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A Tainted World (5/18/04)


Dovena's Tale, Part 2

After a lengthy discussion, they'd agreed upon a plan. It was likely that this group of bountyhunters working for Edward would have a hard time tracking any leads back to the tavern, but if they did, they'd be ready. The only problem could be one of timing. If the party showed up at the busiest time of the evening, it might be difficult to keep an eye on their activities, and there would surely be too many witnesses if a fight ensued. Of course, if they did show up during regular hours, that may just be coincidence as well.

Since she'd been up since the early hours, she decided to catch a nap. She was just about to take off her armor and climb into her cot when someone started calling her name. "Dovena, the messenger is back!" She briefly considered not answering the summons, but it was too important to find out any new information. She changed her appearance to the Matron outfit and headed for the common room.

Padris was there waiting for her. She sat down and read the note. The information was mixed. She again thanked Padris for his fine effort, and then got up. As she'd been talking to Padris, a pair of men, one a thin human, and the other a large half-orc had taken a booth near the door. She was too caught up in the details of the note to think clearly, and she began heading for the back rooms. As she was half-way there, she realized that those could be the two escaped bountyhunters. Could they have followed Padris? The mayor suspected something. It was too late to change her course and she continued on thru the staff door, passing the bouncer, Groth.

She found Jador and revealed the note's contents. "Your kin appears to have been successful in killing the four held in the prison, but he was captured before he could escape. I'm sorry."

Jador looked stunned, but then smiled. "At least he took them down for Uncle. Uncle Z would approve." She also told the waitress Elrina, then assumed her own waitress disguise and went back to the common room to inform Tavic who was currently manning the bar.

The pair in the booth was not there, or at least not the same pair. Now it was the half-orc and a plain-looking man. He looked very familiar, but couldn't be sure who it was. He was wearing a hood that he kept pulling over his face as if he was trying to stay hidden. She quietly discussed her suspicions with Tavic at the bar.

"I think that's one from the trial." "But he's dead!" "We can't be sure. The Mayor suspects, so that could have been a false message." Just then, Elrina, the waitress came to the bar. "The guys in the booth want another round in the king mugs."

"Here ya go." Elrina walked off with the two oversized mugs. Tavic winked at Dovena. "Give 'em a few minutes, then check 'em out."

Sure enough, after a few gulps, both the half-orc and human had passed out from the drug that Tavic had secretly slipped into their mugs. Dovena approached, watching carefully to make sure both fellows were truly unconscious. Then she pulled back the hood and looked carefully at the human. She nodded slightly for Tavic to see, confirming her hunch, then smoothly put the hood back. She looked around and made sure no one had seen her. With her present disguise, she just looked like a waitress, so it wouldn't seem to out of place to be checking on a drunken customer. Her hand moved to the hilt of her dagger. She could kill them quickly without anyone seeing her. As she slowly began to draw the blade, a firm hand pulled her shoulder. It was Tavic. He was shaking his head and forcing her dagger back into its sheath.

"If they die here, it will merely confirm the mayor's suspicion and likely bring the wrath of their comrades. For all these two know, they got drunk and passed out. On the other hand, we've learned much. The mayor has been tipped off. The messenger is no longer useful to us. And we know that these fellows are actually still alive." Tavic picked up both of the drugged mugs and then switched them with two more from a nearby table that Elrina was about to take back to the bar.

Tavic headed back to the bar, leaving Dovena waiting by the table still contemplating a double homicide. Once again, Tavic was right. Sometimes that man was infuriating in his logic. She kept watch as a waitress until the two men left, then she headed back to her room to take a nap. She didn't fall asleep immediately; for quite a while she twisted the dagger back'n'forth in various grips imagining several ways she could have killed the men at the booth, but finally, she was out.

She had no idea how long she'd slept, but it was Jador who woke her up. "Them bastards are back! The balls they have to come walking in here with my cousin's and uncle's blood fresh on their hands. I'm gonna fry 'em Dovena, but I want you to join the fun!"

"Have you cleared this with Tavic?" she asked, but the gnome was already gone. She sat up from her bed, quickly pulled on her armor, and then she grabbed her knife by the pillow. She moved cautiously toward the common room, realizing that the tavern could already be under attack. As she neared the common room, she could make out the voices of many customers meaning that it must be a busy night. As she reached the hallway, she thought she saw a rat scurrying back into the common room past Groth the bouncer.

