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D&D 5E 4 Monsters For Swampy Adventuring

The Soul Angler is fearsome indeed, but the Bog Witch's curse is not to be underestimated.

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Don't get bogged down by a light coin purse and venture into the Blightwood with today's EN5ider to find a bit of fortune (and maybe death).

EN World's D&D magazine EN5ider was launched in 2015, and now 9 years later it's reached over 600 issues. Each week EN5ider brings you new D&D content—and the best bit is that when you subscribe, you get immediate free access to the whole archive! That's right, for about the cost of a cup of coffee you could have more than 600 issues containing monsters, adventures, spells, subclasses, and so much more. Click here and subscribe now!

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Lately on EN5ider:
  • 604. Monstrous Menagerie: From the Blightwood. Venture into the aptly named Blightwood if you must but be wary for death lurks behind every one of its cursed trees! One must be fearful of running afoul of a Bog Witch (CR 5), wise to the signs of a Lamprey Shade (CR 1) or Lash-Tailed Scorpion (CR 4), and most especially cautious of the Soul Angler (CR 11) lest its hypnotic strands bring about an early demise. Dangerously designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Hector Rodriguez.
  • 603. Dangerous Scenarios: Fly Away Darling. The tower of the dragon Bathyryxx takes off into the skies just as the adventurers step onto it! To defeat this monster the party must battle across multiple levels as they soar through the air, contend with its harpy minions, and survive (maybe even overtake) the many countermeasures prepared by its master. This Dangerous Scenario for 4–5 PCs of 6th level was death-defyingly designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Leonardo Sa, and features the cartography of Dyson Logos.
  • 602. Intriguing Organizations: Laughing Keepers. Taverns can be a good business but the Laughing Keepers have turned the art of hospitality into a profitable science—nary a city in the realm is without at least one of their alehouses. Everyone knows whether they walk into the Laughing Crow, Laughing Deer, or whichever other Laughing Keeper tavern is at hand that the prices will be as fair as the food, there's likely some work to be found, and that with a bit of gossiping among other patrons that rumors will abound. Decisively designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
  • 601. Monstrous Menagerie: Cryptids of the New World. This issue in the Monstrous Menagerie series features a quartet of prominent cryptids from North America: the Enfield Horror (CR 1) from 1970s Illinois, the Mannegishi (CR 1/2) from the legends of the Cree, Objiway, Algonkin, and other North American native peoples, the Snallygaster (CR 7) named by early Germanic settlers in Maryland, and the Dwayyo (CR 7) said to hunt them. Diligently designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
  • 600. Adventure: Treachery Underfoot. The returned exile Daidh Todt has abducted Durnach’s ruler Lady Fierythane and each day he manipulates her memories, gradually indoctrinating her into making him her sole advisor. This is no hasty plan however and before kidnapping her the cobbler-mage gradually turned hundreds of Albian citizens into his pawns. The closer the party gets to learning the truth behind this meticulous crime the harder the pursuit becomes and the greater the danger from the city around them! This Elissar adventure for 4–5 PCs of 4th–5th level was deviously designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Ellis Goodson and Savage Mojo, featuring cartography by Meshon Cantrill, Mik Holmes, and Russ Morrissey.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler

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