A1- Lost Knowledge of Arcanix(Wik Judging)


Considering Wulfcyne's words for a moment, Nuria decides that he is right.

I suppose you are correct. We do have an assignment to finish. After that, i will see to it that these poor people get some help. It's the right thing to do. she responds dejectedly.

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The 'safe place' Wulfcyne refers to is a small nook in the tower, in what looks like it may have at one point been a general store, the shelves are stoked with some low price items like scraps of rope or chain, vials of acid that look to have lost their potency, etc.

There a big man dressed in faded Brelish standards comes from behind the counter.
WULFCYNE!! Good ta see ye my friend. Wha' brings ye back te the Gate. 'ave you finally grown weary o' the 'ventrous lifestyle. And, ye've brought firends. Lemme see if ah kin' fin' a place fer ya.

The Gate

Uncerimoniously dropping Links' dead weight to the ground, the filthy warrior throws his big arms out wide to stretch his back, and take the big man up in a staggeringly joyous bearhug, exclaiming,'Ole' Moshley! Always quick wit' tha jokes! Ye know I ken neva be done wit' it till it be done!'

Setting the large human down, Wulfcyne turns to the group and announces, 'Sarge, this be Nuria tha White Wizard, Koh'Tara tha Wise be tha gray one, tha figure on tha floor be Links, an tha bastard holdin' tha unconcious elf be Makharat o' tha Wastes. Allies, this be tha Sarge.'

Feeling his duty done true, the large man takes his conical helm off, sticks it under one arm and follows the large Brelander where he follows.
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Dirk Nightbreese said:
Wulfcyne continues to scan the scene for any signs of danger, stepping near Koh'Tara and asking quietly, 'Wha' say ye 'bout all dis, Wise Woman?'
"I have seen those who have less, but these people look beaten. They would be happier to not know of the luxeries that lie so close to them, yet just out of reach," Koh'Tara says. She turns to Nuria and says, "You can't save everyone child, but to help anyone, you must first save yourself."


Turning to Koh'Tora, Nuria asks
When you say that I must save myself first, do you mean physically or spiritually? If spipritually, then I am at a loss. Many things I believed are in question.


First Post
"One can always be saved, but such salvation, especially the most valuable kind, is not always obvious. Relax and listen to your heart child," Koh'Tara says. "The spirit within will guild you if you only listen."


This may sound strange Koh'Tara, but in a way, you remind me of my maother. She is very wise and knew waht to say to me whenever I had a question or just needed someone to listen. I have not seen her in two years.

Nuria then grows quiet and solemn as she continues to walk with the rest of the group towards whatever destination Wulfcyne has in mind. Koh'Tara's words have made her pause and consider if she should follow her plan of deceiving her House.

With a great rumbling sigh, whether in agreement or consternation, it's clear by his deep frown that the shaman's words have sounded a chord in Wulfcyne's mind and heart.

ooc; i'm ready for 'rest/down time'. How long will it take us to get fully healed? As well as to get Links up? Also, is Valehandra still among us?

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