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A Question Concerning Erythnul, God of Slaughter


It's not "Rouge"... That's makeup.
Derulbaskul said:
Here's the 1E stats from the original World of Greyhawk boxed set

Darn. I knew I missed something. :eek:

I forgot to check the Glossography. I saw that the Catalogue didn't have stats, only descriptions, and moved on...

Oh, well. Good catch, Derullbaskul! :)

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First Post
Killer Shrike said:
All that aside, why in the world would your PCs be fighting a god? Just give the possessed vessel of the entities soul some appropriate abilities and avoid direct confrontation with the party.

IMO, diety level opponents are silly; if your PCs are powerful enough to take on a diety they should retire or leave the Material Plane because they are too powerful. Gods should be beyond physical confrontation. Avatars might be sent, but what do you do if the PCs triumph? Youre stuck in bigger hammer mode. If they fail, its time for new PCs.

You are absolutely right, Killer Shrike, which is why the players are confronting the vessel, and not the god. But to give the vessel appropraite powers, I need to know what the god has first to give the vessel the powers in the first place :)

What the players are going to do is try to stop the vessel before the vessel can deliver the gods spirit back to it's body. The vessel is an imperial princess (not that the PCs now this at the moment) of a large, pagan empire to the east (based on a "what if" Rome and Egypt hadn't fallen but continued as a joined state). As an imperiral heir, she has the abiltiy to act as a conduit for the gods, and this is why she was chosen to act as vessel for the Erythnul clone (she isn't doing this volentarily, BTW).

The PCs task is to stop the priests, and the possessed princess, without killing her. A tough ask, but someone's gotta do it :)

To answer your other question/statement. The PCs are a very competant group of 2 x lvl 10, 2x lvl 9, 2xlvl 8 characters. And I mean VERY competant. They have a low level of magical items, as the world is relatively low on arcane magic, though divine magic is about normal. Normal clerics exist only for one god (Pelor) with the clerics of all other "pagan" gods being sorcerers (this includes druids).

Now look what I've done, gone and given away some of my campaign details :)



First Post
Derulbaskul said:
Here's the 1E stats from the original World of Greyhawk boxed set:
Mancer Bear,

Derulbaskul, I can't thank you enough. From what you've given me, I'll now be able to work on the vessel to give her appropriate abilities.

To give the rest of you guys an idea of what I plan to do, I'll give the vessel Erythnul's Int, Wis, and Cha scores, and probably half the magic resistance. I'll also give her is fighter levels, and his cleric levels (as a sorcerer with appropriate spells, of course).

She won't be getting his "bleed monsters" ability, as she actually isn't the god, but a mortal host for him. As she also doesn't have the gods weapon, she won't be having the fear effect either. That's about it.



other option

The scarred lands setting book Divine and Defeated has a god of slaughter statted out in 3e so if you started another thread asking about him I think you could get something more 3e specific but still in flavor. I don't own the book however, I just remember seeing it in the stores.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Re: other option

Voadam said:
The scarred lands setting book Divine and Defeated has a god of slaughter statted out in 3e so if you started another thread asking about him I think you could get something more 3e specific but still in flavor. I don't own the book however, I just remember seeing it in the stores.

Uhm no offense Vod...but Vangal WOULD and probably COULD kick Erythnul's butt and use what's left over to feed his armies...
Course if you WANTED to use Vangal, be my guest. I'd just use his hearld. :) She's one NASTY critter.


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Re: Re: other option

Nightfall said:

Uhm no offense Vod...but Vangal WOULD and probably COULD kick Erythnul's butt and use what's left over to feed his armies...
Course if you WANTED to use Vangal, be my guest. I'd just use his hearld. :) She's one NASTY critter.
Damnit, Nightfall! If you don't stop your less-than-subliminal advertising for Scarred Lands soon, I might have to start buying them! :p


First Post
Re: Re: other option

Nightfall said:

Uhm no offense Vod...but Vangal WOULD and probably COULD kick Erythnul's butt and use what's left over to feed his armies...
Course if you WANTED to use Vangal, be my guest. I'd just use his hearld. :) She's one NASTY critter.

I'm not looking for a "my god of slaughter is better than your god your god of slaughter" kind of arguement. I used Erythnul as a template because he was the closest thing I had any details on at the time, but is in reality a bit of a cross between Erythnul and Ares (from the greek pantheon) Let me give you guys a little bit of the gods history. Please feel free to use, adapt, change or ignore, at your whim.

Virakus: Lesser God (slaughter, bloodeshed, war)
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Trickery and War

Virakus is the son of Altus, greater god of creation and rulership, and Inore, intermediate goddess of magic, life and mothers. Virakus was convinced by his mother to murder her husband and take his place as ruler of the gods, and Inore would rule by his side. Virakus of course agreed, and with his mother's help, slew his father and dismembered the body. The murder was hidden for a short time, and then when the body was discovered, Virakus could not be implicated. Virakus did indeed become ruler of the gods, at Inore's insistance, and he and his mother led a reign of bloodshed and evil.

Their reign came to an end when Pyremus, intermediate god of the sun and peace, and Yera, intermediate goddess of war and wisdom discovered that Virakus had killed Altus. Pyremus used a relic to resurrect Altus, who confronted his son and his wife. A great war diveded the gods, with those that sided with Altus on one side, and those siding with Virakus on the other. The war waged for eons, reigning destruction down from the heavens. Altus saw that this was destroying the world, and called an end to the war. Although those loyal to Altus tried to end the hostilities, Virakus' troops continued unabated. Altus saw that the war had gone beyond him, and decided that the only way to end it was to seperate the two warring factions.

Altus took Virakus in an enormous battle and defeated him, imprisoning him in a parison "beyond the edge of the world", but Virakus managed to strike a mortal blow against Altus, and the great god's time was drawing to a close. Drawing upon the last of his power, Altus seperated the heavens. Those loyal to Virakus and Inore became House Inore with a realm of their own, and those loyal to himself became House Pyremus with a realm of their own. The world stood between these two worlds, and no gaod could travel from one realm to another without loosing suffering a great drain on their essence. To seal the new realms, Altus dispersed his essence into the void.

Thus, we have a number of gods:

Altus: God of creation and rulership. No longer worshipped nor "alive"

Pyremus: God of the sun, peace and rulership

Yera: Goddess of war and wisdom, wife of Pyremus and his chief advisor

Virakus: God of slaughter and bloodshed. Imprisoned beyond normal reach, and unable to interact personally in the affairs of man. As the son of Inore, his blood contains a special property which causes certain monsters (harpies, satyres, giants, minotaurs) to spring forth from his spilled blood.

Inore: Goddess of magic, death and deciet. Insane and powerhungry, she wishes unite the realms sundered by Altus and become the ultimate god. She is also known as the mother of monsters, as in her insanity, she gave birth to many of the aberations that infest the land.

That's about it...the people that worship these gods are drawn heavily from the roman culture of earth, though the nobles of that culture actually worship gods similar to those from the Egyption pantheon.


Voidrunner's Codex

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