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A Truly Sunless Citadel (Rogue Gallery)

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First Post
Nilbalion ‘Shadowleaf’ Sa’Avariel
Male Moon Elf Ranger 1
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: Shar
Region: The High Forest
Height: 6' 1''
Weight: 120 lbs.
Hair: Silver-white
Eyes: Red
Skin: Albino
Age: 124

Str: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Dex: 18 (+4) [10 points, +2 racial]
Con: 12 (+1) [6 points, -2 racial]
Int: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Wis: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Cha: 10 (+0) [2 points]

Class and Racial Abilities:

+2 Dex, -2 Con, Medium size, Low-light vision, Immunity to magical sleep effects, +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects, +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks, Elven secret door sense (5 feet), Wild Empathy (1st)


HP: 9
AC: 18 (+4 Dex, +4 armor [Chain Shirt]) / 19 with Dodge feat
Touch: 14
Flat-Footed: 14
Init: +4 (+4 Dex)
Speed: 30ft.


Fortitude: +3 [+2 base, +1 Con]
Reflex: +6 [+2 base, +4 Dex]
Will: +2 [+0 base, +2 Wis]


BAB: +1
Melee Atk: +3 (1d8+2 19/20 x2, longsword)
Melee Atk: +3 (1d6+2 19/20 x2, short sword)
Melee Atk: -1/-5 (1d8+2 19/20 x2, longsword / 1d6+2 19/20 x2, short sword)
Ranged Atk: +5 (1d8+2 x3/110 ft., mighty composite longbow (+2))


Climb +2 [0 ranks, +2 Str, -2 AC, +2 feat]
Concentration +1 [0 ranks, +1 Con]
Heal +2 [0 ranks, +2 Wis]
Hide +6 [4 ranks, +4 Dex, -2 AC]
Jump +0 [0 ranks, +2 Str, -2 AC]
Listen +8 [4 ranks, +2 Wis, +2 racial]
Move Silently +6 [4 ranks, +4 Dex, -2 AC]
Perform (Dance) +3 [2 ranks (CC)]
Ride +4 [0 ranks, +4 Dex]
Search +6 [4 ranks, +2 racial]
Spot +8 [4 ranks, +2 Wis, +2 racial]
Swim -2 [0 ranks, +2 Str, -4 AC]
Use Rope +4 [0 ranks, +4 Dex]


Treetopper (Free Regional feat)
Simple Weapon Prof. (Ranger)
Martial Weapon Prof. (Ranger)
Light Armor Prof. (Ranger)
Shield Prof. (Ranger)
Track (1st level Ranger)
Dodge (1st level)

Languages: Common, Elven, Chondathan


Shadar – Light Horse (Black Silvered Dapple) (75 gp)
Carrying – 123 lbs. (Light Load)

Light Load – 150 lbs. or less
Medium Load – 151-300 lbs.
Heavy Load – 301-450 lbs.

~(On Horse)
Bit & Bridle (2 gp, 1 lb.)
Military Saddle (20 gp, 30 lbs.)
Saddlebags (4 gp, 8 lbs.)
Feed (7 days) (35 cp, 70 lbs.)
Grappling Hook (1 gp, 4 lbs.)
Rope, Hemp (50 ft.) (1 gp, 10 lbs.)


Longsword (15 gp, 4 lbs.)
Short Sword (10 gp, 2 lbs.)
Mighty Composite Longbow (+2) (Regional, 3 lbs.)
40 Arrows (2 gp, 2 lbs.)
Chain Shirt (100 gp, 25 lbs.)
Belt Pouch (1 gp, ½ lb.)
Belt Pouch (1 gp, ½ lb.)
Traverler's Outfit (1 gp, 5 lb.)
Waterskin (1 gp, 4 lbs.)


Carrying – 46 lbs. (Light Load)

Light – 58 lbs. or less
Medium – 59 – 116 lbs.
Heavy – 117 – 175 lbs.