Elrina, the waitress, nearly ran over her with an armload of dirty plates and mugs. "Did Jador talk to you?" "Yes. He's the one who woke me up. Does Tavic know?" Elrina nodded. "We're going with Jador's in-bar plan that we discussed earlier today. Are you ready?" Dovena nodded, realizing this would likely be a major fight. "The place is full of Prime guards and a few bounty hunters. You know what to do." Dovena just kept nodding.

She made her way out the back thru the kitchen. By now the cooks were used to seeing her come and go this way so they barely gave her any notice. She rounded the building and got a look in thru the front door. Prime guards were indeed everywhere. She could just barely make out the bountyhunters in the corner. She backed up a few feet and shouted, "It's Ianthe! She's making a run for it!"

A couple of guards near the door rushed into the street, and Dovena pointed down the street toward a slender, cloaked figure walking at a brisk pace. The intoxicated guards needed little incentive to begin rushing off shouting, "Ianthe! Ianthe! 50 thousand gold!" Within a matter of moments, nearly the entire bar had emptied into the street like lemmings rushing after the cloaked figure. In reality, it was just one of the other waitresses who they'd paid to wear a cloak and then hurry off into the woods. She was new, expendable, and knew nothing else of their plans. If she got caught, it was anyone's guess what would happen, but that would be her problem, and by then, the guards would be long gone.

As the last few drunken guards staggered out, she took this opportunity to make herself invisible. It wouldn't last long, but it should last long enough to slip in and make at least one key strike.

Already, she could hear Tavik beginning to sing. She slipped into the bar, walking softly so as not to alert anyone. A couple more drunks staggered out past her, almost colliding with her. The bountyhunters presented badges, but that didn't matter. Surrender was not an option for them. Jador unleashed his fire upon them, but it didn't seem to hurt them very much.

Things didn't seem to be going according to plan. Despite Groth's previous orders to attack, the half-orc bouncer was just standing there acting stupid. The human who'd been drugged earlier had rushed up the stairs at an amazing speed and was within reach of Jador. Meanwhile, the half-orc was pressing on to engage Tavik or Groth. The other two bounty-hunters were holding back apparently casting spells. The nearest of these was a dwarf, apparently a cleric of suldane while the other one in the corner appeared to be another bard. Between them, there was a fuzzy creature on the floor, but it was hard to see below the tables. Was it the rat she'd seen in the hall? Perhaps a familiar? Where was their 6th man?

She needed to choose one of them to attack. The two most obvious targets were the dwarf cleric or the human bard. She remembered Zyten mentioned that he had tried to kill the bard, and he'd managed to live, so it was possible he had some kind of ability to avoid this. It was no secret that she hated clerics from her dark past, so she quickly set upon studying him.

The rest of the battle was like a blur around her. Elrina was shooting arrows past her invisible form while other arrows from the bard nearly struck her at one point. The dwarf barely moved and she had reached a spot right behind him. She already had the dagger in her hand and moved into position. She had a myriad of choices, but she'd settled on one. A quick throat slash would end it quickly. In a flash, she struck, landing a near-perfect strike. She'd hit a critical artery and blood poured out in a deep red gush. The target crumpled instantly.

She was instantly the new target of the bountyhunter's attacks, and she suffered several blows before she could react. A quick leap placed her closer to the bar, next to Tavic. As she landed, she quickly surveyed the situation. Groth was laughing. Tavic was badly wounded. Elrina was still shooting arrows, and had landed a few good shots on the enemy half-orc. She didn't see Jador, but it looked like he'd been knocked down. Meanwhile, besides her work on the dwarf, and the arrows protruding from the half-orc, it didn't look like they'd been very successful yet.

She needed to hide again, so she tried to make a distraction. She debated diving behind the bar, but instead opted to stay closer to the action. She ducked down behind a table, hoping that no one had followed her quick decoy movement. Suddenly, a spark of lightning came down from the ceiling, and she realized she'd been detected. Even more suddently, a figure vaulted down from the 2nd level and struck her from behind. She crashed to the ground under the weight of the blow, her neck broken, but her eyes stayed open for a few more seconds.

