stonegod said:Woot! XP time! My second fully completed adventure here! After an abort and a near abort (in different games), I'm happy.
Thanks Animus.
Your welcome

BTW, if you missed the first XP award, here it is.
stonegod said:Woot! XP time! My second fully completed adventure here! After an abort and a near abort (in different games), I'm happy.
Thanks Animus.
Just a note--the time award is for 1st level characters. Second level characters get twice that (lvl*50*months).Animus said:
stonegod said:Just a note--the time award is for 1st level characters. Second level characters get twice that (lvl*50*months).
Velmont said:Just to be sure, everyone have 1 dragonshard and 250 gp?