3rd printing of core books?

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They did include the errata for the 3.0 books in the 2nd printing.

I'd love to know how big those print runs are.

Anyone remember the last time a module went to reprint?

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"From a business perspective, the core rulebooks are already well into their third printing, the H1 and H2 adventures are both in reprint." - Bill Slavicsek, Ampersand

What exactly does "from a business perspective" mean in this context? Either it's in the 3rd printing or it's not. Unless this is some lame way to say that the galley copies used in house pre-release were the 1st printing.


What exactly does "from a business perspective" mean in this context? Either it's in the 3rd printing or it's not. Unless this is some lame way to say that the galley copies used in house pre-release were the 1st printing.
Without actually clicking on the link, my guess is that it was a segway from one topic to another as part of a larger article.

If it's unclear, I'd say blame Merric for his copy/paste job. (Though I don't really think it's a big deal.)


Pukunui, do you have a source/reference for this? I haven't seen a firm answer from WotC on this topic yet, so I'm surprised to read such a definitive statement.

WotC Customer Service said:
Thank you for contacting us. Unfortunately the Deluxe Editions of the core rulebooks will not include any of the updates that have been released thus far. The Contents of these books will be identical to those that were released in June. Please let me know if you need anymore help!

Honestly, I don't know why they think anyone will buy the deluxe editions. The only reason I bought the 3.5 ones was to get the errata incorporated into the text. Incidentally, I had a regular cover 3.5 PHB with the "special edition" text in it, but I had to buy the actual "special editions" of the DMG and MM to get the errata.


What exactly does "from a business perspective" mean in this context? Either it's in the 3rd printing or it's not. Unless this is some lame way to say that the galley copies used in house pre-release were the 1st printing.

I think what he tried to say is not that they are "in the 3rd printing from a business perspective". He hasn't talked about business before, but now he does. And on that front he is proud to say: It's in the 3rd printing.
At least that's how I read it.

Cheers, Marcus

Edit: Ooops, too slow...


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Will this announcement finally put a stop to the random people putting up threads speculating about who will buy D&D once 4e fails financially? It doesn't matter if 45% of poll-voters on rpg web-sites don't like 4e - the game is succeeding without you.


The impact of this statement is elusive without actual print run numbers which we are unlikely to get. Obviously, unless a company plans to make some changes (i.e. errata) then it behooves them to print as large a number as they can to receive the lowest cost per unit, but that does not necessarily mean as many as they can given how many they predict they will need in perpetuity. As long as they can go back to press and receive the same per unit cost as well as ensure no shortages at the distribution nodes they can set a print run level well below the numbers they will eventually sell.

Brown Jenkin

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I'd be more inclined to believe them if they wern't saying the same same article how well the DDI is coming along. If they are willing to lie about this (Strong word I know but I stand by it) then how seriously can I take an pronouncements about the success of 4E.

I have a question on the third printing as well. Maybe I interpreted things wrong but it seemed like the first sellout was for the gift set and the individual books were still available. Is this for individual books or just the gift sets?

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