One problem that I keep coming across is having groups without any healers. Parties with 2 rogues, 1 mage, a barbarian and a fighter, that sort of party. Usually someone ends up with volounteering a career change to something along the lines of cleric or druid, but it's happened more than once that they're standing there without anyone to mend their wounds after a fight.
In my experience this tends to slow down the game a lot, and even the weakest of enemies becomes dangerous obstacles since it takes several days to heal just one hit. This means that most dungeon crawling, storming of enemy holds or anything else that requires killing a lot of weak enemies, is quickly thrown off the table. It's just not viable.
So I'm asking you, short of carrying around an enormous arsenal of healing potions (and that's hardly likely at low levels) what other options are there when you don't have a healer? I'm asking for solutions for both players and DMs.
In my experience this tends to slow down the game a lot, and even the weakest of enemies becomes dangerous obstacles since it takes several days to heal just one hit. This means that most dungeon crawling, storming of enemy holds or anything else that requires killing a lot of weak enemies, is quickly thrown off the table. It's just not viable.
So I'm asking you, short of carrying around an enormous arsenal of healing potions (and that's hardly likely at low levels) what other options are there when you don't have a healer? I'm asking for solutions for both players and DMs.