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A Question for those with long-running Birthright campaigns


Okay here goes some more detail on my campaign:

Adam Bannier, started out as an acolyte of Haelyn and Friend to Prince William Moergan II. They teemed up with a beautiful young singer named Lisell Bellamy and a follower of Eric (druid) named Alana. Those 4 formed the core of the first “generation”.

There were a couple of storylines for those characters. First and foremost was putting William Moergan II on the throne of Osoerde, which was stolen from his father by Jason Raenech, the usurper. Raenech murdered William Moergan II’s father and kept his half brothers hostage (Gavin & Gaelin).

This storyline played out gradually, from 1st to 11th level. Eventually, with the help of a loyal “rebel” army within Osoerde, William Moergan II was able to avenge his fathers murder and put Raenech’s head on a pike. But I get ahead of myself, because a more important series of events took place before that….

After the coup in Osoerde happened, The “Big 4” wandered about, seeking allies to aid their cause. They happened upon the hilt to a sword. Eventually, they were to learn that this was the sword that Haelyn himself wielded at Mt. Deismaar. Certainly this could be a unifying force for all Anuire!

The group made their way to the Imperial City and contacted Caliedhe Dosiere, Chamberlain of the Iron Throne. He knew the importance of the sword and gave all aid possible to try to find the other pieces. Eventually, the group did find the pieces to the sword, but it needed reforged – the only thing that could bind it together was dragon’s breath.

So the group made their way to the southern lands of Aduria, and there battled lonely Infyrana – tricking her into reforging the sword for them and then slaying her. It was then learned that Adam Bannier was the one destined to wield the sword, for he had the Roele blood in him – on his mother’s side. The Chamberlain immediately endorsed him over Boeruine and Avanil. But before that happened, Adam kept a promise to his friend William Moergan II. He fought bravely alongside his friend and helped take back the throne of Osoerde for WMII.

No doubt I have left out many adventures that passed from the time they found that initial piece of the sword until Raenech was deposed. In addition to killing the dragon, William Moergan II lost a leg to vicious attack by a bone golem, Alana got pregnant and had a girl, and Lisell ended up owning an inn in the imperial city. WMII and Adam also participated in a daring raid to win the freedom of Gavin & Gaelin, WMII’s half brothers.

Things settled for a short time after that, but in 554 Adam publicly declared himself rightful heir to Roele and the Anuirian Emperors of old. This was met almost from the beginning with hostility from Darian Avan, his chief rival. Aeric Boeruine was captured earlier that year and held for ransom in the Giantdowns by agents of Avan. Adam seized upon this and rescued Boeruine, asking for his help in the war against Avan. Boeruine recognized Adam as the legitimate Emperor and swore fealty to him in return for a high profile position in the Empire.

At the battle of Manolis, the armies loyal to Adam and the armies loyal to Avan clashed. Both armies fought well, as did the rulers. They did not meet in the field, but both slew many. Eventually, the day was won by Adam – the armies of Boeruine made all the difference. Avan committed suicide rather than be captured.

Over the next few years, other holdings declared themselves as part of the Empire. A few were taken by force. Eventually, the Anuirian Empire was reborn.

It did well in its first ten years. Most of the domain rulers were allowed to govern their existing lands. The Empire was split administratively into the “East” and “West”. The former was run by William Moergan II, the latter by Aeric Boeruine – Adam’s 2 greatest allies in his bid for the Iron Throne.

It was at this point that the 2nd “generation” of Birthright characters stepped in. Foremost among them was Gavin Moergan, ½ brother to William. Gavin was a no-nonsense, and ritually scarred from head to toe as a result of his brief capture by Goblins of Markazor. He and a thief named Kez also had many memorable adventures together, the highlight of which was helping to save the Imperial City, an account of which will follow shortly.

In 561mr it was decided that the Emperor needed an Empress. An opportunistic ruler from the Brecht lands named Erik Danig came forward with a most unusual proposal. He offered his niece Jane Wies in exchange for a union between Danigau and the Empire. Jane was a most beautiful woman and caught the Emperor’s eye at once. The alliance was agreed to, and there was a Royal Wedding for the ages. Soon after, Imperial Knights were headed north to help Danigau with the Urga Zai Goblins.

The newly wed couple lived happily for less than a year when tragedy happened. Aubrey Avan, Darian’s daughter and quite a schemer herself, hatched a plot to take over the reigns of power. She hired a mercenary army from Aduria and teamed up with the mysterious “Wizard”, a woman who had her hand in more than one government being toppled over a period of hundreds of years. The wizard transported the entire army directly into the imperial city while Adam and Jane were taking a tour of the empire. Chaos ensued.

