• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Kickstarter Acute Paranoia Kickstarter - A Week to Go!


Good morning, Gentleclones!

We have just a week to go to the completion of the Acute Paranoia Kickstarter, a complete expansion box set for your favourite dystopian sci-fi game - and the project is already successful, and has unlocked a brand new mission, and two expansion decks. You can get in on the fun right here:


We have been working hard on Acute Paranoia since before the Kickstarter began, and most of the material is already at an advanced stage of completion.

The Gamemasters Despotic Power Book is packed full of hints, tips, and diabolic suggestions to make your games of Paranoia more balanced, more fun, and more, well, Paranoid. You can download an example, right here (http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/pdf/apgmpre1.pdf), a treatise on using the strengths of bureaucracy to funnel Troubleshooters right where you want them...

We are doing rather well on this Kickstarter project, it has to be said. The Troubleshooters Survival Handbook is complete (we'll be adding a few new things and making some tweaks).

The text for the Gamemasters Despotic Power Book is complete and has been handed in. We have already started editing that text and passing it on for the first round of review from the PTB, and layout & art is well underway.

Missions Book 2.0 has two of the three adventures completed and handed in, and the third is well under way.

The cards for the Acute Paranoia box set have also been completed and are having their art done right now.


And we have not stopped there, either...

The new Truth or Dare mission is being written right now, the Perfectly Safe Gear expansion deck is complete and under going review, and work is about to commence on the RAM expansion deck.

Basically, we are currently ahead of schedule and will be bringing you plenty more updates over the new few weeks before sending you the ebook copies of Acute Paranoia and its expansions!

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