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(4th IR) Year 1 (thread 1)

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Icewind will send non-military assistance to Germany and Britain. They will assist with rescue opperations, attend to the wounded, and if possible, assist Mina's forces there in non-military capacities.


Noted, Bugbear. They are grateful for the help, too.
And, they are grateful to everyone else that is helping.

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Misha calls upon the Dauntless members to aid the Earth after this unwarranted assault, and immediately presses for sanctions and embargoes against Forsaken One's power, and they will publicly speak against the actions on Earth.
Aid in the form of supplies, clerics, and support goes to those nations that have suffered, meanwhile, Misha will cotninue to maintain his own regions and interests in the United States... but a massive relief effort is underway for the nations that were attacked...


The nations of Earth want MILITARY AID, IMMEDIATELY AND NOW.
They appreciate humanitarian help, but they want ARMIES to protect them against another dragon assault.
London and Berlin are smouldering ruins. They want military protection!


First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:

The nations of Earth want MILITARY AID, IMMEDIATELY AND NOW.
They appreciate humanitarian help, but they want ARMIES to protect them against another dragon assault.
London and Berlin are smouldering ruins. They want military protection!

Edena I already stated that Misha lead a force from Evermeet to Earth, taking forces from Everska, and Evermeet to defend the United States
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Re: Ye old 'big' Edena post, only $4.95

Edena_of_Neith said:
I repeat myself - the United States of America is screaming for help.
There is widespread famine now in America, as her peoples have fled the cities. Disease is rampant, and law and order have broken down in many places.
America is desperate for help.
Who will help them?

The American Indians do not want Neverwinter Forest.
The American Indians want America back. It was taken from them by war, and they want their lands back.
They give a long list of HORRIFIC atrocities (spells reveal they are telling the truth) committed against them by the other peoples of America.
They state they only want back what was rightfully theirs.
(Of course, right now the Indians have taken cover from Forsaken One's assault also, so this issue can wait.)

I insist that before any aid can be given to the US, that they address the claims of the Indian Natives. I would like to hear the American side of the story before commiting to such a venture.
- - -


The land of Icewind sends it's greetings to you.
You mention your one, true God, this Idea Intrigues me, as I am a Theologian. I am Curious about your one true god and wish to learn more.
Once again, I send our deepest appologies for the suffering of your world brought about by the Red Death being unleashed upon the Multiverse. Whatever aid Icewind can give is yours in combating the smallpox. I shall ask the Silver Cabal to send teachers to Krynn, if this is your will. I ask that you, Mina, and the dauntless work as one to see that the Red Death is destroyed.

Sincerly, Hannover Fist


The emissaries of Mina accept your offer, Bugbear.
They want peace and alliance with the Icewind Compact.
They state that together, along with the Dauntless and other Powers of Toril, that the Red Death can be eradicated.

I would like to know more about Mina and Krynn. I no nothing about her or the one god in OOc or IC, so feel free to lie to me. Of course I will be using divinations to find out about her claims.


The Lands of the Icewind Compact wish to give their condolances to the peoples of Oreth, and to once again appologise for the Disaster that our world has unwittingly inflicted upon yours.
Whatever aid we can give to slow the spread of the Smallpox in your lands will be given. Do not give up hope, though the day fades into night, the dawn allways comes.


Ivid the Undying sends the following:

Fools and meddlers.
You have inflicted massive suffering on our people.
You have opened gates and allowed horrors from beyond to enter our world.
You have meddled with magic indiscriminately and irresponsibly.

It is time you faced the responsibility for your actions, People of Toril.
You will accept the Overlordship of Rauxes.
Those who do so, will have their weapons and magic confiscated, and become lawful citizens of our Nation.
Those who will NOT do so, will be treated as the heretics and foes that you are, and YOU WILL BE EXTERMINATED. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?

You have proven your idiocy even further by consorting with the one you call Mina.
Do you not know who she is? She follows a great evil, as terrible as the Red Death which you have unleashed amongst all of us.
You allow her free passage through your lands. You allow her to spy out all your secrets.
You make it possible for her to conquer your world, and OURS, by so doing.

You will lay down your Arms, and you will submit to Rauxes.

(Ivid is banging his fist on his throne.)


This threat shall be brought before the Dauntless Councel. I shall ask that all Humanitarian aid to Oreth be Cut Off, and ask the Silver Cabal to consider doing the same.
My veiw is that the dauntless will not give in to Rauxies' threats.


