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(4th IR) Year 1 (thread 1)

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With the caves more fortified than ever, the Dwarves hide before the plague. In one of them, a great building, all cut in the solid rock has arisen. It is surrounded by a city, totally carved in stone. Here they live, and they have lived for a long time.

Raynar sits on his throne, looking over this city. The world around him has changed in such a short time. He went from spellcaster to writer to leader of his own kind. Portals to new worlds have sprung open, and with them many options. Where once his life was simple, it is now more complicated than ever.

Messengers visit Raynar regularly, alsmost every hour he hears from one. Bad news, more newcomers, more deaths, they all have bad news. Except for one of them.

"Lord Raynar, there has been formed a portal to a world called Earth sir. The inhabitants are all humans as far as we have seen, and they are technically advanced. They are asking for an alliance sir. They call themselves the Russians, sir."

"Russians? Hmmm. Very well. Let them know we are interested in allying with them."

As the messenger leaves, Raynar looks a bit more pleased. But still, armies are gathering all over Toril, and it won't take long before Hell gets loose.


First Post
Seamus sits in a cluttered office in Candlekeep. This particular room used to be an empty storeroom, he chose to put some spare book shelves and furniture in here rather than take the office of another.

He smiles as he reads the congratulatory letters from Arkanyl and Ardan, and nods in agreement with the idea of research into the lasting effects of books of domination.

He strokes his goatee for a while before he starts writing again. He is soon interrupted though by a gnome who bustles through the door and unceramoniously plonks some paperwork on his desk.

"Just routine things involved with running so much," he says, "Read them if you feel the need, but they mostly need signing."

"Oh," Seamus looks up from what he was doing, "Hunnel, can you find us some people who are under the effects of a book of domination? We'll need them to research the long term effects of such heavy enchantments. If need be though get some elites together and kidnap a few dominated people from a region who uses those methods. Maybe multiple different regions to analyse the effects of different commands. That sound possible?"

Hannel shrugs.

"No problem, shouldn't be beyond those celestials and fey I'd say," he says casually and wanders back out again.

Very calm and collected fellow that Hannel is, Seamus thinks with a nod before continuing to write an official report on starting the research.

Over coming weeks while waiting for the return of test subjects Seamus and his colleagues research a hypothesis. He makes an emphasis also to recruit researchers from the ranks of the churches, celestials, fey and others allied to him, making best use of the broad range of experience these people may have.

[ooc: If halving the amount of armies produced doesn't bring any benefits to my research then I won't worry and use all the armies at my disposal.

Also we shall start to conduct research into the long term effects of the enchantment effect of domination books, if no subjects can be found within Dauntless territory (hopefully none will be) then an elite team will be sent out into non-Dauntless territory to kidnap some people under the effect. The people kidnapped will be from a range of different rulerships so as to have a gauge on the long term effects of different commands if there are any.]
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Inez Hull

First Post
With the threat of the Red Death negated and the gates between the worlds remaining open, Orinil begins to expand his intelligence and investigations into Earth, Krynn, Oerth and Athas. Since magic seems set to stay, it will be used to assist the agents sent out to help them blend in and discover the true lay of these worlds politics rather than the official line of those in power. Piles of books, journals and newspapers are brought back and teams are employed day and night to speed in their translation and digestion. As expected, all is not as it seems. As in the realms, in most places in these other worlds power is weilded by minorities whilst the large proportion of these worlds populations live without access to wealth, land, technology or magic.

Above all else that filters through to the spymaster is an interesting series of events that have been occuring in the region of Earth known as Europe. Only a few years previously a couple of intellectuals who were part of a revolutionary movement counter to the current powers had published a book whose name translated as "The Communist Manifesto". Revolutionary movements throughout the region had been inflamed, destabilising the region and causing huge upheaval in politics.

Drawing upon the assitance of the Sharn and their love of politics, Orinil sets about writing a short booklet, drawing on the themes from this manifesto, shaping them to the politics of Toril. More precisely, to the politics of a certain area of Toril. The politics of an empire existing mainly in the western heartlands which is held together by force, rhetoric,magic and the force of personality of its overlord. Within this region a small red bound booklet starts becomeing widely available in the hands of every dissenter and firebrand, before being passed on to a neighbor, friend or relative. A small book entitled, "The Fallacy of Merit".
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Muad Dha Bin sits in his new Palace that has arisen in Qudar, City of Power. He sits comfartebly, knowing he is defended by the best defenses a city could have. He and his generals have come together in his great Starategy room that provides 3D projections of Fearun, Zkahara, Oerth, Krynn, Atahs, the Earth as well as the other Fearunian continents. The projections can be changed and provided with notes. Currently the Projection Table hold a detailed projection of Feaun, with notes.