5 gp, 65 cp


Nilbalion, or Shadowleaf, as he prefers to be called (if he prefers to be called at all), believes he was chosen at a young age by the Dark Goddess, Shar. For what purpose, he is not sure, but takes great comfort in his Mistress’ shadowy embrace. Perhaps her moniker ‘Lady of Loss’ presents a clue, for loss has been a great part of Shadowleaf’s existence. Being the result of forced conception between a mad sorcerer and his mother destroyed any chance of him having a normal upbringing. To make matters worse, experiments performed on him while still in the womb caused his affliction of albinism which would lead to further ostracizing from society later in life. If that were not enough, his mother died during his birthing and for decades after his father continued his magical experiments. What further damage this may have done to Shadowleaf’s physiology is not known.

His natural aversion to the sun and any excessive light caused Shadowleaf to seek solace in the darkest areas of the dungeon in his father’s tower when he was not “needed”. This is where he imagines that Shar found him; that she guided him through the dark dungeon, helped him to flee the tower, never to return.

Unfortunately, escaping from his father introduced new problems in Shadowleaf’s life; mainly being, interaction with civilization. He had never been allowed to leave the tower growing up and so, as a result, was totally alienated from society. His father had at least taught him the few languages common to his region and race, but barely that. Consequently, another side effect of the experiments left his vocal chords irrevocably damaged, to a point where most of his speech tends to escape his lips as a hoarse whisper.

Possessing nothing but the tattered rags he wore and his faith in Shar, his first priority was to find food and shelter. He took to trapping animals and skinning them with crudely serrated rocks for food and clothing. Eventually he started selling the pelts in nearby cities for enough money to buy better tools, weapons and clothing. Presently, Shadowleaf dresses in multitudes of black clothing and differing shades of gray, the best suitable for his connection with the shadows around him. He wears a finely-crafted chain shirt underneath his clothing and constantly keeps himself draped in a large black, voluminous cloak; his hood drawn protectively over his head, keeping his sensitive red eyes from direct light of any kind. At his waist, under his treasured gift from his goddess are strapped two belt pouches, both situated at his back, hidden behind his cloak, and also two sword belts, which sheath his weapons of choice. A quiver rests at his hip and a longbow is slung over his shoulder. Over the years his language skills have improved somewhat, as to almost appear normal to people who’ve lived civilly their whole lives, but on the whole, Shadowleaf’s anti-social nature leaves it to no real consequence.

Foremost, he remains deathly loyal to Shar; grateful to her for his freedom, as well as having something familiar to fill his life with. It comes to no surprise then, that he is a very secretive person and is generally rather mistrustful of others; partly because of his relationship with his goddess and his misfortunate upbringing, leaving him wary of all those he has not dealt with on a regular basis.


First Post
Novic “Atum” Cleniph
Chaotic Neutral Male Human Sorcerer (1)
Celebrates Shar
Age: 20
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 150lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Skin: Tan

STR: 10 (0)
DEX: 14 (2)
CON: 14 (2)
INT: 12 (1)
WIS: 12 (1)
CHA: 16 (3)

HP: 9
AC: 15
~ Touch: 12
~ Flat-Footed: 13

(3) Fortitude: 0 + 2 + 1
(2) Reflex: 0 + 2
(4) Will: 2 + 1 + 1

(6) Initiative: 2 + 4
BA: 0
~ (0) Grapple: 0 + 0

Dagger – 0 (1d4) 19x2

(7) Bluff: 3 + 4 + 0
(5) Concentration: 1 + 4 + 0
(5) Knowledge Arcana: 1 + 4 + 0
(3) Listen (cc): 1 + 0 + 2
(1) Search (cc): 1 + 0 + 0
(5) Spellcraft: 1 + 4 + 0
(3) Spot (cc): 1 + 0 + 2
(-6) Swim (cc): 0 + 0 - 6

(0) - 5
(1) - 3 + 1

Spells Known
(0) Detect Magic
Ray of Frost
Acid Splash
(1) Mage Armor
Chill Touch

Improved Initiative [Human]: +4 to Initiative
Strong Soul [Regional]: +1 to Will and Fortitude. +3 against Death effects, Energy Drain, and Ability Drain.
Spell Penetration [1st Level]: +2 to Caster Level checks to defeat Spell Resistance.

