3e Conversions


Demon Lord
Just talked with the peeps at WotC and for the most part the Creature Catalog is safe. There are a few minor things that must be done (click through OGL page for the conversion pages is one), but for the most part, it is business as usual for us.

I'll be making the changes and post what has been done in the next few days, but I am holding off for the moment. WotC is sending me a list of a few IP-specific monsters that I need to rework/rename (or remove if I dont really wanna rework them). So- we are good to go, excepting the new click-through OGL page and the IP monsters I gotta rework.

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First Post
We can rework the document if there are parts that are unclear. It will be a bit since I and Mary Elizabeth are headed to GAMA.

Yes, that monster list will get to you eventually but probably not real soon. Until then don't sweat it.

I hope that our actions in the last few days with Scott and Morrus demonstrate that we are sincerely trying to do the least we need to do in order to protect our I/P and to burden people as little as possible. That really is our intention and we will show as much flexability as we can to achieve that goal.



First Post
Morrus said:

I'll be reopening the conversion when I get a few spare minutes later today. I will, of course, appreciate any help that people can offer in correcting files.

You will have my help after Friday. BTW, the document template looks snazzy. Nice work.



First Post
Zulkir said:
We can rework the document if there are parts that are unclear. It will be a bit since I and Mary Elizabeth are headed to GAMA.



Woohoo! Score one for clear and clean documents!

Also, Anthony can you answer my question about citing page references to WotC material? I really want to know about this one.



First Post
Can you mail me the question directly. I'll try and get you an answer tomorrow (Friday) before I leave. I'll send it to you and CC Morrus so he can make it part of the FAQ.



Well, that was fun
Staff member
Re: sample

Leopold said:
i did a sample of the ESD license using morus' template. Is this what it needs to look like? Please download this and tell me if this is ok and what needs to be changed.

Not so good, I'm afraid. :(

You filled in the 'inserts' in the small top box, but none of the 'inserts' in larger bottom grey box (the OGL etc.).

I'll make sure there's a clear FAQ available before I start accepting conversions. :)


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Number47 said:
would it be possible to get your template as a .pdf? It certainly is a more universal format.

For reading, yes. But for making .pdfs most people don't have the software. I certainly don't. I think .rtf would be the best format to use.


Re: Re: sample

Morrus said:

Not so good, I'm afraid. :(

You filled in the 'inserts' in the small top box, but none of the 'inserts' in larger bottom grey box (the OGL etc.).

I'll make sure there's a clear FAQ available before I start accepting conversions. :)

Ahh missed them. If you could make those in red as well I would have hit those. I think that is all of them. Here is the updated one

Please tell me if this one is code.


  • attachment[1].doc
    60.5 KB · Views: 128

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