Her life flashed before her starting with her days in the streets fighting against the rats up to the battle tonight. From her vantage point on the ground she could finally make out that fuzzy shape on the ground across the floor. It wasn't a rat...

Thus ends the tale of Dovena Pane.
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First Post
Stupid Bard

Translated from Orcish for the more discerning reader.

Sam closed the bar and Tarrick began to check out the back room. Linder and I tied up the bartender bard, rouge waitress and the drunken half-orc. Not me this time. Linder and I went through several iterations of knot tying to get the bard secure. Sam and Tarrik found a door to the upstairs apartments of the dead assasin and the bard. Yet again there was a timed trap that they didn't check for and "KABOOM" three thunderstones and 3 viles of knockout gas dropped from the cieling. Both of the guys fell and Linder went to save them. He got them out and waited for the room to clear. There wasn't anyone upstairs in the secret rooms. We checked the other rooms and there wasn't anyone there either. We decided to do a more effective search of the premises. Before we could the town guards came and we showed badges. They were going to guard the outside while we made sure the inside was clean. Groth the other half-orc was passed out. Guess i shouldn't have left the tap pouring directly into his mouth. We searched the assasins room and found a knife collection worth about 1K. Not bad. we searched the bards room and found a big chest. It was locked and there was a very simple trap on it, seemingly too simple. Yes it was. Snap, Tarriks arms were nearly cut off by a big bear trap looking thing. In the box we found cooked books from the bar and notes implicating Kaitan, just like at the brewery. We searched the gnomes room and the rougues room and the half-orcs room and a common room not finding much. While we were searching the rouge and the bard tried to take some poison. The rogue succeded and died. The bard got the poison down but Sam got some antitox down his throat. Linder cast a suggestion song on the bard and he finally told us what we wanted to know. We got maps and logs and reports and loot from the whole of the bar. The prime guards were coming back and we were appeasing them by putting free kegs of beer in the street. Now it was time to leave. Sam went to get Quentin to raise Oskar while the rest of us brought all the evidence and prisoners to jail. The mayor showed up and we were going to have the trial the next day. Sam came back and said that Ianthe was gone and Quentin too. We took our share of the loot and went to the Temple to get Oskar raised. They weren't to receptive since it was the middle of the night. We camped on the steps and waited for the morning and the clerics to help us. They were slow and said it would cost 2500 for the raise. We gave them some magic armor as a down payment. we went back to townfor the trial. we got our sleep and felt better. The trial came and the bard was guilty and hung but we got the half-orc off. We got more sleep and the next day got oskar raised. He is making Boots of Dex +1 for me and that is where this translation ends.


First Post
My account....


... where am I??? This doen't look like the tavern!

Dammit, I just lost 10,000 XP and now you want me to piss away another 40 making your stupid boots?!

You'll pay me? OK :)


Now that's a spider.

After making a sizable donation at the church, Oskar was resurrected. We spent the next few days recovering from the assassination conspiracy, with much of the party doing some shopping. The cleric and I worked together to create a pair of boots for the rather clumsy Gruck. I find myself warming slightly to the other dwarf – perhaps I can temper his religious zeal somewhat. I guess we’ll see.

Much interesting news reached us during our downtime: Greely publicly apologized for the treatment of his former fiancé. His advisor Kaitin, who was supposedly responsible for the assassination attempts, was hanged. We’re all fairly sure Greely was actually the one directing the attacks, but with no further proof that line of inquiry has hit a dead end. I fear we haven’t heard the last of Greely Prime. As for Ianthe, she has disappeared along with the sage Quentin. Edward apparently knows where they are, but is tight-lipped.

A letter arrived one afternoon at the inn we were staying at, delivered by none other than Padris. The lad was somewhat frightened of us due to our previous encounter with the boy. Gruck growled at him a bit but was otherwise restrained. The letter was from the mayor, inviting us to a banquet at his home in our honor. We prepared ourselves and set out.

The meal was simple country fare, but it was plentiful and very tasty. After the meal the mayor led us outside and presented us with six fine horses, a two-axle wagon, and two donkeys to pull it. He apologized that this was all the village had to offer by way of reward for our assistance; to my mind it was quite generous. [OOC: Gruck made some comment under his breath about gaining access to the village virgins, stating “Hey mayor, want a quarter-orc?”]

