A request for input on the FR Nations and their relative strength


First Post
I collected the previously posted data, alphabetized it and cleaned up some (not all) of the spelling errors. Here it is...


Arcane Brotherhood
Headquarters: The Host Tower of the Arcane, in Luskan.
Members: 130
Hierarchy: Loose.
Leader: Arklem Greeth, Archmage Arcane of the Host Tower. Below him are the four
Religion: Auril, Bane, Umberlee.
Alighments: CE, LE, NE.
Secrecy: Medium.

Headquarters: None
Members: At least 2,000
Hierarchy: Militaristic.
Leader: None
Religion: None (Beholders have a deity known as the Great Mother, but their allegiances
to eachother are not tied by faith.)
Alignments: LE, NE.
Secrecy: Medium or high.

Church of Auril
Headquarters: A great glacier where once a river was, it was a gift from Auril to her
devoted cult and is located somewhere in the mountains of the Frozen North above
Icewind Dale.
Members: Unknown but several hundred barbarians, druids and rangers are known to
worship the Frost Maiden. But several hundred more creatures of the North are believed
to worship her. Among her worshippers are estimated to about 80-100 of her clergy.
Hierarchy: Webbed.
Leader: Three human sisters, all high level clerics/hierophants of Auril. They rule from a
great temple within the glacier, formed purely out of ice.
Religion: Auril
Alignment: NE, CE, LE, N.
Secrecy: High

Church of Bane
Headquarters: Zhentil Keep, the Moonsea.
Members: Roughly 8,000 clergy and 135,000 worshippers.
Hierarchy: Militaristic.
Leader: Fzoul Chembryl, Chosen of Bane.
Religion: Bane.
Alignment: LE, NE, LN
Secrecy: Low

Church of Cyric
Headquarters: The church maintains nu true central headquarters, allthough several
outposts vie for the title.
Members: Roughly 12,000 clergy and 250,000 worshippers.]Hierrarchy: Loose.
Leader: Cyric
Alignment: CE, NE, CN
Secrecy: Medium

Church of Shar
Headquarters: No official headquarters because it must remain hidden to avoid
persecution, but the Temple of the Old Night in Calimport is by far its largest religious
Members: It is impossible to know the exact number of worshippers who consider Shar
their patron deity, or who venerate her sufficiently to be considered active in her church.
The best estimate is that perhaps as many as 100,000 Faerunians have chosen Shar as their
patron, and of this number some 3,500 represent her clergy.
Hierarchy: Webbed.
Leader: Shar
Relegion: Shar.
Alignment: NE, LE, CE.
Secrecy: Very High.

Cult of the Dragon
Headquarters: The members of the church of the Cult do not presently maintain a central
headquarters. However, they are in the process of constructing one--amighty fortress in
the Western Heartlands, built over an extinct volcano that houses the fabled Well of
Hierarchy: Webbed
Leaders: The Wearers of Purple (Elite Wizards who tame dragons and have the
knowledge to turn them into Dracoliches via the use of Sammasters Tome)
Religion: None, though the cult primarily worships Bane, Talos, Shar, Talona,
Velsharoon. A handfull even venerate Cyric, Gargauth, Malar or Tiamat.
Alignment: CE, CN, NE
Secrecy: Very High

Headquarters: A subterranian lair in the North located beneath the ruins of Lothen of the
Silver Spires, near the dwarven ruin known as the Hall of Four Ghosts.
Members: 52 (2 half-fiends, 33 fey'ri, 9 servants, and 8 individual asociates.)
Hierarchy: Loose.
Leader: Countess Sarya Dlardrageth.
Religion: The daemonfey do not worship the deities of Faerun. They venerate their
namesake )the demon elves of House Dlardrageth) and pay homage to certain infernal
Alignment: CE.
Secrecy: Medium.

Drow: House Jaelre of Cormanthor
Headquarters: Cormanthor on the surface and various cities in the underdark. But soon
they will corrupt the Mythal of the Ancient Elven court there and then they shall move
into those forests en masse and most likely make it their primairy base under cover of the
Mythal then under their control.
Members: Estimated 15,000 living on the surface, unknown tens of thousands in the
underdark waiting to surface.
Hierarchy: Varies per house, mostly Militaristic.
Leader: Varies per house.
Religion: Varies per House, mostly Vhaeraun the masked Lord.
Alignment: NE, CE, CN
Secrecy: Low

Eldreth Veluuthra
Headquarters: None.
Members: About 100.
Hierarchy: Loose.
Leaders: The blade lords, five very powerful elves under which one powerful and ancient
Religion: Corellon Larethian.
Alignment: CN, CE, NE.
Secrecy: Low.