Special Abilities
Extra Feat at 1st Level
4 Extra Skill Points at 1st Level
Extra Skill Point at Every Additional Level
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Summon Familiar


Dagger (1lb)
~Type: Piercing or Slashing
~AB: 0
~Damage: 1d4
~Critical: 19x2
Masterwork Studded Leather Armor (20lbs)
~Type: Light
~AC: 3
~Check Penalty: 0
~Spell Failure: 15%
~Speed: 30ft
Spell Component Pouch (2lbs)
Waterskin (4lbs)
Scholar’s Outfit (6lbs)
Belt Pouch (.5lbs)
Signet Ring (0lbs)
Scrollcase (.5lbs)

Weight Carried: 34lbs (Medium Load = 20ft)
Light Load: 33lbs or <
Medium Load: 34lbs – 66lbs
Heavy Load: 67lbs – 100lbs
Lift Over Head: 100lbs
Lift Off Ground: 200lbs
Push or Drag: 500lbs

Speed: 20ft

GP – 76
SP – 0
CP – 0


Chaotic Evil Male Toad Dread Familiar

STR: 1 (-5)
DEX: 12 (1)
CON: 11 (0)
INT: 6 (-2)
WIS: 14 (2)
CHA: 4 (-3)

HP: 2
AC: 16 (+4 size, +1 DEX, +1 NA)
~ Touch: 16
~ Flat-Footed: 15

(2) Fortitude: 0 + 2
(2) Reflex: 0 + 2
(4) Will: 2 + 2

(1) Initiative: 1 + 0
BA: 0
~ Grapple: -17

(21) Hide
(4) Listen
(4) Spot


Special Abilities
Magical Beast
Low-Light Vision
Improved Evasion
Share Spells
Empathic Link

Speed: 5ft

Anaximander is like any other familiar except that he is far more knowing of his master than most. Anaximander knows well his master’s desires and makes a point to bring those desires to life. Often he will argue with his master, telling him to seek out his slightest whims, completely incognizant of their possible harm.
Anaximander despises those who would mock his master and makes his wrath clear to them, sometimes even going so far as to invoke every toad’s natural defense. Many a foul-mouthed bartender has found his ale a richer shade of amber and a lot stronger to match.

Anaximander is a small gray toad with black and darker gray warts and spots. His eyes are a set of oily black pools glimpsing into the deep abysmal wrath of millennia of innocent toad deaths everywhere.


Originally from the Moonshae Isles, Novic was born into a family of relatively noble breed. His father was a vassal lord and his mother a wandering woman of the woods. He was delivered to his father at his doorstep (generally speaking) on the eve of a great storm. His father left him in the care of his councilor and mage, where he was taught his letters and of the many magical beasts of the land. The mage took him on many “field trips” to different planes of existence and showed him these magical beasts, rather than simply tell him of them. It was then that he first learned of the great wyrms and his fixation for them began.
By the age of twelve, Novic’s love for his father was given to the substitute, his tutor and mentor. His mentor, however, was a conniving and cruel man who sought after Novic’s father’s position and wealth. Novic’s mentor used him to slay his father in his sleep. They were later found out and chose to exile themselves rather than face justice for their crime.
Before being caught, Novic’s mentor cast one last land-traversing spell, misfiring and landing them on the Dragon Coast. Later, at the age of fifteen and after finding his mentor a revolting and petty man, Novic killed him in his sleep; not out of cowardice, but out of the fact that he found the irony in it amusing.
In the streets of a small dock village, Novic adopted the name “Atum,” finding it easier to use with the xenophobic natives. Here, as his loneliness ate at his sanity he realized his powers of sorcery (probably granted from his mother’s side) and summoned his familiar, Anaximander.
His loneliness solved, he maintained a meager existence using his abilities to entertain the natives, being sure not to allow them any clearer sight at what he was or where he was from.

Novic is best described as egomaniacal, psychopathic, and obsessive. All are below him, the natives of the Dragon Coast especially. He maintains an antisocial manner, wishing to talk with his toad more than any mortal, and doing so often. He is overly fascinated with dragons and often tells of his dragon heritage. Since his early childhood he has dreamed of achieving “dragonhood” and tends to speak in the Draconic language when speaking to his familiar.