First Post
Re: Re: Ye old 'big' Edena post, only $4.95

Bugbear said:

I insist that before any aid can be given to the US, that they address the claims of the Indian Natives. I would like to hear the American side of the story before commiting to such a venture.
- - -

I would like to know more about Mina and Krynn. I no nothing about her or the one god in OOc or IC, so feel free to lie to me. Of course I will be using divinations to find out about her claims.

This threat shall be brought before the Dauntless Councel. I shall ask that all Humanitarian aid to Oreth be Cut Off, and ask the Silver Cabal to consider doing the same.
My veiw is that the dauntless will not give in to Rauxies' threats.

Misha will for now assist his allies, and worry about who did wrong to whom later... many horrible things happen in many places... the time for placing blame can be done later when this crisis is over...

Misha would like to stay informed on Mina as well, Hanover please keep the Dauntless informed...

The threat from Ivid is met with, well with wroth...

I appreciate the gesture Ivid, I really do, so hmm, to be polite, go screw yourself, your demands are not acceptable... and if you wish, I shall meet you on the field of battle but beware, you will make an enemy of two worlds... if you have a case against Mina, then speak it, and perhaps we can come to an agreement... but if your answer is mass subjugation... then please do not waste our time.

-Misha Koldun

Misha will tell the nations of the Dauntless that war with Oerth may be imminent... and will alert Earth of the danger Oerth is posing... He will also fund moneies to the Velied Alliances to make alliances with Preservers one Athas, and nay free nations of people, perhap this city-state Tyr they speak of would be an excellent ally...


First Post
Meritocracy armies.

SERPENTEYE (Alarah Gomenei)


Amn's possessions in Maztica (PL10)--- 6 armies


Ankhapur (PL 3)
Luskan (PL 6) --------------------------------1 army
Mintar (PL 3) (The Meritocracy)
Saelmur (PL 1) (The Meritocracy)
Skullport (PL 3) (Secret Ally).--------------1 army
Suldolphor (PL 3) (The Meritocracy)
Tulmon (PL 1) (The Meritocracy)
Yeshpek (PL 1) (The Meritocracy)
Yhep (PL 1) (The Meritocracy)

Amn and all Cities Therein (PL 7) ---------------------1 army
The Border Kingdoms and all Cities Therein (PL 3)
Calimshan and all Cities Therein (PL 13)-------------1 army
Chult and all Cities Therein (PL 3)
Lapaliiya and all Cities Therein (PL 3)-----------------1army
Samarach and all Cities Therein (PL 5)----------------1army
The Nelanther Isles (PL 5) ------------------------------1army
The Isle of Tharsult (PL 3)
Thindol and all Cities Therein (PL 3)
Tashalar and all Cities Therein (PL 4)
Tethyr and all Cities Therein (PL 7) -------------------1 army
Part of the Western Heartlands (PL 5)---------------1 army

The Shaar and all Cities Therein (PL 7) (The Meritocracy)--2 armies

The Black Jungle (PL 3) (Meritocracy occupied)
The Duskwood (PL 3) (The Meritocracy)
The Jundarwood (PL 2) (The Meritocracy)
The Jungles of Chult (PL 5) (Meritocracy occupied)
The Mhair Jungle (PL 3) (Meritocracy occupied)
The Misty Vale (PL 5) (Meritocracy occupied)
The Neth Stand (PL 2) (The Meritocracy)
Qurth Forest (PL 3) (The Meritocracy)

Beholders of the Lake of Steam (PL 8) (Ally)-----------1 army
King Obold and the Orcs of the North (PL 10) (Ally)---1 army
The Goblins of the North (PL 5) (Ally)
The Orcs of the Old South (PL 3) (Ally)
The Goblins of the Old South (PL 3) (Ally)
The Orcs of the Shining South (PL 5) (Ally)
The Goblins of the Shining South (PL 3) (Ally)
The Orcs of the Underdark (PL 5) (Ally)
The Goblins of the Underdark (PL 3) (Ally)
The Orcish Pantheon (PL 15)
The Goblin Pantheon (PL 15)


Procampur (PL 3)
Ashanath and all Cities Therein (PL 3) ------------1 army
The Great Dale and all Cities Therein (PL 5)
Impiltur and all Cities Therein (PL 5) ---------------1 army
Thazalhar and all Cities Therein (PL 4)
Thesk and all Cities Therein (PL 6) -----------------1 army
Vaasa and all Cities Therein (PL 3) -----------------1/2 army

The Orcs of the Moonsea (PL 5) ---------------------1/2 army
The Goblins of the Moonsea (PL 3)


China (PL 1)----------------- 2 armies



A messenger arrives at the court of the chinese Emperor, kneels before the throne and in tones of great respect speaks.

