5e Character Sheet for Android - Looking for Feedback


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So it's been more than two months since the basic rules came out and about a month since the PHB, but looking around the Android Play Store there are essentially no fifth edition related apps to be found. I figured I could try to change that, so I've been working on a free character sheet for Android phones and tablets.

Now that it is in a state worth sharing, I could really use some feedback about how the app runs and looks on a wide variety of devices. I'm looking for any comments, suggestions or bug reports(!) you have to give. There are way too many different screen sizes and resolutions, so I am particularly interested in how you think the app looks on your particular phone or tablet.

Please let me know your opinions and suggestions concerning anything and everything relating to this app, as well as any questions you might have. Thank you.

Fifth Edition Character Sheet

Some basic info:
Customizable 5 page character sheet:

  • Create, save, and edit multiple characters
  • Automatically calculate: ability modifiers, armor class, skill bonuses, etc.
  • Track hit points, damage, temporary hp
  • Highlights skill proficiencies
  • Manage multiple weapons with calculated attack and damage
  • Spell book with spell attack bonuses, spell DC, and spell slots tracking
  • Notes and Features page along with currency tracker
  • Hide pages you don't need, reorder pages as you want
Basic Character Creator

  • Build complete level one basic characters in seconds

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First Post
yey! this is cool!
Works great on my Samsung S3. Thanks!

1) a way to import/export stats to a spreadsheet. I *hate* inputing info I on a phone/tablet (not to mention all the copy/paste possibilities!).
2) different choices for color schemes (for example, a Black&White&Red, like Monster Manual entries).
3) make some fields less obtrusive (specially empty ones, like adding new spell, which you could do by long-pressing the header for each spell level, for example).
4) I didn't see a way to recover less than full spell slots (for Arcane Recovery).
5) add (-5)/(+5) buttons to deal damage and healing (and if possible, show Max HP somewhere, instead of just by long-press HP)
6) on Attacks page, you could show Proficiency and a choice of two other abilities (Strength and Dexterity by default, for melee and ranged weapon attacks).
7) on the skills page could show a "+" in front of positive numbers.

Great start! :)


First Post
yey! this is cool! Works great on my Samsung S3. Thanks! Suggestions: 1) a way to import/export stats to a spreadsheet. I *hate* inputing info I on a phone/tablet (not to mention all the copy/paste possibilities!). 2) different choices for color schemes (for example, a Black&White&Red, like Monster Manual entries). 3) make some fields less obtrusive (specially empty ones, like adding new spell, which you could do by long-pressing the header for each spell level, for example). 4) I didn't see a way to recover less than full spell slots (for Arcane Recovery). 5) add (-5)/(+5) buttons to deal damage and healing (and if possible, show Max HP somewhere, instead of just by long-press HP) 6) on Attacks page, you could show Proficiency and a choice of two other abilities (Strength and Dexterity by default, for melee and ranged weapon attacks). 7) on the skills page could show a "+" in front of positive numbers. Great start! :)
Thanks for all the input. I'll see what I can do about some of your suggestions. Your ideas for the spell page will probably be the quickest to implement, and I agree that there should be a way to restore used spell slots. I'm not sure that I'll be able to add any import/export options right now, but I will add it to my to do list.


First Post
Could you add a portrait area/page for uploading/importing pictures for our character.
Also, could you add a basic "dice roller" for skill checks, weapon damage and attack rolls? Would just be a random even based on dice + bonus per category, correct?

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