Fire Knives
Headquarters: Secret vaults beneath Castle Cormaeril, in the city of Westgate.
Members: 75 real assasins, uknown numbers of other employees and other rogues.
Hierarchy: Militaristic.
Leader: Lord Tagreth Cormaeril, the Grandfather of Assasins.
Religion: None.
Alignment: LE, NE.
Secrecy: Medium.

House Karanok
Headquarters: Luthcheq, Chessenta.
Members: Approximately 300 members of the noble house, plus several hundred guards
and servants.
Hierarchy: Militaristic.
Leader: Maelos Karanok.
Religion: Entropy (Tiamat).
Alignment: LE.
Secrecy: None (although groups outside Chessenta conceal their identity and agenda.)

Iron Throne
Headquarters: Merchant offices in Suzail.
Members: 3,530.
Hierarchy: Segmented.
Leader: Krakosh, a very powerfull male stormgiant sorcerer.
Religion: Popular religions in the organisation which are popularly venerated are:
Kelemvor, Mask, Shar, Waukeen.
Alignment: LN, LE, CN, CE, NE.
Secrecy: High.

Headquaters: None.
Members: About 4,000 (and growing FAST)
Hierarchy: Loose.
Leader: None.
Religion: None, Kir-Lanans only exist with the desire to punish the deities and kill all the
wretched "god-slaves".
Alignment: CE.
Secrecy: None.

Knights of the Shield
Headquarters: Inselm Hhune's palatial manse in the city of Baldurs Gate.
Members: 60-100, plus three of four times as many agents.
Hierarchy: Loose.
Leader: Inselm Hhune, First Lord of the Shield Council.
Religion: Gargauth the Outcast.
Alignment: CN, LE, NE.
Secrecy: High.

Kraken Society
Headquarters: Ascarle, north Trackless Sea (an underwater city in which you can breathe
due to a dark elf Mythal that covers it of old. The city was found abandoned by the
society’s leader and taken as their own. The city is now ruled by a Mindflayer who goes
by the name of Vestress). Members: Unknown, but assumed to number hundreds of
agents across the North and the Western Heartlands, plus tens of thousands of aquatic
troops and mindflayers.
Hierarchy: Webbed.
Leader: Slarkrethel (NE Male Kraken Wiz20, Chosen of Umberlee)
Religion: Umberlee, varies.
Alignment: NE, LE, N.
Secrecy: Medium.

Larloch the Lich King
Headquarters: The Warlock's Crypt, western Troll Hills in the Sword Coast.
Members: Larloch himself and a large number (several dozen) of powerful liches and
vampires. Below them they have amassed an arsenal of magic items, spells and a huge
number of undead followers.
Hierarchy: Militaristic.
Leader: Larloch.
Religion: Unknown.
Secrecy: Low.

Legion of the Chimera
Headquarters: The Severed Hand.
Members: Unknown but the Horde its number is estimated to range around as much as
25,000 thousand humanoids or more composed of Orcs, Goblins, Bugbears, Trolls, all
sorts of Giants and Ogres.
Hierarchy: Military.
Leader: If there is a leader or if there are multiple leaders they must be very powerful
indeed to forge such an army but none are identified as such at the moment. Mutliple tribe
leaders and powerfull giants are believed to have some sort of council to make decisions.
(According to the IceWind Dale games the horde is lead by two immensely powerfull
Cambions. The two half-fiends name Isair and Madae, they are brother and sister, Isair a
epic wizard and fighter and Madae once a cleric of Ilmater, now a devoted and epic level
Cleric of Xvim. And with the power they wield they might very well indeed bring these
chaotic humanoids together and forge a true army from them... the North beware.)
Religion: Xvim, but some venerate Bane or Auril or the gods of their race.
Alignment: CE, NE, CN.
Secrecy: None (or in the case of Isair and Madae: Very High. Since they are trying to
unite all cambions and abominations under their rule. All half-dragons, all Yuan-ti, evil
half-elves and everything that might be considered an outcast by society.)