"Son of Heaven, glorious Emperor Qing Guangxi, I bring word from the Meritocracy Confederation of Toril. Lord President Alarah Gomenei offers his appreciation for your wise choice of allying with his mighty nation with an offer that will solve two very different yet similar problems in your two countries. Truly, the main problems in China and the Confederation of Toril are mirror images of each others.
Toril is an underpopulated world. In countries as twize large as any of your eastern provinces live only a fraction of the population. Large and fertile countries such as Tethyr and Amn have only some 3-4 million inhabitants each. Their capacity is far beyond that. The reason of this underpopulation is the inability of the earlier regimes of those countries to protect the population from various kinds of dangerous beasts. Now, however, the enlightened governments of the Meritocracy are well on their way of taming or eradicating these dangerous creatures and large empty lands lie open for cultivation. Our territories could easily sustain several hundred million people more, an even greater number with an efficient agri-magial infrastructure in place, something we're currently trying to form and expand.

You are surely aware that tens, if not hundreds, of millions of people in your country are starving or near starvation. Your country has this last century enjoyed a nearly unparallelled increase in its population and the population has finally grown beyond the ability of the land to feed it. The many disruptions that have been shaking your country these past fifty years are primarily caused by this fact. Starving people become desperate. Desperate people rebell. Under normal circumstances I would recommend that you act to limit the rate of population growth, now I urge you to increase it. The Meritocracy lies open for your surplus population.
In exchange for allowing unrestricted emigration from China to the Meritocracy we offer you extensive aid. Recently on our world the Gnomes of Lantan invented a whole new kind of magic. It is a magic that, if tied to a book, allows the reader to flawlessly learn whatever is written in it. In a short time we could distribute enough books that your entire population could be tought anything you desire them to learn. The highest laws of physics and mathematics, the casting of magic, the value of loyalty, perfect merchanting skills, administration, warfare, anything you could possibly imagine, great Emperor."

The messenger eagerly awaits an answer.


First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:

You have 1 Army for every 10 PL you have total, Bugbear, rounded up.

So, if you PL is 91, you have 10 Armies to deploy.
If your PL is 101, you have 11 Armies to deploy.

Thank you

Hmmm, I'll place my armies thusly:

  • Luruar and all Cities Therein 1 unit
  • Icewind Dale 1 unit
  • The Sword Coast North 1 unit
  • The Silver Marches 2 units
  • Part of the Savage Frontie 1 unit
  • Mirabar 1 unit
  • Secomber 1 unit
  • Longsaddle 1 unit
  • To Germany 1 Unit (Non-Aggresive)
  • To Britian 1 Unit (Non-Agressive)


First Post
Edena I am moving the 1 army from Everska, and the 1 from Evermeet and placing them in the US, so that gives me 2 units in the United States


First Post

These are carved out deep within mountain ranges within our teritories. Any passages which lead to the underdark are collapsed and sealed.


You have to displace quite a number of humanoids to do this.
King Obold of the Meritocracy immediately asks for military intervention from YOU, SERPENTEYE, against this aggression against his people.

"You have a reputation for being a wise and benevolent ruler. Surely you did not intend your actions to have this unfortunate side effect?"

NOTE: Teh vaults are being constructed in mountains WITHIN my teretory. I.E. the Nether Mountains, and the Rauven Mountains. NOT in the Spine of the world. If Possible we will enlist the Dwarves of the North to Aid us, if not we will manage.

"Ah, that is what I thought. We appreciate your restraint."

Japan, India, France, The Netherlands, the United States, Mexico, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire - every nation on Earth not yet under attack is offering to join WHATEVER POWER ON TORIL, THAT IS WILLING TO HELP THEM NOW.

The Meritocracy will make its offer of assistance (and union) to all Asian nations. Japan, Siam (thailand), Persia (Iran), The Ottoman Empire, Afghanistan. India (including Pakistan and Bangladesh) was in real world history a part of the British Empire but if that is not the case in the IR we'll make our offer to them too. Maybe we'll even aid them if they desire freedom from the brits, we investigate the resistance in India to British rule. (with GB being completely humiliated by Forsaken One's dragons the colonial Empire might well be ready to collapse.)

By the way, your book causes chaos in parts of Serpenteye's territories in Amn, Tethyr, and Calimshan.
This is good.
What is not so good for you, is that Serpenteye's agents find out that your power is the cause of the chaos.

We print another edition of the bestselling book "It is Fun to Obey Alarah Gomenei" and "It is Good for your Health to Serve the Meritocracy"

In response to our discivery of Inez's activities we start an all out investigation and search for any secret organizations troughout our territory. When we've learned enough we strike suddenly and with overwhelming force to eradicate them.


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