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A Problem of Nobility or Things that go Bump in the Night (Covaithe Judging)


This one obviously doesn't know what he's involved in Georg says to his comrades motioning for Kruk to open the bag in front of the gnome. It would be best if you found employment from more reputable folks in the future for such as those are dangerous and deadly allies.

[sblock=OOC]I will be at a conference from Saturday until Wednesday, but hopefully my internet access will be great at the hotel so I will be ready for Monday's action. I vote the group take our remarkably subtle approach to the Antique store.[/sblock]

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Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]Just want to make sure he's being honest. Insight (1d20+9=29) Er ... well, I guess that'll do it![/sblock]Raiyek scrutinizes the little gnome's words, making sure he's not just telling them what he thinks they want to hear.

"I suppose he has done nothing on his own, though he is an accomplice to these assassins." He ponders for a moment before suggesting a course of action. "Perhaps he could lure his contacts out the next time they have a 'delivery' to make, so we could interrogate someone more deeply involved in whatever this is. But that means another person would have to die first, so I would prefer that to be a last resort."

"Tell us, did you pick up the bodies inside the antique store? Or did you meet your contact outside the building? Does the store owner know anything about what's happening at his store?"
[sblock=OOC]Getting the gnome as bait so we can get his contact is just an idea; going to the antique store would be a better idea, probably. As Raiyek said, using the gnome as bait means we have to wait til another person dies.

And now I'm off. Have a good weekend, folks![/sblock]


Georg shakes his head at Raiyek. I do not this we can rely on this one when he is under duress. And as you say, another would have to die. Georg frowns at this. Shaking his head for a moment, he seems to remember something. He turns to Xoc. Might I have a closer look at that ring. Perhaps my suspicions from earlier are correct.

[sblock=Arcana]Thanks to the DM for the reminder.
roll on Arcana, not bad.[/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC]Just want to make sure he's being honest. Insight (1d20+9=29) Er ... well, I guess that'll do it![/sblock]Raiyek scrutinizes the little gnome's words, making sure he's not just telling them what he thinks they want to hear.

"I suppose he has done nothing on his own, though he is an accomplice to these assassins." He ponders for a moment before suggesting a course of action. "Perhaps he could lure his contacts out the next time they have a 'delivery' to make, so we could interrogate someone more deeply involved in whatever this is. But that means another person would have to die first, so I would prefer that to be a last resort."

"Tell us, did you pick up the bodies inside the antique store? Or did you meet your contact outside the building? Does the store owner know anything about what's happening at his store?"
[sblock=OOC]Getting the gnome as bait so we can get his contact is just an idea; going to the antique store would be a better idea, probably. As Raiyek said, using the gnome as bait means we have to wait til another person dies.

And now I'm off. Have a good weekend, folks![/sblock]

"They told me to come every night, if there was a candle on in the lantern outside, there was a delivery, if not, I kept on going. When I went in, it was always dark, even too dark for me, but the package was right there when I opened the door. I never looked around while I was there." the gnome replies.

He seems to be telling the truth...I sure hope nobody's wasting all their 20's on skill checks ;)

Georg shakes his head at Raiyek. I do not this we can rely on this one when he is under duress. And as you say, another would have to die. Georg frowns at this. Shaking his head for a moment, he seems to remember something. He turns to Xoc. Might I have a closer look at that ring. Perhaps my suspicions from earlier are correct.

[sblock=Arcana]Thanks to the DM for the reminder.
roll on Arcana, not bad.[/sblock]

As Georg looks over the ring while the others are finishing their interrogations of the gnome, he notices this ring is known as The Ring of the Darkhidden

[sblock=Ring's Powers]
Magic Item, Daily: Create Cloud of Darkness as per the Drow Ability.


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Grim glances at the ring. "An interesting little trinket." He turns to look at the others. "Come on- I'm sure our time will be better served investigating the shop. Perhaps the ones responsible for all this mess are still there."


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After handing Georg the ring, Xoc ponders its usefulness. "Sounds like an item that some of our sneakier compatriots could use. As for our lead, I agree, a trip to that shop is in order. Should we approach using our usual tactics? Because I can think of a certain someone..." - Xoc looks over at Carolina - "...who might have the skills to infiltrate the place without making a racket. If it's as dark inside as the gnome says, it should be no problem for her, and if worse comes to worse, she can give that ring a whirl and skedaddle, and we can regroup and do things the more forceful way. What do you think?"

[sblock=ooc] It's been mostly social stuff so far, I figure maybe we can let one of the more silent members of our party have some fun =) [/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC] Ack, I totally forgot Grim is trained in Stealth - I guess my subconscious thought a bugbear dual-wielding bastard swords = not stealthy. Forgive me! [/sblock]


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Kruk listens intently to the group. As everyone starts to make preparations to head over to the the place with the candle in the window, Kruk states "Hold on a second everyone." He points to the bad. "Should we have a look at the contents of the bag first. I'll open it if everyone agrees."

I vote to look inside the bag and then go to the house.
What does everyone else say?

Voidrunner's Codex

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