Novic is decked in enough purples to be almost blinding. His robes are a deep purple sapphire and the sleeves of which hang past his hands. His long sleek black hair flows to the sides of his blue eyes and well past his shoulders. On his right hand he wears a signet ring of silver carved in the likeness of a wyrm with plum quartz stones for eyes. On his right forearm is tattooed in mahogany ink the Draconic character for Shadow and on his left in lavender, the character for Night, both stretched and swirled to cover a decent portion of the flesh.
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First Post
Whisper Gnome wilderness rogue 1
Neutral Evil
str 12 +1(6pts)
int 14 +2(6pts)
wis 12 +1(4pts)
dex 18 +4(10 pts)
con 16 +3(6pts)
cha 6 -2(0pts)

HP 9

AC 18 (Mw studded Leather 3+ Dex 4 + 1size)

Fortitude +4 (base 0+3Con+1feat)
Reflex +6(base 2+4Dex)
Will +2 (base 0+1wis+1feat)

language Gnome, common, Sylvan
Racial: +4 hide, +4 move silently, small size, +2 listen, +2spot, +4 AC against Giants, Base speed 30, low light vision, Darkvision 60'feet, Weapon familiraty, +1 to hit gobelin, kobold, 1/day can cast silence centered on him

Rogue:+1d6 SA, Trap finding

(regional)Strong Soul +1 will, +1 fortitude and extra +1 against Death effect and Energy drain
2-weapon fighting

skills pts 40
Hide +12 (0r+4dex+4size+4racial)
move silently +12 (4r+4dex+4 racial)
spot +7 (4rank+1wis+2racial)
listen +7 (4rank+1wis+2racial)
jump +5 (4 ranks+1str)
tumble +8 (4ranks+4dex)
climb +5 (4ranks+1str)
search +6 (4ranks+2int)
disable device +6 (4ranks+2int)
open lock +8 (4ranks+4dex)
knowledge(nature) +4 (2ranks+2int)
survival +3 (2ranks+1wis)

2 short sword +2 1d4+1 19-20 x2 or +0/+0 1d4+1/1d4 19-20 x2
2 dagger(melee) +2 1d3+1 19-20 x2 or +0/+0 1d3+1/1d3 19-20 x2
2 dagger(throwing) +5 1d3+1 19-20 x2 or +3/+3 1d3+1/1d3 19-20 x2 10'
short bow +5 1d4 x3 60'

Package B MW studded Leather armor, 3 tanglefoot bag.
Ric Froll, grew up in a very large gnome (about 65 familly) community nearby Amn. He always felt different from the others. Talking with the other only when absolutly needed. He was always dressed in black, his cloack hood over the head to hide himself as much as he could. He never participated in any celebration or party always getting away from the masses. One day, during one of numerous walk in the woods he was attacked by two of his school compagnion. They knew he was travelling there almost every night and wanted to teach him a lesson. They didn't want to really hurt him simply to scare him and humiliate him because he was different. What they didn't know is that Ric was always carrying 2 daggers to protect himself in the wood. His years of solitary walks had increases his sense above the average gnome. He heard them while they were closing on him. He subtely took his dagger and as the other two were about to jump on him, he quickly turned and stab them both to death. He hid their body and left.

A few days later their body was found. But Ric kept the secret not telling anyone. The gnome made a big investigation but weren't able to prove that Ric had killed them so things kind of stayed there. The gnome didn't beleive that one of theirs could have done such an horrible things and live with it. They assumed that the remorse would literaly kill the killer and that to release themselve from it would admit their crime. But Ric had no problem, no remorse and wasn't even thinking about what happened a few days after.

A few weeks after most people started to beleive that they had been attacked by animal even if the wounds were clearly made by some kind of blade.

A year later Ric stumbled on a book in the wise men library. It was a big holiday and he didn't want to party with the others. The library being the only quiet place he sat there and started to read book. The book that caught his attention was one about Shar the mysterious godess. It took him about 4 hours to read the book, and he knew he finally found his way. That night without telling anybody he left his village in search of the godess. Her teaching were so much in line with his way of life that he couldn't do otherwise than continue his spiritual quest. He was sure that she was the answers to all his personal and spiritual questions.

