D&D (2024) A kind of crazy idea on sorcerer subclasses

I was thinking that since sorcerer subclasses basically give you five things at four points, what if they were more aesthetic.

For example, for the dragon sorcery sorcerer, I was thinking that there would be Four Aspects of the Dragon. At level 3, you pick 2 and any spell you cast that meets the criteria gets the benefit. At level 6, you get a 3rd one, and at level 10, you get all the aspects. At level 14, when you cast your highest-level spell, you get to cast summon draconic spirit without using a spell slot or needing somatic or material components.

The four aspects would be:

[Pick a kind of dragon]

Head of the Dragon: when you cast a spell intended to cause damage to an opponent or object, a small spectral head (or heads if it as area spell) of a dragon follows the spell and breaths a blast of energy that does the same damage as the dragon's breath weapon. [Probably using the Viscous Mockery scale of damage].
Wings of the Dragon: while a target is buffed by one of your sorcerer spells, the first time the target needs to save against magic, spectral dragon wings appear to envelop the target granting it advantage on the saving throw.
Tail of the Dragon: when a sorcerer spell you cast imposes a condition on a target (except invisibility), a spectral dragon tail appears to surround the target preventing it from using reactions.
Scales of the Dragon: when you conjure an entity, the entity appears to have scales like a dragon, and the first time it takes damage, it can use its reaction to cast Hellish Rebuke, but the spell does the same damage as the dragon's breath weapon.

It seems like that could be pretty easy to adjust for other sorceries. Like aberrant mind sorcerer:

Punishment of the Unknown: when you cast a spell intended to cause damage to an opponent or object, a ball of purple energy follows the spell doing psychic damage to creatures or acid damage to anything with immunity to psychic damage.
Mysteries of the Mind: while a target is buffed by one of your sorcerer spells, you and the target can communicate via telepathy.
Tentacle Horror: when a sorcerer spell you cast imposes a condition on a target (except invisibility), spectral tentacles appear and grapple the target (strength of the tentacles is equal to your charisma).
Not of This World: when you conjure an entity, the entity appears distorted, and the entity can cast misty step once.

14th level: when you cast your highest-level spell, you get to cast Hunger of Hadar without using a spell slot or needing somatic or material components. The spell lasts a minute and does not require concentration.

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