The last surprise Aubrey had for Emperor Adam was an ambush as he and his honor guard of 1,000 knights passed by the Spiderfell - on their way to rescue the city. They fought bravely, but the Spiderfell forces were too numerous and had the element of surprise. Emperor Adam Bannier II was killed in that battle. Aubrey got the revenge she sought for her father’s defeat at the Battle of Manolis. Now she sought to rule the entire empire.

It was not to be. Soon William Moergan II led a rescuing army into the Imperial City to get a measure of revenge for himself. Alongside his half brother Gavin and the enigmatic Kez, the day was won. The highlight was the defeat of a monstrous troll that fought in Aubrey’s army. Just like her father, Aubrey committed suicide in the Imperial Palace rather than face the music. Also of note was the death of Aeric Boeruine and his son. As of 581mr, after a series of accidents and tragedy, the Boeruine line is almost dead.

The Imperial City was in shambles, though. Fire consumed 35% of it. And now, for the first time in 10 years, Adam’s leadership was not there. But his wife, the Empress Jane, stepped in and ruled wisely and justly. She also carried a gift from Adam to the people – twins that were born 8 months after their father’s death.

The time following was sort of a “golden age” for the empire. Recovery, economic might, military campaigns against the Spiderfell (the Empress did not forget that the Spider was working in concert with Aubrey Avan in her failed bid for the throne).

We are now on the 3rd generation of Birthright Characters, and Adam II is on the throne. The year is 581mr, and the boy is now 18. His twin sister is Princess Antoinette, beautiful and intelligent, but with no lands to rule – something she doesn’t like.

One final bit of sadness for my campaign – William Moergan II was assassinated by someone known as Fairclaw. Fairclaw was a ½ Dragon Mother – ½ Giant Father. His mother was Infyrana – the dragon William Moergan II slew almost 30 years earlier. A huge state funeral was given and a bounty of 200,000 Gold Crown was put on Fairclaw’s head. Emperor Adam II has promised 100 days of games in the Grand Temple of Cuiricuen – a magnificent arena dug into the ground and straddled by a colossal statue of the God of Lightening and Battle.

Phew! That’s it for now. For those who stuck to the bitter end, thanks!
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La Bete said:

In some ways yes. Because BR lent itself to a 'living world' feel, it was easy for the players to see that the adventures they were sucked into were often the results of high level political maneuvering, the aims of which they were rarely aware of

That is the ultimate allure of Birthright to me. It's not for everyone, but when the political machinations are done by a skilled DM, few systems are better.

La Bete

First Post
Yeah, just the basic province/holding system gave a mechanism for provide abstract rules for the power struggles that go on in the background, while your character is wandering up into the hills to clear out some bandits/hunt down a lycanthope/transport a relic for some rebels/search for an abandoned mine....


First Post
One thing missing from the campaign update there, what happened to Marlae Roesone?

This has made me wonder if trying a long term Birthright campaign could work...


Tallarn said:
One thing missing from the campaign update there, what happened to Marlae Roesone?

This has made me wonder if trying a long term Birthright campaign could work...

Ooops, sorry about that Tallarn. :)

One thing I neglected to put in my update was a sword and crown summit that occured just before Aubrey's failed takeover. In that summit, Heirl Diem raised a hue and cry that the central region's needs were not being addressed by the eastern king (his rival, WMII). The emperor then consented to split the empire up into 3 spheres, West, East and Central.

Heirl Diem was the first central king. Sadly, he was killed as a hostage when Aubrey did her thing. Some thought he had it coming. Heirl's wife, Justine, unwittingly allowed Aubrey to infiltrate her inner circle by posing as a Vos mystic. That was the way that Aubrey got to know such sensitive information. For her indiscretion, the widow Diem was banished by Empress Jane after the Imperial City was recaptured.

Where was I....oh yes, the Central region. Part of the Army that WMII came to rescue the Imperial City with was from the Mhor, up to that point a "friendly neutral" to the empire. The Mhor agreed to join his country with the empire and to help get rid of Aubrey if he were given a high position after the current crisis.

When it was all said and done, Aubrey was indeed taken care of and The Mhor was put in Heirl Deim's position of governing the Central region of the empire.

Eventually, though, age caught up the Mhor. He ruled wisely and honorably in the years after Adam I's death. Empress Jane appointed Marlae Roesone to The Central Throne after The Mhor died of natural causes. She sits there currently, a good and well-loved ruler.

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