"Men, listen up, we have possesion here, here, here, here and here" saya Muad Dhab Bin as he points at the Swamps and Islands he controls. "But we need an ally on the face of Fearun, someone powerful, who has not yet allied himself with any other power. Someone that is THE power on Fearun."

As he says this, The lands of the meritocracy light up on the map, pretty much lightening the whole room with a vast glow.

"The meritocracy! Ruled by Alarah Gomenei"

I want you to study his lands, as well as all lands on the potential target list I gave you.I feel confident that we can Ally with the Meritocarcy.

With that Muad Dha Bin leaves the Strategy room and goes up to his Study, in the higest tower with a view on all the city and surrounding lands. TRhe room is littered with paper wrk, all boooks in prgress, Muad Dha Bin, is a perfectionist and he just can't get himslef to write a good book. he has a lot of Ideas, but they all come out wrong.

He does not look at his books, but begins writing a letter instead.

To The great Alarah Gomenei, Ruler of the meritocracy.

Greetings, I am Muad Dha Bin, Ruler of The Zakharian Empire. I have watched your recent dojngs and congratulate you with the crafting of a great empire! I have a proposal for you.
I propose an Alliance between both of our lands. We both have a greta Naval force and a great Empire under our control. We seem to be made for eachother. I hope that this propasal is what you want as well and await your answer.

Noble Greetings

Muad Dha Bin, Grand Caliph of Zakharian Empire.
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First Post
Misha Koldun,

Whatever your words are, you actions indicate otherwise. We have seen the armies that are amassing around us. We would appreciate it if you withdrew part of them.

Further, we would like to have permission for excavations in the desert you call Anauroch. This is purely a cultural matter.


Janos Audron

Misha pens a letter to Janos Audron...

Janos Audron,

Forgive me if my methods seem harsh, but the protection of my people, are paramount to our way of life, and in the past the Shade have shown that their motives are often counter to our way of life. Perhaps diplomatic negotiations are in order, and a formal pact of non-agression can be reached where specific terms can be detailed on this matter.

Though I do not wish to interfere in a cultural matter, I must have assurances that these excavators is for cultural matters. I will need a list of names, whch cannot be more then 50, of those you wish to send to Anauroch. They shall be provided papers clearly identifiying their allegiance to your nation, deliver these papers and I shall allow them entrance to Aunaroch, but they shall be under the purview of Dauntless law, and will be attended to by my men during their exacavations.

- Misha Koldun

Misha Pens second letter and sent to the Dauntless leaders by secret courier...

Honored Leader of the Dauntless,

I come seeking advice on what shall be done about the City of Shade, they say that my forces should stand down, but I believe that they are simply trying to buy time.

I am in contact with their leader Janos Audron, and his words were as I expected, for your perusal a copy of this letter has been attached as well. My past dealings with the shade have not been pleasant and perhaps before committing to a more serious course of action, I ask for the wisdom of the members of the Dauntless.

- Misha Koldun

Misha sends a letter and parcel to Seamus (Festy Dog)

Seamus Campbell
Dauntless Regional Minister for Candlekeep and Allies,

I aplogize for the lateness in this reply, but I wish to honor your new position withis gift and the kind words that I may give. The road ahead of you is long and hard, but the rewards, are great. The people of your lands, of Candlekeep shall come to recognize that it is all for the better, and the Dauntless shall prevail.

-Misha Koldun

The parcel is of a finely crafted revolver, with the name Seamus Campbell on its side, it is a Holy Revolver +4, a combination of technology and magic in the Realms.

Misha shall continue to exchange information with the Americans and will take a tour of their lands, meeting with important people, and make sure to learn their native language before he sets foot on American soil, he will speak with the president and his cabinet about the way of his lands, the elves, and the threats from Faerun and beyond that may affect his new allies. Misha will profess that if the Indians are in search of wild lands they can call their own, he offers them a place in Neverwinter Forest, though thsoe that which to stay may do so, and are highly encouraged. Misha will also encourage many of his people on Faerun to migrate to Earth, perhaps about 5% of the total population, of those who are curious to see what Earth is like. Misha will try and setup academies in the United States as well, and seeing the Universities, will be intrigued and bring such knowledge back to his lands, and establish similar places in his lands.