He finally reached the temple located in the city of Amn. There he spent hours discussing with a priestress of Shar. She quickly saw in the young gnome an avid follower and decided to take him under her wing.


Male, Human, Barbarian lvl.1
Neutral Evil

Str: 18 (+4)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 16 (+3)
Int: 8 (-1)
Wis: 8 (-1)
Cha: 10 (+0)

HP: 15
AC: AC 15, Touch 11, Flat 14
Init: +1
BAB: +1
Grap: +5
Speed: 40 ft. (base 40, Light load)

Fort: +7 (+2 base, +3 ability, +0 Magic, +2 Misc.)
Ref: +1 (+0 base, +1 ability, +0 Magic, +0 Misc.)
Will: -1 (+0 base, -1 ability, +0 Magic, +0 Misc.)

+6 Melee, Great sword, 2d6+4, 19-20/x2

Size: Medium
Height: 6'3” tall
Weight: 230 lbs
Age: 18 years
Hair: Half long Dark Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Skin: Light tan

Languages: Common, Chondathen

+8 Climb (+4, +4, +0, -4 AC)
+4 Intimate (+0, +4, +0)
+5 Jump (+4, +4, +0, -4 AC)
+3 Survival (-1, +4, +0)

-Power Attack
-Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium)
-Martial and Simple Weapon Proficiency

Barbarian Abilities
-Fast Movement +10 ft.
-Rage 1/day +4 Str, +4 Con +3 Will, -2 AC, +2 HP/lvl

Regional Abilities
-Snake blood +2 Ref, +2 For vs. poison



Traveler’s outfit (Equipped, 5wt)
Scale mail (Equipped, 30wt)

Great Sword (8wt)

Belt-Pouch (0.5wt)
Flint and steel (0wt)
Wet Stone (1wt)

Backpack (2wt)
Water Skin (4wt)
x5 Rations, Trail (0.5wt)
Bedroll/blanket (5wt)
2x Sunrod (0wt)

Coins- 0pp, 97gp, 3sp, 8cp (2wt)

Total weight carried – 58 lbs (Light Load)
Light load - 100 lbs or less
Medium load - 101-200 lbs
Heavy load - 201-300 lbs
Lift 300 lbs, lift and stagger 600 lbs
Drag 1500 lbs
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Neutral Evil Human Enchanter 1

Gender: Male
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 150lb.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Shaved (Black)
Skin: Yellow

STR: 8 [-1] (0 points)
DEX: 10 [--] (2 points)
CON: 12 [+1] (4 points)
INT: 18 [+4] (16 points)
WIS: 12 [+1] (4 points)
CHA: 14 [+2] (6 points)

Hit Dice: 1d4 + 1
HP: 5
Armor Class: 10 (10 base + X Dex + X Armor)
Initiative: +0
BAB: +0
- Melee: -1
- Ranged: +0

Speed: 30’

FORT: +1 (0 Base + 1 Con)
REFL: +0 (0 Base + 0 Dex)
WILL: +3 (2 Base + 1 Wis)

- Bonus Feat
- Skill Points
- Enchantment Specialization
- Prohibited Schools: Necromancy, Evocation
- Social Proficiency

1st Level
- Tattoo Focus (regional bonus)
- Shadow Weave Magic (human bonus)
- Spell Focus: Enchantment

Concentration +5 (4 ranks, +1 Con)
Spellcraft +8 (4 ranks, +4 Int)
Knowledge (arcana) +6 (2 ranks, +4 Int)
Craft (alchemy) +6 (2 ranks, +4 Int)
Gather Information +6 (4 ranks, +2 Cha)
Diplomacy +6 (4 ranks, +2 Cha)
Sense Motive +5 (4 ranks, +1 Wis)
Intimidate +4 (2ranks, +2 Cha)
Bluff +4 (2ranks, +2 Cha