Headquarters: Each Malaugrim maintains its own headquarters and sanctuaries, usually in
the area where its current form dwells. The Shadow master maintains a powerfull
stronghold on the Plane of Shadow.
Members: 5 currently in Faerun, about 100 alltogether.
Hierarchy: Loose.
Leader: The Shadowmaster.
Religions: Shar, Gargauth, Bane.
Alignment: CE.
Secrecy: High.

Mind Flayers
Headquarters: Various cities in the Underdark.
Members: Unknown, but at least five cities of 1,000 or more Mind Flayers are known to
exist in the underdark with tens of thousands of slaves.
Hierarchy: Militaristic.
Leader: None, or the Elder Brain of a city.
Religions: Ilsensine.
Alignment: LE.
Secrecy: None (although few on the surface other then the illithids known the locations of
the Underdark Cities.)

Monks of the Dark Moon
Headquarters: None.
Members: 192.
Hierarchy: Militaristic.
Leader: Shar.
Religion: Shar.
Alignment: LE.
Secrecy: Medium.

Monks of the Long Death
Headquarters: Firesteap Mountains, Lake of Steam.
Members: 100.
Hierarchy: Militaristic.
Leader: Lenet the Cold.
Religion: Varies.
Alignment: LE, LN.
Secrecy: Low.

Night Masks
Headquarters: A guildhall in Westgate, but the Vampire leaders have their own secret
underground lair in which they reside and where they keep their coffers.
Members: Approximately 900, including the Court of the Night Masters. However the
Faceless soon expects to fully assimilate the Fire Knives from Cormyr into his ranks which
will boost his number and talent amoung his followers greately.
Hierarchy: Webbed
Leader: The Faceless (Manshoon clone with a now own identity)
Religion: Mask
Alignment: CE, LE, NE
Secrecy: High

Orcs: The Army of King Obould Many Arrows
Headquarters: Dark Arrow Keep, Western spine of the World.
Members: Unknown but estimated to be around 6,500 orcs of which 2,250 are stationed
in or around Dark Arrow Keep.
Hierarchy: Military
Leader: King Obould Many Arrows
Religion: Gruumsh, Auril.
Alignment: CE.
Secrecy: Medium

People of the Black Blood
Headquarters: None.
Members: 50-100.
Hierarchy: Loose.
Leader: Bloodmaster (the most powerfull of each group and there are 6 groups spread
across Faerun).
Religion: Malar.
Alignment: CE, NE, N.
Secrecy: None, although the People rarely reveal their affiliation to those outside the

Red Wizards of Thay
Headquarters: Thaymount, Thay.
Members: Approximately 1,000 actual Red Wizards, with approximately 5,000 practicing
wizards in their service. Lots of slaves.
Hierarchy: Militaristic.
Leaders: The Zulkirs of Thay (Loose council of eight Red Wizards, each specialised in a
different school of arcane magic.) Below them are the Tharchions who each rule a
province of Thay. Below the Tharchions are the rest of the Red Wizards.
Religion: Kossuth, Bane, Shar, Loviatar.
Alignment: LE, NE, LN, CE.
Secrecy: None

Headquarters: Various residences in Calimshan and Tashalar.
Members: Thousands, including the many merchants, bandits, and pirates involved or
emplyed by the Rundeen. The primairy organisation probably numbers about 3,000
Hierarchy: Segmented
Leaders: The Grand Yrshelem (five individuals).
Religion: Waukeen, any.
Alignment: LN, N, LE, NE.
Secrecy: Medium.

Headquarters: The city of Shade, normally floating above Anauroch, just off the northeast
coast of the shadow sea (or, to give it its Netherese name, the Hidden Lake).
Members: Approximately 500 shades among the approximately 25,000 shadovars.
Hierarchy: Militaristic.
Leader: Telamont, the High Prince of Shade. Below him are his sons, the Twelve Princes
of Shade all very powerfull beings, almost all of at least 30th level.
Relegion: Shar
Alignment: NE, LE.
Secrecy: Medium.

Shadow Thieves
Headquarters: Two Guildhouses in Athkatla, one of which true, one of which false.
Members: Uncertain, but probably more then 3,000 operatives work for the guild at any
one time.
Hierarchy: Webbed.
Leaders: The Shadow Council.
Religion: Mask.
Alignment: LE, NE, CE, CN.
Secrecy: High.

