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4e: Lost Temple of Roanorn

Dire Lemming

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Corrin fights down the pain as he quickly starts to find himself overwhelmed by the tall folk's cowardly tactics, though he wouldn't have blamed them if they'd had any actual reason to be trying to kill him. He takes a quick step to the left of the guard he is fighting and attacks again with the help of Lady Luck.

"Look what it's come to fools. Do any more of you wish to see hell in person?"

[sblock=OOC]I didn't roll anything because like I said I don't know how this edition works. I can just assume everything is exactly like 3.x Ed unless otherwise stated on the sheet.

In that case, I'll take a five foot step to stand on the guards left and then attack him again with Holy Strike. I also want to heal myself but Lay on Hands says you can't heal yourself with it anymore and implies that something else I've never heard of can do that instead, but of course I have no idea what that is or how it works.

Attack 1d20+5=12 Damage 1d6+2=8

Also, if he hits me I want to use Second Chance.[/sblock]

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Raising his wand again, Skamos swings it a slow arc as a bead of lambent green light begins to grow at its tip. He flicks the wand, propelling the now fist-sized globe of light across the room to strike the furthest bandit in the chest where it explodes into shards...

Force Orb against the bandit at the back, using Wand of Accuracy to Grant himself +2 to-hit. 17 to hit vs. Reflex, and a lousy 8 damage.
Secondary attacks: 21 and 21 to-hit vs, Reflex, 6 damage.

Damage rolls were 1, 2, and 1. Sigh.

After that, move action to shift to Skamos' right, behind the barrel.


Skarra Ironshield - Dwarven Fighter - hp 21+8/33 - AC 19+2 - Fort 16+2 - Refl 13+2 - Will 12+2

Skarra grinds her teeth when struck suppressing a yell.
Bones o' stone, dwarves don't groan.

Nursery rhymes floating through her head she pivots on her toes bringing her axe in a wide arc making a passing attack through the Armarantan's target and on to the other bandit.
Minor action: (Dwarven Resilience -> Second wind -> healing surge) +8 hp
Standard action: Passing Attack on Armarantan's target (assuming he's still up) with the second attack on any other nearby bandit.

Combat Challenge if hit and target is still up: Marking the target with a loud "YOU!" (in common) and a banging her axe against her shield in a "Bring it!" gesture.

Movement: If the bandit to her "north" (directly above her) goes down she'll shift (or use the passing attack's shift) to move (diagonally SE?straight down) so that she's still adjacent to two other bandits.
Otherwise no movement.


[sblock=Current Stats]Action Points: 1

Healing Surges: 1312 (8 hp)

Encounter/Daily Powers Used/Available:

Second Wind (1/Encounter)
Passing Attack (1/Encounter)
Brutal Attack (1/Day)
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First Post
Dire Lemming said:
[sblock=OOC]I didn't roll anything because like I said I don't know how this edition works. I can just assume everything is exactly like 3.x Ed unless otherwise stated on the sheet.

In that case, I'll take a five foot step to stand on the guards left and then attack him again with Holy Strike. I also want to heal myself but Lay on Hands says you can't heal yourself with it anymore and implies that something else I've never heard of can do that instead, but of course I have no idea what that is or how it works.

Attack 1d20+5=12 Damage 1d6+2=8

Also, if he hits me I want to use Second Chance.[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]You get three actions per turn: a minor action, a move action, and a standard action. As a Standard action, you can activate a Healing Surge once per encounter, and heal yourself one-quarter of your HP. All the other healing powers act off of that. If you want to use Lay on Hands on yourself, it's just like a normal Healing Surge, but it's a Minor action instead of a Standard one. Otherwise, most of the combat stuff works much the same, once you account for things like powers, the fact that Fort/Ref/Will are static numbers like AC, and so on. Attacking is a Standard action, Moving normally or Shifting (5-foot step) is a Move action, and so on.

Rolzup: I think you're supposed to roll damage for that one seperately, as I don't think it's actually an area effect, as it doesn't say "burst" or "blast" in the power. It simply gives you extra attacks.

Also, I'm waiting on Riardon's action before I start round 4.[/sblock]

The battle seems to be shifting in the adventurer's favor, as the fight continues. Corrin's glowing blade finds its mark, and judging by the sizzling noises and the smell of cooked meat, it seems that the guard's insides are rather cooked. Meanwhile, the combination of arcane force, holy power, and dwarven muscle are too much for the last guard to stand, as Skarra's blow falls him. Unfortunately, her secondary blow doesn't do anywhere near as much good, and the bandits while wounded by the force blast, get away from it with mostly superficial wounds.


[sblock=OOC - Healing Surge raises defenses]Can I confirm we're following the PhB Lite? If so using Second Wind gives me +2 to all defenses until the beginning of my next turn.
pg 35[/sblock]


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Graf said:
[sblock=OOC - Healing Surge raises defenses]Can I confirm we're following the PhB Lite? If so using Second Wind gives me +2 to all defenses until the beginning of my next turn.
pg 35[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]I'm actually using the Monsters & More PDF; it's got the five-page rules appendix from DnD Experience in it. I don't entirely trust the "PHB Lite", since a decent chunk of it seems to be speculation. Yes, Healing Surge does give you a +2 on Defenses, though, so that'd be a difference between Lay on Hands and a Healing Surge.[/sblock]


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With danger closing in around him, Riardon steps carefully out of reach of his opponents' weapon. With the careless attack of the bandit causing him to lower his defence for a moment Riardon lets fly his feathered arrow.

[sblock=ooc] First, sorry for the slower posting, I'm having some issues with my internet. Back to the action; shift 5 ft. north, Careful Attack (vs. AC) & Damage (1d20+10=17, 1d10+4+1d8=11) for attack action. [/sblock]


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Riardon, stepping back from the bandit, aims and looses an arrow, which pierces the man's throat from behind. Gurgling, he drops to the ground. The man's comrades continue their assault on the stolid dwarf, but her skill with her hammer and her stout armor prevent them from scoring any solid blows.

[sblock=OOC]Map's the same as last round, except that the southern bandit has moved north one square to be adjacent to Skarra, and the movements of your PCs.[/sblock]

Dire Lemming

First Post
Corrin looks down at the bloodied and scorched corpse of his foe and shakes his head. Stupid, so stupid to fight to the death over something like this. Now that there are no immediate threats distracting him he takes a moment to assess the situation, making sure the girl whose mistreatment this whole senseless bloodbath had started is alright, once sure, he turns his attention to the two remaining foes. "You're the only two left! Stop this stupidity before you end up dead as well! I do not wish to send any more to eternal damnation."

[sblock=OOC]Will move to threaten the nearest one but will not attack yet.[/sblock]
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