3 Years in the Jungle


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In March 2005, Bards and Sages introduced its first major RPG release, Neiyar: Land of Heaven and the Abyss. Three years later, we are celebrating with a special promotion to introduce more players to the exotic jungle realm of the Neiyar.


For a limited time, you can get all six Neiyar products for only $20 at RPGNOW. This bundle includes:

The Neiyar: Land of Heaven and the Abyss campaign setting: 188 pages of races, feats, spells, monsters, magic items, and more for the d20 system. Learn Hearth Magic and defy the laws of arcane and divine spellcasting. Take flaws to earn additional feats and round out your characters. Join secret societies and political organizations to gain allies and power. The core book includes a full entry level adventure module.

The Festival of Blades: A Full adventure module. The Festival of Blades is a major gladiatorial combat held in honor of the goddess Sophia Kalla. While it is expected that some combatants might die, death should occur in the arena, not in their sleeping quarters. The heroes need to find out who is killing off competitors before they become the next victims.

Neiyar: The Ruins of Dazu: Full adventure module. Centuries ago, a terrible evil destroyed the Krakodon capital of Dazu. Now mystics are receiving visions of a strange glowing orb inside the ruins. Is the orb the key to liberating the fallen city from the ancient dragon that now reigns there? Or is something more sinister at work?

Races of Neiyar: The Krakodons: Race sourcebook. Once the masters of a mighty empire, a seething hatred for the Neiyar lead to the destruction of their beloved capital, Dazu, and forced the race into a tribal lifestyle. But a Krakodon's memory is long, and now new champions rise up to restore the glory of empire.

Races of Neiyar: The Mahaultae
: Race sourcebook. The myths claim the enigmatic tiger-folk were born from the union of the warrior goddess Francisca Mahault and the Tiger Lord. They have proven valuable allies to the Neiyar, but do not always see eye to eye with their human “cousins.”

Races of Neiyar: The Auronnes: Race sourcebook. A former slave race freed from their captors when the slaver vessel crashed upon the shores of the island, the swanlike Auronnes are an enigma. Though not native to the island, they claim their goddess, the Swan Princess, is related to the Neiyar gods.

For gamers that prefer print products, you can pick up the Neiyar core book for only $15.99 ($9 off the retail price) directly from the publisher’s print storefront.

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