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A Rather Odd Shovel [Judge: Bront]

Rae ArdGaoth

Kaytoo goes to help his friend in the water. He finds rope tied to the mast and grabs it.

Galwynn's team moves back, except for Galwynn. He unleashes a devastating blow on the captain, and the blood from the cut is gushing out onto the pirate deck. But still, she stands.

Keldar and his whip boy try to take on one 'Swift'. Keldar misses with his arrow, and the whipboy fails to pull his weapon away. In retaliation, the pirate yanks back, attempting to disarm the whipboy instead. (P7's disarm: 16)

The whipboy moves back.

The pirates begin to mobilize. The foremost pirate, "Burly", charges into Rapture with great force, using the momentum of the boats to his advantage. Dodging her attack (Improved Bull Rush) he slams into her, and she goes over the side. (P4 bull rush R: Success, she can't beat a 26)

The other one, the "Blaggard", stays out of Galwynn's range and then comes at the paladin from behind, flanking him with the captain. steps towards the paladin. He puts a lot of muscle behind the swing and misses. (P6 move to B9 B11, atk G: miss)

The pirate that Keldar missed now attacks Keldar with his Rapier. Since his big friend has moved in behind Keldar, he's sandwiched between two pirates and has to fend them both off. He wiggles his rapier around fancily while Blaggard annoys Keldar from behind. (P7 is feinting Keldar [move action w/ Improved Feint], Keldar must beat a 21 with a Sense Motive + BAB roll)

The pirate the Keldar missed now attacks Galwynn, since Keldar is out of range. Though Galwynn is practically surrounded, he manages to fend off the rapier attack with relative ease. (Even with the loss of Dex, it's a miss, so don't bother with a sense motive)

[sblock=OOC: ]I need these:

Swim check from Rapture.
Disarm check from Keldar's whipboy.
Sense Motive +BAB for Keldar.

Keldar is being flanked because drawing a line between the centers of Swift and Blaggard's squares passes through Keldar's two opposite borders. I already rolled Swift's attack on Keldar; if Keldar fails his check, he takes 3 damage.[/sblock]

[sblock=Initiative and Map Legend]
Fim - Fimble (HP: 19 )
K - Keldar (HP: 21 )
Kw - Keldar's Whip Wielder (HP: 5 )
K2 - Keldar's 2nd (HP: 5 )
K3 - Keldar's 3rd (HP: 5 , swimming )
7 - Swift N' Sneaky Seadogs (Damage: 0 )
8 - Swift N' Sneaky Seadogs (Damage: 0 )
9 - Swift N' Sneaky Seadogs (Damage: 0 )
4 - Burly Bilgefaced Blaggards (Damage: 11 )
5 - Burly Bilgefaced Blaggards (Damage: 23 , dead )
6 - Burly Bilgefaced Blaggards (Damage: 0 )
Ta - Tarag (HP: 26 )
TW - Tarag's Will (Crow's Nest) (HP: 5 )
TJ - Tarag's James (HP: 5 )
FM - Merchant First Mate (HP: 13 )
R - Rapture (HP: 31 )
RL - Rapture's Lenny (HP: 5 )
RK - Rapture's Karl (HP: -3 , down and stable )
1 - Spineless Sniping Scumbag (Damage: 9 )
2 - Pirate First Matey (Damage: 0 )
3 - La Capitan (Damage: 20 )
10 - Tough Swashbucklin' Elves (Damage: 0 )
11 - Tough Swashbucklin' Elves (Damage: 0 )
12 - Tough Swashbucklin' Elves (Damage: 0 )
To - Tommy (HP: 13 )
TF - Tommy's Franz (HP: 5 )
TI - Tommy's Ivan (HP: 5 )
TM - Tommy's Marcus (HP: 5 )
G - Galwynn (HP: 28 )
GM - Galwynn's Marlowe (HP: 2 )
GP - Galwynn's Pitr (HP: 5 )


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OOC: Sorry, Rae. I was perhaps unclear. Keldar didn't move to C9. I only mentioned C9 because it was vacated by Marlowe, giving Keldar a shot at a swashbuckler without friendly soft cover. Keldar stepped from A10 to A9. That markedly changes matters.
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OOC: I have no idea what to roll for the whip wielder's counter-counter-disarm. Surely the -4 for lacking Precise Shot doesn't apply here. In any case, it doesn't matter, because I rolled a 1. Again.

Rae ArdGaoth

That penalty only applies to ranged attacks, I thought. Regardless, it's a failure. Whipboy loses his whip.

Edited my last post, P8 and P9 still have to go; update to come in a while.

Rae ArdGaoth

Sneaky (P8) leaves the rail and circles around to engage Galwynn, who has proven himself to be quite devastating. His attack is horrible.

Seadog, the last sly pirate, takes a small chance and leaps between the ships, avoiding Galwynn's reach and achieving a flanking position with his co-pirate, Sneaky. His rapier merely bends against Galwynn's heavy plate mail.

