa Hoskins, James Jacobs, Jenny Jarzabski, Jason Keeley, Erik Keith, Dustin Knight, Lyz Liddell, Luis Loza, Erik Mona, Patchen Mortimer, Dennis Muldoon, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Mikhail Rekun, David N. Ross, Michael Sayre, Mark Seifter, Kendra Leigh Speedling, Mark Thompson, Clark Valentine, Andrew White, Landon J. Winkler, Linda Zayas-Palmer

Salvage Union, Leyline Press
Authors: Panayiotis Lines, Aled Lawlor

Shadowdark RPG, The Arcane Library
Author: Kelsey Dionne

Best Setting​

Dead Air: Seasons, The World Anvil Publishing
Authors: Luca Vanin, Federico Scattolin, Enrico Pasotti, Tommaso De Benetti

Heckna! Campaign Book, Hit Point Press
Authors: Ashley Warren, TR Rowe, Ryan Servis, Jordan Richer, Jay Jackson

Outcast Silver Raiders Box Set, Esoteric Ludology LLC
Author: Isaac VanDuyn

Pathfinder Lost Omens: Tian Xia World Guide, Paizo Inc
Authors: Eren Ahn, Jeremy Blum, Alyx Bui, James Case, Banana Chan, Connie Chang, Rick Chia, Hans Chun, Theta Chun, Hiromi Cota, Dana Ebert, Basheer Ghouse, John Godek III, Sen H.H.S., Joan Hong, Michelle Jones, Joshua Kim, Daniel Kwan, Dash Kwiatkowski, Jacky Leung, Jesse J. Leung, Monte Lin, Jessie “Aki” Lo, Luis Loza, Adam Ma, Liane Merciel, Ashley Moni, Kevin Thien Vu Long Nguyen, Andrew Quon, Danita Rambo, K Arsenault Rivera, Christopher Rondeau, Joaquin Kyle “Makapatag” Saavedra, Kienna Shaw, Philip Shen, Tan Shao Han, Mari Tokuda, Ruvaid Virk, Viditya Voleti, Grady Wang, Emma Yasui, and Jay Zhang

The Valley of Flowers, Phantom Mill Games
Authors: Jedediah Berry, Andrew McAlpine

Best Streaming Content​

Dice Exploder Podcast
Other World Hollywood Ep24, Twelve-Sided Stories
Replay, Dead Ghost Productions
The Party, Swiss Squared
William Bailey’s Haunted Mansion; A Call of Cthulhu Adventure.- Ballarat Heritage Festival 2024, Tales from Rat City

Best Supplement​

ALIEN RPG – Building Better Worlds, Free League Publishing
Authors: Stefan Isberg, Christian Granath, Dave Semark, Clara Fei-Fei Carija

Corpus Malicious – The Codex of Evil for 5E, Dream Realm Storytellers LTD
Authors: Alican Develioğlu, Ekin Topanoğlu, İzel Irem Aydin, Bartu Ağca, Barkin Tokalak, Eyüp Emre Erdem

Not The End – Stories, Mana Project Studio
Authors: Claudio Pustorino, Fabio Airoldi, Claudio Serena, Andrea Felicioni, Andrea Buzzi, Chiara Listo, Giuseppe Vitale, Andrea Rossi, Andrea Lucca, Alessandro Savino, Luca Carbone, Edoardo Cremaschi, Roberto de Luca, Alice Luidelli, Genitori de Ruolo, Dario Lazzari, Enrico Pasotti, Tommaso de Benetti, Martu Palavrini

The Griffon’s Saddlebag – Book Two, Hit Point Press
Authors: Griffin Macaulay, Willow Christensen

This and That Collection, Sneak Attack Press
Authors: Matthew J. Hanson, William Fischer

Best Writing​

Call of Cthulhu: Alone Against the Static, Chaosium Inc.
Author: B.W. Holland
Editing: James Coquillat & Mike Mason

Cloud Empress: Land of Cicadas, worlds by watt
Author / Editor: watt

Kobolds Ate My Baby – The Orange Book, 9th Level Games
Authors: Chris O’Neill, Bug Boll, Jon Maness
Editing: Heather O’Neill, Adriel Wilson

Koriko: A Magical Year, Mousehole Press
Author: Jack Harrison
Editing: Neil Kingham

Musketeers Vs Cthulhu, Nightfall Games
Authors: Bill Heron, Benn Graybeaton, Mark Rapson, Chris McAuley, Claudia Christian
Editing: Benn Graybeaton

Product of the Year​

CBR+PNK: Augmented, Mythworks

Eat The Reich, Rowan, Rook and Decard

Koriko: A Magical Year, Mousehole Press

Not The End, Mana Project Studio

Outcast Silver Raiders Box Set, Esoteric Ludology LLC

Outgunned, Two Little Mice

Salvage Union, Leyline Press

Shadowdark RPG, The Arcane Library

The Valley of Flowers, Phantom Mill Games

Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition The Book of Nod Deluxe Artifact Edition, Renegade Game Studios

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I'm always curious about how most people could feel like they are voting fairly, since few with have seen more than a couple of any entries. As a RPG marketplace and distributor in Canada and the UK, I get more exposure than most folks.