Misha will also suggest that perhaps some Americans may wish to come to Faerun, and see it as well. This he encourages as well.


First Post
William + Tokiwong: The leaders of Skullport are interested in peaceful trade with the surface, but warn against further expansion of the chursh of Elistree. They say that if Elistree started getting significantly more worshipers in Skullport they would consider her religion a threat and act accordingly. That would be bad for business.


Edena, the Meritocracy will approach the Empire of China and offer them aid from the "foreign devils" trying to colonize their country.

The high tech companies we've bought troughout the western world will continue working and investing on Earth but will increasingly start to transfer production to Amn, Tethyr and Calimshan.
Meanwhile we continue to educate (farming, tech, magics, psionics, fighting) and indoctrinate our people with magical books.


Alarah Gomenei sat in the Chamber of Thrones, listening intently to the governor of Vaasa. The gold and white that dominated the design of the hall seemed too bright to his eyes in the intense noon-light of Calimport, too bright in light of the darkness of the report. The vaasaite spoke in calm, almost cold, tones, about strange sightings in the north. Reports had accumulated and even if some of them were exaggerations or outright deception the shere amount of them still indicated something troubling was going on.
Perhaps another legion should be sent to the area? A division of Special Forces up from Implitur? The troops might well be needed there too in light of the Imaskari situation.
The meeting had gone on troughout the night and several of the delegates showed signs of exhastion. Alarah hid it better than some but still felt the siren-song of sleep. Ever since he had stopped using his ring of sustenance there had been some trouble reconciling the amount of time he had to work with his increased need for sleep.
Nevertheless, there was one issue that could not be postponed. A letter had arrived by courier during the vaasan's report with a most intrguing proposition.

Greetings, I am Muad Dha Bin, Ruler of The Zakharian Empire. I have watched your recent dojngs and congratulate you with the crafting of a great empire! I have a proposal for you.
I propose an Alliance between both of our lands. We both have a greta Naval force and a great Empire under our control. We seem to be made for eachother. I hope that this propasal is what you want as well and await your answer.

Noble Greetings

Muad Dha Bin, Grand Caliph of Zakharian Empire.

"Jeh'gana," he adressed the representative from Thindol. "You are the one among us most knowledgable about Zakhara. What do you have to say about this message?"

"Grand Caliph Muad Dha Bin has in a short time brought a greater degree of unity to the continent of Zakhara than most of our analysts thought possible, by all accounts he is an extraordinary individual. He would seem to be an honourable man, but does not allow himself to be blinded by preconceptions and dogmatic formula. He is a dangerous man to any who would make himself his enemy and would thus also be a powerful ally. Zakhara is a better nation with a man like him as its leader."

"So you recommend that we accept his offer?"

"There can be no doubt that we'll need capable allies in these troubled times and there are few powers more capable than Zakhara. An alliance between us would make perfect sense geopolitically and there is much we could do the each others benefit. And yet..."

"And yet we can never know the heart of any man." Alarah nods thoughtfully. "True, my friend, it always comes down to trust, to faith in trustworthiness. Even the Gods do not see all the paths of the future (hail Bane, hail Gruumsh, hail Maglubiyet, hail Waukeen), but there is one thing we can trust. That so long as the alliance prooves useful to him he will have no reason to leave it. In time our two nations will be bound tighter together and a true trust can arise.

The meeting is adjourned, I thank you for your councel."

Later in his study Alarah writes a reply to the Zakharan letter.

"I greet you in friendship, noble Grand Caliph Muad Dha Bin. I see the many tales I've heard of your wisdom are only exceeded by the truth. The Supreme Council has decided to accept your most fortuitous offer of alliance and it is my personal hope that our alliance shall prosper trough both peace and war. Should one of us come under attack the other shall come to his aid. Should one of us aquire new works of technology or magics the other shall have his share. And if we both decide that an enemy must be removed we will both do what must be done to achieve that end. And so we shall both enjoy greater security and prosperity.