- Mulhorandi, Chessentan, Damaran, Infernal, Rashemi

Caster Level: 1
Save DC: 10 + 4 Int + Spell Level
Oth level – (2/day) All except Necromancy and Evocation spells
1st level – (2/day) Sacrificial Skill*, Extract Drug, Grease, Color Spray**, Charm Person*, Sleep*

*Enchantment spells receive a +3 bonus to DC
**Illusion spells receive a +1 bonus to DC

Melee weapons
-Large Silver Dagger -1 (1d6-2, 19-20/x2) This over-sized silvered dagger seems crafted more for ritual than combat. (24gp, 2lb)
-Dagger -1 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2) This simple steel dagger is functional and unadorned, a single dwarven rune is the mark of it’s maker. (2gp, 1lb)

Ranged weapons
-Light Crossbow +0 (1d8, 19-20/x2, 80ft.) Built along the lines of the more common gnomish designs, this light crossbow is sturdy and reliable. (35gp, 4lb)

-Detect Thoughts (150gp)
-Seething Eyebane (25gp)
-Black Bag (25gp)
-Hail of Stone (25gp)
-Hypnotism (25gp)
-Mage Armor (25gp)
-Obscuring Mist (25gp)

Mundane equipment
-Scholar’s Outfit (-gp, -lb)
-Spellbook (0gp, 3lb)
-Spell Component’s Pouch x2 (10gp, 4lb)
-Waterskin (1gp, 4lb)
-Signet Ring (5gp, -lb)
-Scroll Organizer (5gp, .5lb)
-Rations, 2 days (1gp, 2lb)
-Backpack (2gp, 2lb)
-Scalpel (4gp, -lb)
-Needles, 10 (1gp, -lb)
-Case of 10 Bolts (1gp, 1lb)

Weight Carried: 22.5lb (26/53/80)
Remaining money: 29gp

With the sallow skin of his Mulan heritage, Asam wears robes of black crackled with red in preemption of his acquisition of the Red Robes. Crowning his head is the tattoo of the Thayan elite, a mark of status which he bears proudly and dignity. He carries very little in the ways of most adventurer’s, toting only a small backpack to carry the bare essentials.

Asam is driven, ambitious and cautious. His years under Kairuzhon have shown him true devotion to the Lady of Loss, however, no other devotions mar his egoistic agenda. Eager to hold others under his sway, no vice is to heinous to exploit should it breed him an acquiescent servant or turn up profit in some other manner. Knowing the way the social world works is what keeps Asam’s ambitions in check, long-term gain is never willingly put at risk for short-term profit, although calculated interim lucre is readily welcome.

Asam was born in Thaymount, the center of High Thay and raised in proper Thayan style. At a young age his aptitude for magic was discovered and he began his training as a proper wizard, where he took to the art of enchantment with the skill of a true manipulator. Apprenticed to the powerful enchanter and prominent Red Wizard Kairuzhon, who prefers to play as impartial to the contestations of the zulkir's yet maintains his own interests behind the scenes, has taught the young wizard a great deal of social interaction and grace. However, the true power behind Kairuzhon is his involvement with the Church of Shar, and it is by his masters grace that he has come into the fold of the Lady of Loss.

Vaerdh of Westgate, Cleric of Shar

[Sblock=Character Sheet]
Vaerdh of Westgate

Human Female Cleric of Shar
Region: Westgate (Dragon Coast)
Alignment: NE
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Age: 16

Classes: Cleric (Shar) 1

XP: 0/1,000

Speed: 30’

HD: 1d8
HP: 9

Init: 5 [+1 Dex +4 Feat]

STR 14 (+2) [14 base (6 pts)]
DEX 12 (+1) [12 base (4 pts)]
CON 12 (+1) [12 base (4 pts)]
INT 12 (+1) [12 base (4 pts)]
WIS 16 (+3) [16 base (10 pts)]
CHA 12 (+1) [12 base (4 pts)]

AC: 15
[10 base +4 armor +1 Dex]

~ Invisible attacker gets no advantages related to hitting in melee combat [Blind-Fight]

Fort +3 [2 base +1 Con]
Ref +1 [0 base +1 Dex]
Will +5 [2 base +3 Wis]