Twisted Rune
Headquarters: Various secret locales in Calimshan.
Members: 30
Hierarchy: Webbed.
Leaders: The Rune Council (a group of nine epic arcane masters, among which a
powerfull ancient dracolich)
Religion: None.
Alignment: CE, LE, NE.
Secrecy: High.

Headquarters: Zhentil Keep, The Moonsea.
Members: At least 10,000 mainly located in the Moonsea.
Hierarchy: Militaristic.
Leader: Fzoul Chembryl, Chosen of Bane.
Religion: Bane (primarily), Cyric (some holdouts in the western lands).
Alignments: LE, NE.
Secrecy: Low

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William Ronald

Kalanyr, good to see you on this thread.

Any thoughts on the nationalism/morale issue? I fear that it may be too subjective to categorize accurately for game purposes.

A general rule I have is that rules should not bog down game play. Whether everyone has fun or not at a game is what really matters.

I think for some things in life, you just have to wing it. I have no idea of how many people in a fictional setting would completely support their government in all things. Though perhaps it might be a good idea to have a general feel of a country in the Realms or another setting. The descriptions in the FRCS can provide at least some of this.

John and Mr. Draco, your ideas on quantifiable rules are interesting. However, I am trying to figure how they can be applied. If not, it might be just best for DMs to use their own best judgement. (There will be arguments, perhaps, but then there would be arguments over the formulas. To quote Zathras from Babylon 5, at least there will be symmetry.:D )


First Post

You may be right. It might not be worth quantifying something like nationalism/morale. It may work better just assuming it 100%. It was just a thought on my part.


While I am not really interested in participating in a second FR IR, once you decide how you want to quantify things, I would be willing to help you define the starting points if you like. I own a copy of the 3E Forgotten Realms campaign book (although I admit I haven read much of it), and if you tell me what 2E material I need to get via pdf for the countries/territories in questions, I will read, then assign the power level via your formula and then you can review it and do what you want with it.

Always willing to help,

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William Ronald


I think Edena would appreciate your help on working on a 4th IR. I am committed to lending a hand.


Let us know if you can create a Realms civilization game. That sounds like fun!

William Ronald


I tend to lean towards your view. It does help to have a base line to work with. Then it will be easy to alter things from there.


I will try to work on some of the rankings using Gez's formula. I think that divine influence can be figured under magic. (i.e. Mulhorand has lots of clerics, and the king does receive occassional divine advice.) It is kind of hard to quantify everything, and probably not necessary.

William Ronald

There are a few countries that I forgot to include in my previous posts.

FRCS P. 106

Samarach: A land on the Chultan peninsular, separated from their neighbors by jungles and mountains. Tashalarite explorers claim the natives are cowards who lhide in walled cities at night. Illusions cloak the roads to the cities and mountain passes.

Thindol: A land of tall grasses, bordered by Tashalar, Chult, and Samarach, , Thindol is home to humans who are said to be swift runners. Gold dwarves live in the hills and the mountains, where they fight kuo-toa and a race of aquatic yuan ti.

FRCS. P. 111
Sossal: This land lies far north of Narfell, but trades with Damara. They trade iion furs, seal meat, gold, and shaped wood. Som of the Sossrim have powers like druidic magic, and can shape plant life to their will or pass magically from tree to tree. Sosar furniture is sold in Sembia.

FRCS P. 150
Nimbral. This isle, southwest of Lantan is little known. It is dominated by forest, and high meadows. The people are known as great wizards, and are ruled by perhaps two dozen archmages called the Nimbral Lords. They oppose such organizations as the Red Wizards, the Arcane Brotherhood, the Cult of the Dragon and the twisted rune. The Flying hunt, mounted knights on pegasi who were glasssteel armor, uphold the higest ideals of chivalry while fighting monsters, pirates, and raiders.

FRCS P. 188
Murghom,: Once part of Mulhorand, Murghom is semi independent. They are known for their skill with horses, fighting rivals in Semphar, and fighting the undead and other monsters.

Semphjr: East of Murghom, Semphar is effectively independent, although it is claimed by Mulhorand as a province. It trades with Kara Tur and other nations if Faerun.

FRCS P. 190
Rethild: The Great Swam: BBNordering Halruaa, it is home to lizardfolk, shambling mounds and other creatures. An ancient ruined city is said at lie at its center..

Voidrunner's Codex

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