D&D 5E 5e Updates: Monstrous Compendium


When I get over my OGL slump I'm definitely interested. I will have to review them again and see which ones should go in this thread and which ones should be moved to ASCENSION.
Figured that you would be interested in this :) Thank you for everything that you do for me and my group. your monsters can deal with their min-maxing ways haha.

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Figured that you would be interested in this :) Thank you for everything that you do for me and my group. your monsters can deal with their min-maxing ways haha.
I was already aware (since about 15 mins ago), but thank you for the thought!


2023 5e Monstrous Compendium New Year's Resolution: Make more high CR monsters!
Exciting! I hope you do continue this thread, as 5e is a wonderful system despite the actions and/or attitudes of its corporate overlords. Your stat block design has had a huge influence in how I design my own monsters, making combat at my table more interesting than ever.

In the current iteration of the Forgotten Realms, it's been stated that the Dead Three (Bane, Bhaal, Myrkul) have returned to life. But now they're walking the earth as demigods -- they lack their former divine dominion over all things death-related, but they can have a heavier hand in mortal affairs. I think the current Dead Three would be great candidates for high CR, non-Ascension monsters, and I'd like to see your take on them!


Exciting! I hope you do continue this thread, as 5e is a wonderful system despite the actions and/or attitudes of its corporate overlords. Your stat block design has had a huge influence in how I design my own monsters, making combat at my table more interesting than ever.

In the current iteration of the Forgotten Realms, it's been stated that the Dead Three (Bane, Bhaal, Myrkul) have returned to life. But now they're walking the earth as demigods -- they lack their former divine dominion over all things death-related, but they can have a heavier hand in mortal affairs. I think the current Dead Three would be great candidates for high CR, non-Ascension monsters, and I'd like to see your take on them!
That is a good idea. I did Myrkul in the old Epic Updates so I could convert him over pretty easily.



Reaper by Disse86

MyrkulChallenge 28
Large elite undead (avatar), neutral evil240,000 elite XP

Armor Class 22 (natural armor)
Hit Points 930 (60d10 + 600); bloodied 465
Speed 60 ft., fly 120 ft.

24 (+7)26 (+8)30 (+10)30 (+10)28 (+9)28 (+9)

Saving Throws Dex +16, Con +18, Wis+17, Cha +17
Skills Arcana +26, Deception +17, History +18, Insight +17, Intimidation +17, Perception +17, Religion +18
Damage Resistances lightning, psychic
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison; damage from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, petrified, poisoned
Senses truesight 300 ft., Passive Perception 27
Languages All, telepathy 800 ft.
Proficiency +8; Maneuver DC 24

Divine Rejuvenation (Elite Trait, 1/Rest). When Myrkul is first bloodied, all conditions and effects he is suffering end for him, all of his abilities recharge, and he can use his Elite Traits and Actions for 1 hour.

Divine Might. Myrkul's attacks ignore all resistances of creatures below level/CR 18 and he deals maximum damage on the initial damage of a critical hit.

Divine Nature. Myrkul can’t be surprised or changed into another form against his will. Myrkul can’t be targeted by divination magic, perceived through magical scrying sensors, and is immune to any effect that would sense his emotions or read his thoughts. Wisdom (Insight) checks made to ascertain his intentions or sincerity have disadvantage. Additionally, Myrkul doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.

Divine Spellcaster.* In addition to his innate spellcasting, Myrkul knows all spells available to Wizards, Sorcerers and Warlocks and can cast each spell once per day at 9th level.

*This trait is not included in Myrkul's CR. If you wish to make use of this trait, increase his CR to 30 and award 310,000 elite XP for defeating Myrkul.

God of Death. A creature that makes a death saving throw within 1000 feet of Myrkul must roll a 15 to succeed.

Limited Magic Immunity. Unless he wishes to be affected, Myrkul is immune to cantrips and he has advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects and any creature that makes a spell attack against Myrkul has disadvantage on the attack roll.

