A Rather Odd Shovel [Judge: Bront]


"Oh, er, ah, I was just standing over here," Keldar calls, coming out from behind the statue. "Just resting for a moment after my melodious exertions, before trying to decide which way to go to find a... professional... bard. Er, this way. Yes."
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"You've heard the rumours and seen the signs. The world needs saving. No one would want to try saving the world without putting a bard in charge. That's why they're a bit scarce on the ground right now. But don't worry, I know where to find one. First left, second right. Did we just pass the leatherworkers' guild house? No? Oh. Um. Second left, first right. Well, you're probably wondering why Keldar is trying to unearth - ha! - information about a shovel when the world needs saving. I look at it this way. The little problems that plague peasants and villagers and townsfolk - the goblins, the occasional ogre, the wizard mad with his own power, Tommy - don't just go away because the world is ending. If every last hero races off to the corners of the disc, what will they find when they get back, having saved it, if they do? All kinds of trouble, perhaps nothing left that was worth the bother of saving. No, while the gloryseekers are gone, someone needs to be left in charge of the entire rest of the world. That's our job. We might as well start by looking for a bard, an architect and the owner of a shovel."

Rae ArdGaoth

As you wander the streets of Orussus, you hear the faint chords of a lyre emanating from somewhere nearby. Following your ears, you discover a gaily dressed half-elf sitting outside of a store front, with a wide brimmed hat on the ground before him. A few pennies glint in the afternoon sun.


"There, have you ever known me to get lost?" says Keldar, with satisfaction, or perhaps relief. "Although would a truly great bard, along the lines of myself, be singing for coppers? I wonder."

He approaches. "Good morning, sir! Keldar Warbray and the adventuring company that refuses to recognise a catchy name when it hears it! We heard from a distance an accomplished lyre player. Some have said the first two thirds are true of me, but I'd claim no more than the first. Do you duet, at all?"

Rae ArdGaoth

The half-elf looks up at Keldar and smiles as he silences the strings of his instrument. "An accomplished player, perhaps, but today I'm just experimenting with the sounds of a recently acquired instrument." Putting the lyre to the side, he swings a lute around from his back to his front and plucks a couple of strings, tuning it quickly. "This, though, I can duet with. Did you have something in mind?" He starts strumming some chords and improvising a tune, waiting for Keldar to respond. He's obviously a superb musician.


"We had a serious purpose in seeking out a collector of tales and songs, but I can see by the looks of panic growing in my companions' eyes that they fear they won't have the chance to hear one of my personal compositions performed with lute accompaniment! What a splendid opportunity! And of course, if the song takes your fancy, please add it to your repertoire... just mention my name now and then. It's a simple enough retelling of an old story, in my own words. Now, follow my lead. A few ornamentations of the vocal line will be quite enough."

"Beneath a tall tower where ivy creeps
For hour on hour a woman weeps.
Wrothful, her father asks 'What is amiss?
Will you not rather accept the kiss
Of a mighty lord, with land and wealth
As the meet reward for turning your health
And person fair to the honest role
Of bearing his heir?
' 'Upon my soul,
I'll never do this; I'll take no coin
For any man's kiss; but I will join
My one true love, who in your power
Lies prisoner above in a cell of this tower.
'That shall not be, for at break of day
He hangs from yon tree.
' Then with dismay
She cries out aloud, 'My love is true,
So am I proud to keep faith too.
Oh gods, be thou kind and grant him peace,
Strength of his heart, and swift release,
That well he may die, fearless and brave:
Then I shall lie with him in his grave.

Rae ArdGaoth

The bard plays along in a minor key, humming soft harmonies as Keldar sings. When the song is finished, a tiny crowd has gathered to listen to the pair. They applaud politely, and one gentleman even has his manservant flip two silver pieces into the bard's hat before the crowd disperses.

The half-elf stands and bows to Keldar. "A somber song for somber times. A fine vocalist you are, sir. My name is Volidar Stormblade, of the Brotherhood. You said you needed a tale swapper? Well, you've given me a song, now I'll give you a tale. What would you like to know?"

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