D&D 5E 5e Recommendations for High CR Monster Supplements?


My current campaign just entered T4 at the end of last session, with probably a half dozen sessions (possibly as many as a dozen) left to go before everything is wrapped up. One of the annoying factors of running a game at this level is the relative scarcity of high CR monsters.

I can obviously work around this. Use more lower CR monsters or just homebrew/modify whatever I need, but I do find it nice to be able to just crack open a monster book and grab an appropriate stat block.

I've tried searching for supplements that focus on high CR monsters, but so far I haven't turned up much (not surprising; supplements that focus on lower tiers are likely more useful/popular, since not everyone plays T4). That said, I was hoping you kind folks might be have some recommendations for decent, high-CR-focused monster supplements that my search overlooked. Thanks.

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My current campaign just entered T4 at the end of last session, with probably a half dozen sessions (possibly as many as a dozen) left to go before everything is wrapped up. One of the annoying factors of running a game at this level is the relative scarcity of high CR monsters.

I can obviously work around this. Use more lower CR monsters or just homebrew/modify whatever I need, but I do find it nice to be able to just crack open a monster book and grab an appropriate stat block.

I've tried searching for supplements that focus on high CR monsters, but so far I haven't turned up much (not surprising; supplements that focus on lower tiers are likely more useful/popular, since not everyone plays T4). That said, I was hoping you kind folks might be have some recommendations for decent, high-CR-focused monster supplements that my search overlooked. Thanks.
@dave2008 has some good high CR monsters on this forum:
5e Updates - Monstrous Compendium

He has a Monster by CR list to, but I am not sure it is 100% up to date:
Monsters by CR

There are 137+ monsters CR 15 or greater on that thread.

PS - I just checked and not all of the monsters have made it to the CR list. I will ask him to updated when he gets time.
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@dave2008 has some good high CR monsters on this forum:
5e Updates - Monstrous Compendium

He has a Monster by CR list to, but I am not sure it is 100% up to date:
Monsters by CR

There are 137+ monsters CR 15 or greater on that thread.

PS - I just checked and not all of the monsters have made it to the CR list. I will ask him to updated when he gets time.
I will try to do that - but not timeline currently. Dealing with personal trauma at the moment

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