D&D General 30 humanoid races, 30 way to mix blood

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
You begin to play with one race at 1st level;
Then each time you climb a level you mix blood with an unknown race;
Each race provides special abilities, a +stat and a -stat;
To resolve an action you roll 2d6 , then add/substract the indicated stat.

For example, a 5th level pc may have
The race which provides +1 to Str and -1 to Con,
The race which provides +1 Str/ -1 Dex
The race which provides +/- Str/Int
The race which provides +/- Str/Wis
The race which provides +/- Str/Cha

For a total of
+5 Str / -1 Con / -1 Dex / -1 Int / -1 Wis / -1 Cha
+5 from the character's level


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