Alarah Gomenei, President of the Meritocracy Confederation "
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First Post
Serpenteye said:
William + Tokiwong: The leaders of Skullport are interested in peaceful trade with the surface, but warn against further expansion of the chursh of Elistree. They say that if Elistree started getting significantly more worshipers in Skullport they would consider her religion a threat and act accordingly. That would be bad for business.

Misha replies,"That trade is good, but I am one to limit religion, if the people choose to join the Church by their own volition then that is their choice, not mine. I have not instigated any progrom to prosteylize your people. They go to the churh by their own volition, perhaps if this is a threat, then it may speak volumes of the conditon of your people, perhaps the faiths in their land are not apt to their needs..."
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First Post
(Bugbear taps the mike, causing a horrible screching noise to fill the forum. "Is this thing on?")

Okay first things first. The regions under my control, will consolidate into a union of states called the Icewind . They take the name fro the Icewind Compact, a mutial trade and protection treaty, similar to, but not identical to the European Economic Community. Those areas who are listed as members of the Free Nations drop that appealation, and Icewind joins the Dauntless Alliance.

The Enlightend Gnomes of Evermeet will relocate to a secret lab somewhere n the silver marches.

Here is where I restate some of my actions from the last thread, just in case you missed the Edena. They are important, and bare repeating.

Also, in a secret lab somewhere in Fearun, the gnomes begin working on four more versions of the Anti-Magic spell. One each to disrupt magic on Oreth, Krynn, Athas, and Earth. This is done under the utmost secrecy. Manhattan Project Level Secrecy

Any new Domination books which have being printed are distroyed as they are found.

Large underground Vaults are constructed to house the population in case of a major disaster. These are carved out deep within mountain ranges within our teritories. Any passages which lead to the underdark are collapsed and sealed.

The Dauntless begin gathering all sorts of knowledge: Books on Magicial Theory (Including janos' works), Engenering, mathamatics, anything. They set up secure Libraries in their lands to store these books, similar to Candlekeep. Set will also be kept within the Vaults.

The general Populance are edjucated on what to do in case of an attack by outsiders or Athasians, as well as how to deal with natural disasters.

Craftsmen are encouraged to teach others their skills. Blacksmiths, Engeiners, and other mundane craftsmen are paid 1gp/week by the goverment for each student they take on.

Citizens are also encouraged to learn the healing arts. Free training in basic healing skills will be provided free of charge to any who are interested. The avialibilty of these classes will be made widley known, as well as the advantiges of knowing how to heal.

Okay, now on the new stuff...
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First Post
To Mina and the world of Krynn:

"The land of Icewind sends it's greetings to you.
You mention your one, true God, this Idea Intrigues me, as I am a Theologian. I am Curious about your one true god and wish to learn more.

"Once again, I send our deepest appologies for the suffering of your world brought about by the Red Death being unleashed upon the Multiverse. Whatever aid Icewind can give is yours in combating the smallpox. I shall ask the Silver Cabal to send teachers to Krynn, if this is your will. I ask that you, Mina, and the dauntless work as one to see that the Red Death is destroyed."

Sincerly, Hannover Fist


To the world of Oreth:
"The Lands of the Icewind Compact wish to give their condolances to the peoples of Oreth, and to once again appologise for the Disaster that our world has unwittingly inflicted upon yours.

"Whatever aid we can give to slow the spread of the Smallpox in your lands will be given. Do not give up hope, though the day fades into night, the dawn allways comes."

Hannover Fist


To Tokiwong:
"I accept your nomination for First Speaker of the Dauntless. Only through determination, sacrifice, and reasion will we survive the days yet to come."


To the Dragon Lords of Athas:

"Of all the lands affected by the curse of the Red Death, yours stands to gain the most. Your home is a harsh furnace where plague and death are well known companions. Yet, though the works of the red death, you have found Faerun, a world with an abundance of reasources.

"I understand why you attack us. On Athas, the only way to get that which ou need, is by taking it from your neigbor. However, faerun, is different.

"That is why, Icewind will make no issue with the lands you have claimed in conquest, Provided that you immediatly enter into negotiations with us and the other Dauntless nations. We wish no ongoing war between our worlds, if it can be avoided.

"Do not take this offer for peace as a sign of weakness. The Dauntless know no fear, and will not stand back while you take more terretory in our lands.

"Consider my words carefully. I hope to hear your response soon, one way or annother."

Hannover Fist

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