Languages Known:
~ Common
~ Abyssal

Base Attack: +0
Grapple: +2 [+0 base +0 size +2 Str]

Heavy Mace: +1 [+0 base +2 Str]
Critical: 20/x2
Damage: 1d8+2 (bludgeoning)

~ Re-roll miss chance for concealment [Blind-Fight]

Appraise +3 [+1 Int +0 ranks +2 feat] (cc)
Bluff +4 [+1 Cha +1 ranks +2 feat] (cc)
Concentration +4 [+1 Con +3 ranks]
Diplomacy +3 [+1 Cha +2 ranks]
Knowledge (Religion) +4 [+1 Int +3 ranks]
Listen +4 [+3 Wis +1 ranks] (cc)
Sense Motive +5 [+3 Wis +0 ranks +2 feat] (cc)
Spellcraft +3 [+1 Int +2 ranks]
Spot +4 [+3 Wis +1 ranks] (cc)

~ Armor check penalty: -2

~ Shadow Weave Magic (Use Shadow Weave items; +1 save DC & caster level check for SR for schools of enchantment, illusion, necromancy; -1 caster level for schools of evocation, transmutation, except for spells w/Darkness descriptor; cannot cast spells with Light descriptor, or use magic item’s light power if spell completion or spell trigger) [Free (PGtF)]
~ Blind-Fight (Re-roll miss chance for concealment; invisible attacker gets no advantages related to hitting in melee combat; take only ½ usual penalty to speed related to being unable to see) [Darkness Domain]
~ Silver Palm (+2 Appraise, Bluff, Sense Motive checks) [Racial (PGtF)]
~ Improved Initiative (+4 to Initiative checks) [HD 1]

Racial Abilities:
~ Speed 30’
~ 1 extra feat at 1st level
~ 4 extra skill points at 1st level
~ 1 extra skill point at each additional level
~ Favored Class: Any

Class Abilities:
~ Rebuke Undead
~ Spontaneous casting of Inflict spells
~ Domains: Evil, Darkness
~ Spells per day (including bonus spells): 0th-3; 1st-2+1

Memorized Spells:
0th Level
~ Detect Magic
~ Resistance
~ Cure Minor

1st Level
~ Faith Healing (MoF)
~ Command (+1 DC/caster level check for SR)
~ D: Obscuring Mist

Domain: Evil
~ Granted Power: Cast evil spells at +1 caster level
1 Protection from Good
2 Desecrate
3 Magic Circle against Good
4 Unholy Blight
5 Dispel Good
6 Create Undead
7 Blasphemy
8 Unholy Aura
9 Summon Monster IX

Domain: Darkness
~ Granted Power: Gain Blind-Fight as bonus feat
1 Obscuring Mist
2 Blindness/Deafness
3 Blacklight (FRCS)
4 Armor of Darkness (FRCS)
5 Darkbolt (FRCS)
6 Prying Eyes
7 Nightmare
8 Power Word: Blind
9 Power Word: Kill

~ Backpack (carried) [2 gp]
~ Bedroll (backpack) [1 sp]
~ Flint & Steel (belt pouch) [1 gp]
~ Lamp, common (backpack) [1 sp]
~ Oil, 1-pint flask (wrapped well, in backpack) [1 sp]
~ Mirror, small steel (backpack) [10 gp]
~ Belt Pouch (worn) [1 gp]
~ Rope, silk 50’ (backpack) [10 gp]
~ Waterskin (backpack) [2 gp]
~ Trail Rations, 4 days (backpack) [2 gp]
~ Holy Symbol, Silver (worn) [25 gp]
~ Cleric’s Vestments (backpack) [5 gp]
~ Explorer’s Outfit (worn) [free]
~ Chain shirt (worn) [100 gp]
~ Mace, heavy (carried) [12 gp]
~ Potion of levitate (belt pouch) [free]

GP: 29
SP: 6
CP: 10

FRCS = Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
MoF = Magic of Faerun
PGtF = Player’s Guide to Faerun


Vaerdh was born in Westgate. Her mother worked as a dancing girl in a dingy club of the sort where everything had a price, including the employees.