After spending a few more days resting and relaxing, my companions started putting out feelers for employment opportunities. I’ve had a rollicking good time with these boys and decided I’d continue on wherever the winds took them. Before too long we were approached by a merchant named Theraf, who bought us all drinks (prompting Sam and Gruck to immediately declare Theraf to by an upstanding citizen).

The job Theraf had in mind for us was straightforward: he wanted us to escort him to Meloral for the Festival of Life. We readily agreed and prepared to set out the next morning. With a heavy heart I bid Porkchop farewell; I know my friend would not be comfortable around city dwellers, and it appears my path goes through such urban areas for the foreseeable future. I located a small boar heard in the area and spent some time getting Porkchop acquainted with them. After promising to come back and visit, I joined my companions on the road to Meloral.

The trip was relatively short, but perilous. Scouting ahead in raven form, I was able to warn my companions of an enormous spider hiding in the trees above the well-worn trail. A vicious struggle ensued (the thing was nearly twenty feet across!). Oskar beseeched Suldane for aid while I laid some enchantments upon Gruck and Sam. The two of them were able to beat the creature into a messy pulp, but not before it speared Tarrick with its massive stinger, pumping the unlucky rogue full of venom and knocking him unconscious. Searching the nearby area for the spider’s lair, we discovered an elf wrapped in spider silk, barely alive. He was dressed in the garb of a Meloral town guard, wearing their distinctive facemask. We cut him free and treated him as best we could.

Taking to the air again, I scouted once more while Sam likewise moved forward on the ground with the wagons coming along behind. Ahead was a small clearing with a stone obelisk conspicuously located in the center. Sam moved to investigate when I noticed a very large owlbear skulking along the edge of the clearing. Such creatures are abominations of nature, and I immediately dropped a flamestrike on it. Sam, thusly alerted to its presence, downed a potion of enlarge and engaged the beast in combat. The two wrestled for a time, but Sam’s superior skill was no match for the brute. In the creature’s defense, we noticed (after it was dead) that it had apparently been attacked recently; we surmised by the spider we killed earlier.

Oskar was able to decipher the script on the obelisk: “May those that spawn below forever remain below”. Whatever the meaning, it didn’t sound good.

We reached Meloral without further incident, dropping off the injured guard with his colleagues. It’s an elvish town, full of trees and platform houses. Great tables were laid with all sorts of foods and delicacies, all free for the taking. Theraf paid us the agreed upon sum for our escort, and everyone went their separate ways to enjoy the festival.
Early the next morning, Theraf woke screaming and ran from camp. Sam pursued him, eventually bringing his unconscious form back to the town-center. The rest of us investigated the merchant’s tent, finding nothing out of the ordinary that would cause him to flee. He apparently had some sort of fit or dream, feeling as though he were being pursued and herded to a particular part of the forest. We decided (being heroes and all) to investigate the direction in which Theraf fled. After a brief excursion we discovered another of the stone obelisks. Ominously, this one was tipped over, revealing a chasm in the earth. With a minimum of investigation, we were assaulted by what appeared to be human heads with bat-wings from within the hole. They put up a horrible dirge, spooking all of us. We were resolute, however, and slew the creatures with a minimum of difficulty. It’s strange; peering down the hole I feel a sense of dread, but also a feeling of……home.


From Cossor to Mellorn

This is another OOC post...

Several weeks ago, the party finished up the "Magic Dump" adventure, but it left too many loose ends for my taste. It seemed logical (to me at least) to build on the storyline from "Magic Dump" which would lead into a further development of the assassination plot. With this being a small town, I needed some way to integrate those assassins into the population, and I decided that their methods of killing should be unconventional as well. The result was baker/assassins and brewer/assassins using combination poisons to kill their victims. I thought it was a fairly brilliant scheme, and possibly something that hasn't shown up in a D&D adventure before. However, with so many other creative folks out there creating stuff for the game, perhaps this too has been done before.

The party finished off the assassins, though not before losing one of their own to a well-placed death attack. That assassin ability is something to be feared, especially by PCs with low fortitude saves. The dwarf cleric had one the best fortitude saves in the party, yet still managed to succomb to the attack. Fortunately, his temple was nearby, and they were willing to raise him for half the normal price.

