9 essential geek books you must read right now.


Stalked by a giant hedgehog
8 of 9

Oddly, the one I'm missing is Watchmen.

I highly recommend both of the more obscure books on the list (GED and Visual Display of Quantitative Information) but they do have a more limited audience than the other seven.

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5 of 9.

I'm missing "Godel, Escher, Bach (even though I own it)", LotR, "Visual Display of Quantitative Information," and "Neuromancer."

I would add H.P. Lovecraft to the list before anyone else that anyone else has mentioned, but that's a personal preference. I'd also add (this would be well past 9 books) Asimov, Heinlein, Arthur C. Clark, and Tad Williams, for the "Memory, Sorrow, Thorn" trilogy.

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