When Shean showed signs of pregnancy (having spent the money for birth-control for the alchemist on drugs), the Madam of the club tossed her onto the streets, telling Shean that she wouldn't support someone who wasn't earning her keep.

Having no money and no place to live, Shean slept on the streets, and propositioned men who couldn't afford a better woman, or who weren't picky about appearances.

When Vaerdh was born, she had a dark black-and-purple birthmark on her forehead. Her mother, ignoring the cursed sign, left the alley where Vaerdh took her first breath and stumbled back to her former place of employment, to beg for her old job back. The Madam agreed, but only on the condition that the child not bother the clientele, and that Shean start work again, immediately.

So it was, for ten years. Vaerdh grew, and was beaten, cursed, and starved; was cold, sick, and ill-clad. Why Shean hadn’t left the ill-luck child in that alley, no one knew. Perhaps she felt a bit of responsibility for the child; perhaps she was too drugged to consider the idea.

Whatever the reason, Vaerdh learned that she had to please her mother and the Madam; cleaning the inn and tavern floors, working long hours lugging heavy buckets – whatever the chore, she had to do it to earn her crust of bread and whatever scraps the patrons and kitchen-workers left her.

Not long after her tenth summer, some of the patrons started watching the skinny and delicate-boned young girl. Because of her surroundings, Vaerdh, even at her young age, knew what the looks meant. One night, a large man who had been eyeing her for most of the night heaved his bulk from the table and spoke with the Madam. The Madam turned a calculating eye in Vaerdh’s direction, and she knew fear. Grabbing her bucket of dirty wash water, she lugged it behind the bar and into the kitchen – as she did several times a night to dump it in the back alley and exchange it for slightly less grimy water. Making her escape through the back door, she dropped the bucket and fled into the autumn night without looking back.

She didn’t know where she would go or what she would do – as long as it was away from there. The back-breaking labor, the heavy-handed beatings of her mother – none of it she would miss. To her mind, living on the streets couldn’t be any worse.

She ended up in a gang of kids who lived on the streets. They begged for money and food during the day (and, in many cases, stole it), and curled up in shivering piles at night, what few blankets and clothes they had pulled over them. Sometimes, someone would go out during the day and never return; sometimes, someone would be missing in the morning from his sleeping place. Sometimes, even, their bodies would be found in some back alley later.

Vaerdh was cold, she was hungry, she lived in fear of whomever or whatever snatched the kids – but at least she wasn’t gaining blisters and pulled muscles from the work at the club, while waiting for the Madam to ‘put her to real work’.

She spent years on the streets, learning the ways of the world. In that time she learned valuable lessons – that on could only rely on oneself. That the only person who cared if you lived or died was you. That you needed to take what you could, give nothing away. She learned to lie, to cheat, to steal, to be quick with a dagger, to prey on others before they preyed on you, and to abjure pity. That loss, danger, and sorrow were a way of life.

Then the priestess found her. Mishra took one look at the faded eclipsed-sun birthmark on Vaerdh’s forehead and brought the half-wild youngling back to the Sharran enclave (with liberal uses of charm spells). She cleaned and fed the child to find a young woman, delicate with dainty features and bone structure, standing before her. But Vaerdh was to learn that this was not kindness, and so she started her second time of instruction in the ways of the world - once again in servitude.

In time, Vaerdh was introduced to the rest of the cell and became an acolyte. Eventually, she was inaugurated into the title of Priestess. Although she was the lowliest of the members of the cell, she cared little. Vaerdh had discovered in her servitude that she truly believed – she loved her Goddess, the Mistress of Night, her savior (for whom else was it that marked her so, and sent Mishra to find her?) and served Her because of that love. Of course, this showed itself in a fanatical devotion that made others in the cell – especially those who were not so fervent in their worship – uncomfortable.

There thoughts mattered little to Vaerdh, beyond listening to be sure they weren’t plotting against her. First, always, was her Goddess – but second in Vaerdh’s heart and regard was herself, always.

Such it was, when Shar called Her champions to Her.

Voidrunner's Codex

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