28 Ways to Appreciate Your DM...

In celebration of the upcoming International GM's Day, WotC has listed 28 ways in which you can appreciate your Dungeon Master. What are you planning on doing for International GM's Day on March 4th? It's only 28 days away and is frequently accompanied by sales and special offers! Buy your GM a gift? Get (or bake!) a celebratory cake? Or even just remember to go out of your way to so say "thank you".

In celebration of the upcoming International GM's Day, WotC has listed 28 ways in which you can appreciate your Dungeon Master. What are you planning on doing for International GM's Day on March 4th? It's only 28 days away and is frequently accompanied by sales and special offers! Buy your GM a gift? Get (or bake!) a celebratory cake? Or even just remember to go out of your way to so say "thank you".

You can read the full list of ways to appreciate your DM right here!

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Chaotic Looseleaf
After 25 years in the trenches I finally have an appreciative group of players and I frankly don't know what to do with myself. :|


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever

To be fair, the Voleslayer gets incredibly awesome at level 30.


Telling them how much you liked a specific part of the campaign or story is always nice. Most GM's just want to know that their players are having fun and that the campaign is memorable.


Show up when and where you say you will, have a good time, and do what you can to ensure everyone else at the table (including the DM) has a good time.

And that's enough, really. Though the occasional "thank you" certainly is nice. :)


Show up and play the DM's adventures. Don't ask him to change the edition or the rules, and don't object when he railroads you.

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