A1- Lost Knowledge of Arcanix(Wik Judging)

Moggthegob said:
(OOC: I was getting my figures from the map in ECS9 since I dont have the Explorers handbook, which granted, those maps are way too big) Irregardless, for plot purposes route doesnt matter a ton, just that you missed the train and Makharat will be getting there early with time to spare. To be fair though, I was ,at first, only ball parking given that you're trying to arrange passage to Passage and given the last train just left I wasexpecting the trip to cost alot ot make them go there again immediately.
OOC: The Eberron Poster Map has all the distances as well. Just trying to save us some money and inform you. Obviously, time is still going to be an issue.

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OOC: We're in transit, waiting till we're Makaharat is caught up with us in time (Since he arives ahead of us, he has a bit to do before we arive.)

Upon one of many an evening spent quietly by the fire on the ride up, the group lounges after their evening meal, Wulfcyne leaning back contentedly upon his large pack of gear, and finally asks a question upon his mind, "Koh'Tara... from where be ye from? How did ye find yer'n way ta Sharn? A wise one as ye should be out on the plain, neh?"
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Nuria half listens to her companions talking amongst themselves. She gazes intently at the fires while deep in thought contemplating the possible outcomes of this, her first, mission. If anyone asks her a question, she will distractedly answer it.

As the group lounges Links walks the parimeter of the camp about evry 30 min or so to makes sure no one is approaching. He spends the rest of the time seperating the various nature parts on the ground. Placing the leaves in a small pile here and pebbles in a small pile there, twigs right there etc.

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