While the rewards of running your own adventure can be great fun, the effort in creating them can be taxing. I was finding myself hard-pressed to get all of the information together in time for the next session. Between work and other activities, it's sometimes difficult to get more than a few hours a week to work on the next adventure, but I find my prep work usually requires about 2 hours of planning for 1 hour of game time. Plus, it's a drain on the creative juices as well. On several of the last Tuesdays, my printer was spitting out pages at 6:50. Then I'd drive and arrive at the 7pm game a few minutes late. Too hectic...

Thus, I was hoping to find another published adventure to use primarily to reduce my amount of prep work again. I managed to spot one in my recently received Dungeon #107 called "Mellorn Hospitality". It's written for a 7th level party, but this party is now effectively 8th level, so I made some small adjustments. However, I didn't directly follow all the scaling guidelines to the letter. Instead of making the 4 large spiders into phase spiders (IMHO, a very difficult encounter), I replaced them with one gargantuan one, and instead of swapping out the ancient owlbear for the other option, I decided it was just too cool to drop, so I kept it but applied less strength and hit point damage to it from its previous spider encounter. Theraf's nightmare sequence was foiled by the monk's 50 foot movement (allowing him to easily catch up and grapple him), so it appears that faster movement was likely not playtested very well for that part of the module.

As a bonus, this adventure features an opportunity to buy fairly expensive items, which is something the party has been hoping to do for a while. Most of the towns they've been in have only had a 3K gold limit or less. Kudos to the author, Russel Brown, for providing a nifty opportunity like this.


First Post
Gruck the Spelunker

Gruck get to go under ground.

Bear changer guy make Gruck thick skin.

What Spelunker? Next Singing guy mention that get eaten.

Time to kill no face angry guys.



First Post
Lindor the Spelunker

Soon we're going to have to go into the mines we've discovered. A sixth sense tells me what we find there is going to keep us occupied for quite some time. I hope I can compose some new songs regarding our adventures deep underground. Who knows what demons lurk within us, waiting to be unleashed when we are confronted by the oppressive eternal darkness of domains better left to Dwarves, Drow, and things that go bump in the night?

I hope I still look this good after spending days or weeks deep underground. I should have bought one of those new fangled traveling mirrors when we at that market. On the plus side in the flickering torchlight that will be our only illumination in the tunnels of the mine I won't have to look so close at the other members of this party. They are good at what they do, but they are one ugly bunch!


I just wanted to pop in here quickly and apologize for not updating in so long. I have up to two sessions ago written up. I just need to type them and get them posted. This is my main priority for the next couple weeks, and after that I hope to keep updates more timely. Check this space soon! (and thanks to everyone else in my group for not lynching me).


Spelunking for Danger
After casting numerous buffing spells, we proceeded into the pit. Unfortunately, our forethought was for nothing as we traveled for a number of hours without encountering anything. Along the way we discovered pieces of cast off clothing, much of it elven. Apparently, others had come this way but judging from the cast-offs and a number of tracks we discovered, they might not have come willingly.

We proceeded down the winding tunnel which eventually opened into a large chamber. Sam and Gruck went around opposite sides of a central stone pillar to scout when a piercing keen assailed our ears. Linder informed us it was a shrieker, and the mushroom was quickly located and silenced. We prepared for combat.

From out of the darkness came a number of grey skinned humanoids wearing only loincloths, bearing spears. Disturbingly, they had no eyes. The creatures were surprisingly savage, but stood little chance against us. We proceeded through the cavern to another tunnel. Near the mouth, Gruck noticed a large creature waiting in ambush and, with the aid of Linder, quickly identified it as a basilisk. Wanting to end the threat as quickly as possible, Gruck charged the beast with Sam right behind. The poor thing didn’t have a chance. Oskar’s spiritual weapon finished it off.

A while later we discovered a small chamber stacked full of discarded clothing. We poked around half-heartedly, since everything appeared to be quite mundane. A lot of it was also very old. Nearby was a larger room with a huge stone door at the far end. The door was partially ajar. Gruck decided to stay and guard our backs while the rest of us proceeded a short way. We didn’t make it very far.

