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25 Quick & Dirty Map Tutorials (upcoming Kickstarter)


25 Advanced Quick & Dirty Map Tutorials Guide, our first stretch goal is UNLOCKED! Thank you, pledgers!

Visit the Kickstarter page and see the exciting results: Kickstarter link.

Now on to the next stretch goal with 11 days left and only $3000 away - Hand-Drawn Map Tutorials Guide book. I really hope we can fund this, as hand-drawing maps is my favorite thing to do. And I want to show you how, so you can do them yourself!


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Just a quick update, we have 7 days left and only $668 to fund the Quick & Dirty Hand Drawn Map Tutorials Guide. We're funding quickly enough we should be able to cover the next 2 stretch goals, though may struggle for the last.

Thank you, thank you everyone for getting us so far in such a short amount of time - thank you!
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<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: dbtech_usertag_mention -->@Alan Shutko<!-- END TEMPLATE: dbtech_usertag_mention --> - thanks for the pledge and you've got the project closer to funding the 2nd stretch goal!

As an aside I was thinking on what to do regarding doing a starship deckplan in the Advanced Tutorials Guide, and have decided instead to offer a tutorial for creating a starship bridge, then offer starship chambers as large map tiles with several versions of starship bridge/cockpits, engineering sections, medical bays, galley/rec center, crew quarters, cargo holds, and some connecting passages like hallways, elevator/stairs/ladderways, maintenance tubes. Then individual gamemasters can select the ideal bridge and other chambers to best meet their own ideal ship deckplan. I will offer some sample deckplans using the starship chamber tiles. I may include this as a part of the 250 map object set, or may offer this as an additional available product.

Anyway, thanks everyone for your pledges, but we're still active, if you haven't looked at the proejct, do so, and if intrigued then pledge, otherwise help spread the word, we've got less than 6 days left until funding is over.

Thanks again, Alan!


Kickstarter Update #11 - Stretch Goal #2: The Hand-Drawn Map Tutorials Guide Book has been UNLOCKED!

We only have 5 days left and still hope to fund 2 more guide books. Please join us if you haven't, and thank you, thank you, if you have - keep spreading the word!



66 hours left until end of funding, less than $1000 to the 3rd stretch goal: Using 3D Elements in Mapping Tutorials Guide. Thanks to all those ENWorlders who contributed and helped this project get so far. If you haven't pledged, I hope you check out the project before it ends - please spread the word!



The Kickstarter funding period is over and it was an overwhelming success - thanks everyone, you guys are awesome!

Finally tally:
Pledged: $23,289, funded: 621%, backers: 456.
Since the goal was $3750, the final result was almost $20,000 over that! Woot!

Again thank you!


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