Tarag's flames overshoot the pirates.

Rapture and co. and Tarag's co. are up.

[sblock=Initiative and Map Legend]
3 - La Capitan (Damage: 20 )
G - Galwynn (HP: 28 )
GM - Galwynn's Marlowe (HP: 2 )
GP - Galwynn's Pitr (HP: 5 )
Fim - Fimble (HP: 19 )
K - Keldar (HP: 21 )
Kw - Keldar's Whip Wielder (HP: 5 )
K2 - Keldar's 2nd (HP: 5 )
K3 - Keldar's 3rd (HP: 5 , swimming )
7 - Swift N' Sneaky Seadogs (Damage: 0 )
8 - Swift N' Sneaky Seadogs (Damage: 0 )
9 - Swift N' Sneaky Seadogs (Damage: 0 )
4 - Burly Bilgefaced Blaggards (Damage: 11 )
5 - Burly Bilgefaced Blaggards (Damage: 23 , dead )
6 - Burly Bilgefaced Blaggards (Damage: 0 )
Ta - Tarag (HP: 26 )
TW - Tarag's Will (Crow's Nest) (HP: 5 )
TJ - Tarag's James (HP: 5 )
FM - Merchant First Mate (HP: 13 )
R - Rapture (HP: 31 )
RL - Rapture's Lenny (HP: 5 )
RK - Rapture's Karl (HP: -3 , down and stable )
1 - Spineless Sniping Scumbag (Damage: 9 )
2 - Pirate First Matey (Damage: 0 )
10 - Tough Swashbucklin' Elves (Damage: 0 )
11 - Tough Swashbucklin' Elves (Damage: 0 )
12 - Tough Swashbucklin' Elves (Damage: 6 )
To - Tommy (HP: 13 )
TF - Tommy's Franz (HP: 5 )
TI - Tommy's Ivan (HP: 5 )
TM - Tommy's Marcus (HP: 5 )


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First Post
Lenny will attack the man who bull rushed Rapture and then take a step towards the others.

OOC: Can't roll an attack at the moment, if someone else could please I'd appreciate it :)


First Post

Rae ArdGaoth

Rapture's Lenny, inspired with the spirit of vengeance, delivers a world of pain to the pirate that knocked Rapture off the boat. The muscular pirate, stunned at the ferocious attack, falls bewildered to the deck. Only one blaggard remains. Grinning, Lenny takes a step back. (Crit on P4, 16 damage, P4 dies)

That was very lucky.

Tarag's team doesn't fare so well. Both men's javelins fall short or are dodged.

The sniper pops up for another pot shot, but the hunter becomes the hunted as Tommy's magic missiles soar straight into the pirate's face. Another pirate falls. (5 damage to P1, P1 is down)

The pirates' first matey abandons the wheel as the ships take a course of their own. He moves to the rail, rapier in hand, ready to fight. (Ready action to attack when within melee range.)

The elves do the same. (Ready action to attack when within melee range.)


[sblock=Initiative and Map Legend]
3 - La Capitan (Damage: 20 )
G - Galwynn (HP: 28 )
GM - Galwynn's Marlowe (HP: 2 )
GP - Galwynn's Pitr (HP: 5 )
Fim - Fimble (HP: 19 )
K - Keldar (HP: 21 )
Kw - Keldar's Whip Wielder (HP: 5 )
K2 - Keldar's 2nd (HP: 5 )
K3 - Keldar's 3rd (HP: 5 , swimming )
7 - Swift N' Sneaky Seadogs (Damage: 0 )
8 - Swift N' Sneaky Seadogs (Damage: 0 )
9 - Swift N' Sneaky Seadogs (Damage: 0 )
4 - Burly Bilgefaced Blaggards (Damage: 27 , dead )
5 - Burly Bilgefaced Blaggards (Damage: 23 , dead )
6 - Burly Bilgefaced Blaggards (Damage: 0 )
Ta - Tarag (HP: 26 )
TW - Tarag's Will (Crow's Nest) (HP: 5 )
TJ - Tarag's James (HP: 5 )
FM - Merchant First Mate (HP: 13 )
R - Rapture (HP: 31 , swimming )
RL - Rapture's Lenny (HP: 5 )
RK - Rapture's Karl (HP: -3 , down and stable )
To - Tommy (HP: 13 )
1 - Spineless Sniping Scumbag (Damage: 14 , down )
2 - Pirate First Matey (Damage: 0 )
10 - Tough Swashbucklin' Elves (Damage: 0 )
11 - Tough Swashbucklin' Elves (Damage: 0 )
12 - Tough Swashbucklin' Elves (Damage: 6 )
TF - Tommy's Franz (HP: 5 )
TI - Tommy's Ivan (HP: 5 )
TM - Tommy's Marcus (HP: 5 )


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