With a startled shout, Gruck was pierced by a number of spears. More of the grey humanoids had been lying in wait in this room, and the half-orc was an inviting target. Gruck was nearly surrounded by the time the rest of us arrived. Sam charged into the middle of the fray to take some attention off Gruck. It worked, and Sam was sorely hurt. Linder began a rousing dwarven war chant as Tarrick unfurled his spiked chain and dealt death at ten feet. I saw more of the creatures moving up from the rear and let loose a new spell: ice storm.

Gruck had regained his composure and began separating heads from shoulders from arms from feet (and so on). Sam somersaulted past his foes to the rear and healed with additional help from Oskar. The enemies’ cohesion began to falter, and with it their one advantage. With only one enemy remaining I flung a bolt of power which careened off the creatures arm, doing little damage. Gruck’s next swing removed the arm, making it a moot point.

We decided to clear the other leg of the tunnel before checking out the door. The passage went a short way and ended in a refuse pit. A strange sense of foreboding tickled the back of my mind, and the word otyugh floated to the surface. Giving in to my sixth sense, I dropped a flamestrike on the two largest piles of trash (singeing Sam’s eyebrows). The otyughs present roared to the attack, with Sam roaring back. Sam 2, Otyughs 0.


LOVE what you’ve done with the place
Having taken out the garbage, we clustered around the entrance to the chamber with the stone door. Tarrick confidently cracked his knuckles and began to creep his way to the door. Unfortunately, he had a piece of otyugh stuck to his boot and he “squish, squish, slurp”ed all the way there. We tracked his progress in this manner. Giving the all clear, we all moved through the door into an immense pillared temple. The depictions of impalings and blood sacrifice pointed away from the notion the temple was dedicated to the heavenly hosts. A sickly grey light washed over the mosaic tiled floor, emanating from an archway at the far end of the hall.

I wildshaped into a bat and flew to the other end of the room while my companions proceeded on foot. A number of the same winged death’s heads we fought at the obelisk attacked those on the ground, but were quickly dispatched. Everyone else proceeded through the archway while I searched a collapsed portion of the floor I noticed while flying around. I discovered three caged captives and released them. Some kind of monster had kidnapped them and reserved them for future meals.

Meanwhile, my companions entered a strange room devoid of all color. A disk of swirling clouds was suspended in midair in the northeast corner. In the center wall was a stone demon head set above a pool. Presumably at one point this was a fountain. The remaining far corner was occupied by a lovely young female human. She, predictably, was also devoid of color. She offered the party employment as her bodyguards. There was a murmur amongst the party until she noticed Oskar, calling out to him. Upon questioning, the dwarf proudly declared his dedication to Suldane, at which point the woman declared that everyone was going to have to die (sigh).

The woman seemed to shrivel into herself as her illusion faded and a wrinkled old crone stood before my comrades. She flung magic missiles at the party and battle was joined. Sam rushed in and tripped the woman to prevent further casting, and Gruck drove home the point by hitting her with his axe. The weapon didn’t seem to do as much damage as normal, but the barbarian was unphased. Linder launched into an old halfling ditty as the woman stood again and buried more magic missiles in Gruck’s face. Sam tripped her again as a light went off in Linder’s mind and he shouted “She’s a night hag!” With an evil twinkle in her eye, the hag stood and decided to do something about the pesky monk, tearing his flesh with her diseased claws. Linder cast an illusion of a celestial, but the malevolent opponent ignored it. The battle continued in a stalemate for quite some time, with few attacks penetrating the night hag’s defenses, and Oskar healing the party as needed. Finally, the group surrounded the hag and began to wear her down. She turned ethereal and slipped past the party and through the portal. Ominously, the portal remained open.

We searched a bit and discovered a secret door which led behind the wall with the fountain. Tarrick and Gruck took the lead, discovering three bedrooms. One was devoid of anything, one contained a number of books about the planes, and the last contained a metal chest. Sam complained of a loud humming emanating from the chest, but the rest of us heard nothing. Growing frustrated, Gruck approached the chest triggering a multi-armed monster to appear. Gruck, meet xill. Xill, meet Gruck’s axe.

Within the chest we discovered a scroll of seal portal (which we used on the gate) and the a staff (which we identified). The staff turned out to be a minor artifact known as the Staff of Harmony. It was perfectly attuned to monks, and Sam was quite pleased.

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