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D&D 5E Acererak's Tomb of Horrors is in Chult


For all we know... since theoretically this product is called 'Labyrinth'... the adventure might very well still include Undermountain and a couple other FR-specific maze-like dungeons, in addition to whatever new trapped lair Acererak might have designed in Chult. I mean, this is in theory still an AP, so I wouldn't expect it to be just one single dungeon leveling a party from like 1-10 or 5-15.

I also don't think we should really be bothering to call it the "Tomb of Horrors"... because I don't think there's any way they're going to bother remaking the same exact "secret trap" dungeon they've done many times over and just putting it in Chult. The whole point of this type of dungeon are the surprises, which means using the actual ToH is counter-productive. So I'm guessing the only real connection to the original S1 will probably just be the use of Acererak, and thus the original S1 Tomb of Horros "remains" in Greyhawk. Instead, we'll get a whole new trapped dungeon that is inspired by S1, just like all the temples in Princes of the Apocalypse were inspired by the Temple of Elemental Evil but not actual duplicates.

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Is that what WotC said, or is it how some fans are interpreting what was said?

What we know:

- From Dungeonology, Ackerack is an evil Lich from Greyhawk that has been seen in the Realms recently.

- From the Drizzt book, Ackerack is in Chult, actively plotting something evil

- He's on the cover of the DMG, and gets a lot of ink in the Core books.

So, they are doing something with him, at some point. Nothing specific, though.

Saying that "all crossovers are TOTALLY METAL!!!1" is a subjective opinion, just as "all crossovers are lame." However, the evidence suggests the former is closer to popular opinion on the topic ("why isn't Superman in the Avengers?").


For all we know... since theoretically this product is called 'Labyrinth'... the adventure might very well still include Undermountain and a couple other FR-specific maze-like dungeons, in addition to whatever new trapped lair Acererak might have designed in Chult. I mean, this is in theory still an AP, so I wouldn't expect it to be just one single dungeon leveling a party from like 1-10 or 5-15.

I also don't think we should really be bothering to call it the "Tomb of Horrors"... because I don't think there's any way they're going to bother remaking the same exact "secret trap" dungeon they've done many times over and just putting it in Chult. The whole point of this type of dungeon are the surprises, which means using the actual ToH is counter-productive. So I'm guessing the only real connection to the original S1 will probably just be the use of Acererak, and thus the original S1 Tomb of Horros "remains" in Greyhawk. Instead, we'll get a whole new trapped dungeon that is inspired by S1, just like all the temples in Princes of the Apocalypse were inspired by the Temple of Elemental Evil but not actual duplicates.

You can get the original, and Return, on DMsGuild, probably in print soon enough. They are on record as not wanting, in general, to do straight repeats (though they did with Castle Ravenloft...).

The description Perkins gave of the structure of the next AP was one part super freeform sandbox that is fluid, followed by a very structured, old school dingeoncrawl experience.

That description would work either for a urban Waterdeep campaign ending in Undermountain, or a Chult hexcrawl ending with a confrontation with Ackerack in old school madhouse wizard mode.

Patrick McGill

First Post
Definitely a case of your milage may vary. Mordenkainen in CoS was a huge highlight for the party that I ran through CoS when he was introduced. We have a couple of people familiar with him from past editions (and obviously his name on some of the spells), and they were very enthusiastic about him popping up. It also gave a sense of history to those not familiar with him. The other players going on about how powerful and cool Mordenkainen gave him character texture to those not familiar in a better way than I could have as DM with a random made up archwizard.

Random Edit: And the Dragon magazine articles with the wizards chatting over tea were always my favorite. It was a lot of fun. I don't think it's "lame" by default, or objectively.


Definitely a case of your milage may vary. Mordenkainen in CoS was a huge highlight for the party that I ran through CoS when he was introduced. We have a couple of people familiar with him from past editions (and obviously his name on some of the spells), and they were very enthusiastic about him popping up. It also gave a sense of history to those not familiar with him. The other players going on about how powerful and cool Mordenkainen gave him character texture to those not familiar in a better way than I could have as DM with a random made up archwizard.

