D&D 5E [5e] Spellsword multiclassing questions


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Hi, i need some help to make some decision, my group is starting a new campaign (5e) and i rolled this array:
6, 18, 12, 17, 11, 8 (not in this order :)) I want to play a bladesinger, the stats are excelent for that class. If i take the high elf, or eldarin my dex would be 20, or if i take the 17 it would be 19, my inteligence would be 18 or if i take the rolled 18 it would be 19.
so dex 20 int 18, or dex 19 int 19.

with all the other stats, i cant get a high constitution, only a +1. With that being said im thinking of multiclassing into the mystic (immortal). he gets at lvl 3 temp hitpoints per round equal to his int modifier. Also the nova ability through lethal strike (1d10 utpo 5d10)
so in conclusion it would be a 15wizard/5mystic.
But know here is the catch im proficent in the int/wis saving throws, and wisdom isn´t my strong suit. Espacally as i can exchange my wisdom saving throw at lvl 4 mystic with str, dex, con or charisma via strength of mind.

Im thinking now that i can start as a rouge (int/dex saving throws and 4 skill proficencies) and then get into the wizard for 2 lvls (spellsword) after that i go staright down to lvl 4 or 5 mystic. after i that i finish my wizard.

I delay heavily my spellcasting ability and the perks of being a spellsword (for example getting haste not at character lvl 5 but at lvl 8 or 9), aswell as getting my first ASI.

As for armor i will have in the early levels, without haste(+2 AC), mage armour 13 + 5dex = 18 +spellsong (4int/5int)>22/23 +shield (spell) +5 27/28 AC

Roleplaywise, i can handle all combinations.

So my question is, is the delay in wizard lvl´s a good idea, or am i running into a big blackhole.

P.S. I wan´t to thank you all in advance for your interest in my post and english isn´t my first language ;-)

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First Post
thank you for your reply, i think i start with the rogue now.
heck i will press two more levels of this class into my build to get the assassin archetype. This would provide me once with an average damage of 332 (1d8+5d10+2d6)*2+5)*4 =>(rapier+lethal strike+sneak attack)*crit+dexmod)*4 attacks (2 attacks+haste+surge of action)

Admittedly i have to be able to sneak up on to the foe and burn nearly all of my psi points. but the enemy would be dead or atleast would have to roll against a system shock. :-D


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Rogue is interesting. It works with your Booming Blade/Greenflame blade cantrip for more damage. But if you want to do even more multiclassing I would think you'd go for something that can give you Con saves for concentration.

Fighter gives a lot at 1st level including great HPs, Con saves, fighting style, second wind. Plus is you want to toss later levels into it you get Action Surge at 2nd and a martial archetype at 3rd. Or start with Mystic to get Int/Wis their ability to swap Wis save for another save could cover it.

As long as your planning on being primarily melee, the delay of higher level spells isn't a huge deal - attack cantrips, shield and absorb elements (from the EE spells) will be your early friends. But if the campaign goes to the teens or later you might miss the pure-caster aspects of your character.

Mystic 5 is a big difference from Mystic 3 in terms of PPs and your max of 5 per opens up some new powers, plus 5th you can start taking Greater Disciplines. There are lots of cool disciplines, but if you plan on having lots of PP to spend then Psionic Weapon can give you nice smite bonus damage when you hit. With low level spells, bladesinging bonus to AC, and your temp HPs every round you've already got a good defense started so it rounds it out nicely.

With the fantastic ability scores you rolled, delaying getting ASI wouldn't hurt you vs. point buy. But if everyone rolled really well and your DM calibrates challenges against that level you may feel it. It's really depends on your table, but I'd tend towards not worrying too much.


First Post
Thank you for your input Blue.

See i was thinking 1 Rouge then 2 level Wizard, after that 5 lvl Mystic (for the 5 point "smite") now im character lvl 8 and have at level 7 my first ASI, this would be used to get my int up to 20.
After that I have a difficult choice, getting 2 more levels in my Wizard class to get the second ASI (resilant for the con save) or should i finish up my rogue to level 3 (Assassin). In the end i would be 3R/5M/12W and would only reach the 6th level spells, and that at lvl 19.

Like every Multiclass, or in this case Tripleclass, it has it´s downsides.

And yeah you are right i have rolled fantasticly well, the two minus scores will make the character a lot of fun to play (the 6 into strength and the 8 into charisma) he will be more or less an awkward whimp, who has to speak slowly to all the morons around him, his credo: Mind over Matter :)

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