I'd also add in response to @Morrus post that awards do make it more likely that a retailer might try a copy or two of your book.

Here's what we stock or expect to stock on the list:

Eat The Reich — Best Adventure - Short Form, Best Cover Art, Best Interior Art, Product of the Year
The book is certainly striking (hot pink page edges), and it was flying from RDD's booth at UK Games Expo. It details a whole system but quite light and requires use of their (slightly hackable) pre-gens so I can see this being classed as an adventure. I'd call it a "scenario game."

Call of Cthulhu Alone Against the Static — Best Adventure - Long Form, Best Writing
This is a solo play hardcover and colour. Most of Chaosium's prior solo "Alone" series are softcover and black and white.

Heckna! Campaign Book — Best Adventure - Long Form, Best Setting
We normally carry all of Hit Point Presses stuff, but don't have this one in yet.

If I Were a Lich, Man — Best Family Game
ditto. I think Indie Press Revolution has copies . . . It's always interesting to see a game that tries to embrace theme with a different resolution method — dreidel's in this case.

Runecairn Bestiary — Best Monster/Adversary
I might be jumping the gun here a little bit but it looks like we'll be carrying By Odin’s Beard stuff. We had a nice chat about a game store in Edmonton, Alberta that we'd both been to among a number of other things at UK Games Expo. He has a couple solid short 5e D&D adventures that we got through a 3rd party in Australia.

A few I'll comment on:
Salvage Union — Best Game, Best Rules, Product of the Year
They were out of stock by the end of UK Games Expo (at the event anyway) or we might already have copies. Very nice to see this doing so well as I recall chatting with them last year before it had released.

Koriko: A Magical Year (Mousehole Press) — Best Cover, Best Production Values, Product of the Year
This gets a special mention because Jack and I were next to each other at the demo/press night at UKGE. It's a fine looking product -- particularly the box set which has custom tarot cards and wooden dice. I'm a fan of one of his other title's, Orbital.

If you want to find these from us go to composedreamgames.com/marketplace or composedreamgames.co.uk
I usually vote for the (very few) items I own and most importantly have used and liked. But yeah i can't imagine many if any people have enough experience with everything in one category to make an informed decision about how to vote.

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I usually vote for the (very few) items I own and most importantly have used and liked. But yeah i can't imagine many if any people have enough experience with everything in one category to make an informed decision about how to vote.
I would suggest that part of the point is to highlight awesome work done in RPGs in the last year in order to encourage people to go find out about them. Unless your suggesting that a reasonable person can't form an opinion through a little research?

I own 7 of the games that have products up for awards, and am familiar with another handful. I think I'll manage. Perhaps more people are more familiar with more of these games that you imagine.

With the rise in solo RPG games would it be possible to add that category in 2025?
Or even solo rule supplements.
New categories are considered every year, but the bar is pretty high, as there's already a ton (some would say "too many" after sitting through the awards show...) . I'll add it to the list for the annual post-show meeting when we discuss any upcoming changes, though.

I have no easy way right now to identify how many solo RPGs were submitted, but there would have to be a significant amount to justify its own category. Solo supplements would be an even harder sell.

I think there were enough solo RPGs submitted this year to make a category, but probably not enough solo RPG supplements.

My understanding is that adding a category would require sustained levels of submissions. We are likely still dealing with the Covid-related increase in solo games, but if the trend continues it could justify a dedicated category.

New categories are considered every year, but the bar is pretty high, as there's already a ton (some would say "too many" after sitting through the awards show...) . I'll add it to the list for the annual post-show meeting when we discuss any upcoming changes, though.

I have no easy way right now to identify how many solo RPGs were submitted, but there would have to be a significant amount to justify its own category. Solo supplements would be an even harder sell.
My meaning was not that Solo RPG and Solo Supplement Rules should be separate categories. If there was a new category, I would include them uner a single category, but solo supplements should also be considered. For example, there are solo rules for both the One Ring 2e and Dragonbane; however, I would not really call these solo rpgs in the way that say Ironsworn is.

I want to rise to support the Break! rpg. The game has been in development for a long time, and I've been following it the whole time. I was initially impressed with the look of the game (it is beautiful) but the game itself is in a space where you don't see a lot of options. I'd recommend voting for it, but more than that, picking up the game.

I have too many games. And the way I deal with that is to just buy PDF versions of them, so I don't have more books for my library. Break! is an in-print purchase. It's that amazing looking.

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