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24 (now 29) products announced so far for 08, what else will we see? (Now with 09!)


First Post
Scott_Rouse said:
There is bound to be a certain amount of "spiking" at the launch of a new system as you may be observing here...

Good point - I suppose it is necessary to create a certain critical mass of material for the new system. Once that is accomplished it is possible to slow down.

... but just looking at releases does not provide the full picture. You must also look at content and page count. For example of the 25 products listed here (yes there are a couple more but for the sake of demonstration) when you break it down you have:

5 accessories (tiles, screen, dice, and char sheets)
4 minis products (boosters and starter)
5 adventures
3 repack/reprints (deluxe versions of core books)
1 non-wotc product (dummies)

That leaves 7 products that consist of 3 core books, 2 campaign setting books, and a couple supplements.

In all it may be a lot to buy but IMO we are holding back a lot considering it is the first year.

This is another good point. Because all the products were bundled together in the original post of this thread, I conflated them all together. 7 mechanics-providing products in the first year is indeed rather reasonable for the start of a new system even if a couple more are added at the end of the year. Adventures are sort of crunch products too, but they are a different category of them - I am certainly comfortable keeping them as a separate category.

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Doing the best imitation of myself
Scott_Rouse said:
Our plan has been to release slow and steady all along to spread out the material over the course of the edition instead of front loading the awesome as we did in 3e.
That would make me very happy. The initial releases for 3.5 were excellent, and I think a lot of the motivation was "let's get the stuff back to the people in updated form." After a very short time we were doing things that didn't have the same history and weren't looked for as much by the fans. Some of those were quite good, but others ... not so much.

Give me quality products, I'll wait.



First Post
Although I'm not updating to 4E, I can see the advantages in avoiding another glut. Or am I the only one felt really blitzed by all the new stuff that came out in 2004-2006?

Shame too. The warlock and a few other things made a big splash but a lot of other stuff went relatively unnoticed because the release schedule was so thick.

Alas, the loss of Orcus and Dracolich is the worst news I've heard in quite a while. I love my D&D Icons, and I intend to own all of them.

This is not a complaint, merely a post of mourning. *Sigh*

...Everything else looks awesome though! :D


Can any one tell me about Martial Power (Rules Expansion)? What exactly it is about, whether or not it has spells and other powers for other characters(I imagine it does), and what kind of stuff player characters can get out of the book. :) :) :D


First Post
The Icon hold makes me very sad.
Any idea as to why? I hope they are not poor sellers. I really like them.
I already have shelf space set aside for that Dracolich. :)


4e deluxe editions and errata questions

I have some questions for The Rouse:

1) Since there are going to be multiple PHBs, MMs, and DMGs, are you going to release deluxe editions for all of them or just the first three?

2) How come the deluxe editions of the first three core rulebooks are coming out so soon after the initial release? It seems to me like you're jumping the gun a bit. For me, the real selling point of the deluxe 3.5 books was getting the errata incorporated into the text. By releasing the deluxe 4e books only a few months after the initial release of the core books, it'll be too soon to incorporate all the errata that will undoubtedly be compiled for the books into those editions ... which makes their fancy makeover the sole reason for getting them at this point.

3) Is there a plan to "fix" the errors (errata and typos) in the text of 4e books for subsequent print runs or will that sort of thing remain solely an electronic deal as with 3.5 (with the exception of the deluxe 3.5 core books)?
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Shirokinukatsukami fan
doctorhook said:
Alas, the loss of Orcus and Dracolich is the worst news I've heard in quite a while. I love my D&D Icons, and I intend to own all of them.
KB9JMQ said:
The Icon hold makes me very sad.
Guild Goodknife said:
I was really looking forward to that Orcus.

Me too!

Dear Mr. The Rouse, how many do we each have to buy to convince you to make more Icons? :)


5ever, or until 2024
Ok, lets look into the future a little bit.

We seem to have

Manual of the Planes
Arcane Powers
Divine Powers
(psionic and nature?)
DMGII (no idea content)
MMII (more monsters, maybe some linked to psionics? eberon?)
Eberon Campaign Guide
Eberon Players Guide
P2, P3...
FR 2, FR 3...

Eb(eron) 1, Eb 2

Thats already more stuff (setting minis, tiles and things like that) then we have for 08. Will we see some in 08? (maybe a couple more adventures and another power book). Is it enough for 09? Too much?

Now lets get crazy:

Deities and Demigods (they have left the door to this wide open)
Faiths and Avatars ("")
Epic Level Handbook
Psionic Powers
Nature Powers
Tome of Spells (Tome of Powers? Tome of Power?)

Diabolical Codex
The Book of Horrid Aberations
The Book of nasty Undead
Battle/Mass Combat book/box set
Dragon Lance Campaign Setting
Oerth Campaing Setting
Al Qadim Book
Oriental Adventures

What else?

Voidrunner's Codex

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