Random Edit: And the Dragon magazine articles with the wizards chatting over tea were always my favorite. It was a lot of fun. I don't think it's "lame" by default, or objectively.

Different strokes for different folks, for sure; but more and more are taking the Marvel approach, and I doubt it is because people in general think this sort of thing is lame...

Elminster met Mordenkainen, Dalamar and too many other mages from other game world to mention them. I really liked the Dragon's articles back then. If the old archmage can do some planar travel, so can Acererak. I would have prefer that Acererak would have stayed in the Vast Swamp south of Sundi (Greyhawk) but hey! I did place the ToH in the Mere of the Dead men when the Realms came about in the '80s. Days of Al' Akbar in the Anauroch desert, Castanamir's Island in the Moonsea, Iverness Ghost's Tower in place of Innarv's tower up Waterdeep and many others in different Realms locations. Even Castle Greyhawk was teleported to the Realm when I needed a super dungeon.

I know that cross over have the potential to be lame. But CoS was great, even with Mordenkainen. Who knows how the new ToH incarnation will get us to? The 4th edition one was quite good and players did saw a bit of the original in it even if the planar hopping was all it was about. The 2nd edition one was the best of the three (IMHO). I can't wait to get my hands on that new itteration. And if I do not like it. I'll modify it so that it will suit my tastes anyways.


Elminster met Mordenkainen, Dalamar and too many other mages from other game world to mention them. I really liked the Dragon's articles back then. If the old archmage can do some planar travel, so can Acererak. I would have prefer that Acererak would have stayed in the Vast Swamp south of Sundi (Greyhawk) but hey! I did place the ToH in the Mere of the Dead men when the Realms came about in the '80s. Days of Al' Akbar in the Anauroch desert, Castanamir's Island in the Moonsea, Iverness Ghost's Tower in place of Innarv's tower up Waterdeep and many others in different Realms locations. Even Castle Greyhawk was teleported to the Realm when I needed a super dungeon.

I know that cross over have the potential to be lame. But CoS was great, even with Mordenkainen. Who knows how the new ToH incarnation will get us to? The 4th edition one was quite good and players did saw a bit of the original in it even if the planar hopping was all it was about. The 2nd edition one was the best of the three (IMHO). I can't wait to get my hands on that new itteration. And if I do not like it. I'll modify it so that it will suit my tastes anyways.

That style of play and treatment of malleable settings within a multiverse (down to table specific variations being endorsed), is what they are mainly supporting at this point.

And it is TOTALLY METAL!!!1 \M/


Lowcountry Low Roller
I don't really care about canon but I do care about genre, so having CoS connect to FR made me squirm. Square peg in a round hole. But this seems like it should be fine (as long as the adventure is solid.)

To be honest I kind of wish WotC had ditched the whole lot with 5e and started a brand new world with a bit more referential integrity. FR wears thin very quickly IMHO.

I'm A Banana

Part of the reason ol' Mordy was lame in Curse of Strahd is because you could literally swap him out for anything else and the adventure wouldn't change. It might as well have been Jeff Goldblum. There's no reason it should or has to be him. It's like a Family Guy manatee joke. "Hey! Look at this wacky out of context reference! Remember this character?"

If we're going to be more thoughtful about Acererak in Chult, it might be okay!

The movie is not speculation; Warner Bros. is making a movie set in Waterdeep, with Undermountain being a significant component.

The AP is speculation, but something they are likely planning for the next couple years.

I was able to find some quotes and links if anyone else is interested:

"He also said that the Yawning Portal will feature prominently..."

"...which already has a script set in Ed Greenwood's Forgotten Realms setting"

Dungeons & Dragons be could hitting theaters as early as 2018,

Voidrunner's Codex

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