Lord of bones. When Myrkul casts animate dead or create undead he chooses the level at which the spell is cast, and the creatures created by the spells remain under his control indefinitely. Additionally, he can cast create undead even when it isn’t night.

Innate Spellcasting. Myrkul's spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 26, +18 to hit with spell attacks). Myrkul can innately cast the following spells requiring no components:

At will: animate dead, create undead, detect magic, detect thoughts, dispel magic, enlarge/reduce, polymorph, bestow / remove curse, scrying, sending, telekinesis
3/day each: arcane gate, creation, danse macabre, divine word, etherealness, fordiddance, (un)holy aura, symbol, teleport
1/day each: animate lich, gate, ruin, wish

Myrkul can take 5 divine actions, choosing from the options below. He can use one divine action option on his turn or at the end of another creature's turn. Any unused divine actions can be taken at the end of the round. Myrkul regains spent divine actions at the start of his turn.

Scythe of Reaping. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) magical slashing damage plus 36 (8d8) necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 26 Constitution saving throw or it’s hit point maximum is decreased by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. If the target is killed by this attack, its soul is absorbed into the Scythe and can only be released if Myrkul wishes.

Arise. Myrkul draws a soul, use the stats for a Shadow Wraith, out of his scythe to fight for him. The soul rolls for his own initiative. Myrkul has total control over the soul. There can be only one soul active at time.

Elite Recovery. Myrkul ends one negative effect currently affecting him. He can do so as long as he has at least 1 hit point, even while unconscious or incapacitated.

Regenerate. Myrkul regenerates 30 hit points or reattaches a severed body part.

Teleport. Myrkul magically teleports up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space he can see.

Conjure Undead (Cost 2 Actions; 1/day). Myrkul conjures undead creatures whose combined hit points don’t exceed 1000. These undead magically rise up from the ground or otherwise form in unoccupied spaces within 300 feet of Myrkul and obey his commands until they are destroyed, Myrkul dismisses them as a bonus action, or Myrkul is reduced to 0 hit points.

Spell Casting (Costs 2 Actions). Myrkul casts a spell.

Multiattack (Cost 3 Actions). Myrkul makes three Scythe of Reaping attacks. Myrul can cast a spell in place of two Scythe attacks.

Death’s Door (Cost 3 Actions, Recharge 6). Myrkul chooses one target within 60 feet of him and the target must make a DC 26 Constitution saving throw or have its current hit points are reduced to 1.

Disrupt Life (Costs 3 Actions). Each living creature within 60 feet of Myrkul must make a DC 26 Constitution saving throw, taking 65 (10d12) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success. Any undead in the area instead gain hit points equal to the amount of necrotic damage.

Dread Stare (Costs 2 Actions).
Myrkul fixes his gaze on one creature he can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 26 Wisdom saving throw, becoming paralyzed for 1 minute on a failure. The paralyzed target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a target’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the target is immune to Myrkul’s dread stare for the next 24 hours.

Sudden Death (Costs 4 Actions). Myrkul teleports and then makes a Scythe of Reaping attack on all targets within his reach.
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Looks awesome! A few questions:
Is remote death a spell from Ascension? What does it do?
Does a soul drawn out by Arise have the stats of the creature the soul came from, or something else?
I can figure out why some abilities have DC 26, but why do Dread Stare and Disrupt Life have DC 38?


Looks awesome! A few questions:
Is remote death a spell from Ascension? What does it do?
It was a spell I read somewhere. I thought it was 3e Epic Spell, but I checked and I was mistaken. I will update the spells with links.
Does a soul drawn out by Arise have the stats of the creature the soul came from, or something else?
I have left it intentionally vague at the moment, as I haven't decided. I am currently think of using a fixed stat block, but I am not sure yet.

EDIT: I updated it to use a Shadow Wraith's stats. I would like to use a higher CR incorporeal undead, but I could find one that seemed appropriate.
I can figure out why some abilities have DC 26, but why do Dread Stare and Disrupt Life have DC 38?
Mistakes. I copied this from my Epic Updates and I just missed a bunch of DC's and modifiers. I have them corrected now.
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