Level Up (A5E) A full list of combat maneuvers

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You're not using basic maneuvers to inflict damage. The damage is just a side effect.
I can't be bothered to track one damage though. Especially at level 8. I understand you get side effects, but would it be game breaking to say proficiency bonus damage? At least for lower levels. Maybe 2-3-4(-5?) then cap out there?

King Brad

Is basic melee damage + Strength? Because then I could see it making sense as that is what a regular unarmed strike is. Otherwise, I'll likely houserule it to just be with strength or flat proficiency bonus.

King Brad

I could sense it.


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oh that is so much better! I am so happy that the previews are not necessarily final as well. Most of the stuff looks amazing, but there are some strange ones here and there


I can't be bothered to track one damage though. Especially at level 8. I understand you get side effects, but would it be game breaking to say proficiency bonus damage? At least for lower levels. Maybe 2-3-4(-5?) then cap out there?
I would track it (since it's possible to roll a 1 for damage when using a weapon, if you don't have a stat bonus, and I'd track that), but personally, I think I'd ignore basic damage unless the PC actively wanted to inflict damage when using a basic maneuver or there's an ability that adds to your basic damage (or lets you add basic damage to another attack).

Voidrunner's Codex

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