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Adventure: A paladin in need (DM:Someone, judge: THB)


If it's a fortification is a poor one; the bushes and rocks wouldn't stop an assaulter and definitely look like they're there only as camouflage. There's an entrance, though, directly in front of the hill's vertical "wall". Halleck knows that if there's someone there he'd be heard or spotted, but nothing happens until he's close enough to have a look at the plateau.

The hill has a door - a stone door like Soni's tale said. However it's in ruins; a piece of slab hangs from a hinge, and the other leaf is wide open, blasted by an unknow but terrible force. In front of it a huge battle has taken place. The huge corpse of some kind of giant lies down just to the dorr's right, still smoldering, it's flesh scoured from bone by pure energy. Many other corpses lie scattered around, destroyed and unmoving.

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"Looks like your Paladins are doing just fine," Halleck said to Brenwar. "Shall we proceed? Neither of us are Rangers... so who takes the point? Paper Rock Scissors?

Halleck settles into his competition stance, and throws an unusual gambit: Rock, Rock, Paper; also known as Fighting over a Buck.

OOC: paper = 1, Rock = 2, Scissors = 3. Best 2 out of 3.

1d3=2 Rock
1d3=2 Rock
1d3=1 Paper


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Brenwar rolls his eyes at Halleck's antics, "Unless someone wants to volunteer to try a stealthy approach I don't mind leading the way. The paladins do appear to be doing well for themselves, hopefully they don't destroy anything we need in their zeal." With that Brenwar begins making his way to the battlefield in front of the doors.
Is there some sort of roll I can make to see if this is paladin/divine power at work?


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OOC: I'd say an insight check would be appropriate. It's your class skill, so it makes sense that you'd be uniquely suited to determine the paladin-ness of the powers used. Perhaps even a lower DC than one of us would have?


OOC: I'd say Religion would be more appropiate. Yes, you’ve had the opportunity to watch firsthand the effects of Radiant damage on undead; some of the corpses have this kind of damage on them, specially the large one


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Halleck follows Brenwar in the marching order. "Slow and steady," he said quietly to Brenwar. He looked over his shoulder and added with a smile and a wink, "don't stray too far behind, star-crossed."


Just as you advance a few paces in you can hear a faint murmur… a disturbing groan that increases in volume, coming from near the gate. The burned giant shakes his limbs, it’s growl increasing in volume and pitch as it slowly gets on its knees, tearing and shaking the burned flesh from his bones as he does so until just a gross skeleton remains. It looks at you and roars with hate as he picks a large stone from the ground. You flinch, thinking it’s going to throw it at you, but the horrid creature just keeps it in it’s clawed hand.

As if answering the large monster’s call, more of the corpses twitch and moan. Many are too damaged to move, but several others don’t. Even with their organs destroyed, enough unholy power remains to get on their feet, pick discarded weapons and shields and form a line, defending the door. Others, who unburied themselves from the ground, seem relatively undamaged and the frigid points of light in their eyes suggest cunning.

Also, next to the giant skeleton and behind the line of broken corpses a black mass coalesces… you realize these are insects, bugs that invade one of the dead remains and force it to raise.

They keep their distance, waiting for your actions, except one of them who points at the way back, in a clear order to abandon the place.

The undead are not attacking. To save a post, they won’t do nothing unless you attack or move further, so you can count on going first and don’t have to roll. Have in mind that we’re not in combat unless you start fighting or move beyond the red zone
In case of combat, you “deploy” in the zone highlighted red. You can start your first turn in any red square you want, not necessarily where your token is right now, then one of you can use Halleck’s battlefront shift.[/sblock]

Lore: The bug-animated corpse is a rare kind of undead created from the corpse of a mage or warlock after it’s been infested by insects. Though not physically powerful or durable, they can summon clouds of flies to hamper and harass its enemies.
Some of the undead, the undamaged ones, are wights. They can steal your life force with a touch.
Large skeleton: AC ?? FORT ?? REF ?? WILL ??. MBA (Reach 2, threatening reach): +13 VS AC; 2d6+7 damage.
Undead legionaries (minion) : AC ?? FORT ?? REF ?? WILL ??. MBA: +12 vs AC, 7 damage and marks.
Wights: AC ?? FORT ?? REF ?? WILL ?? MBA +10 vs AC, 1d6+4 damage and target loses a healing surge.[/sblock]
Brenwar: Fine
Porphyria: Fine
Joy: Fine
Large skeleton: Fine
Bug corpse: Fine
Wight 1: Fine
Wight 2: Fine
Legionary 1: Fine
Legionary 2: Fine
Legionary 3: Fine
Legionary 4: Fine

Squares marked with a “D”, as well those with rocks and bushes are difficult terrain. The mound, rocks and bushes are cover. I-16 token is Joy, J-16 token is P.

My connection sucks, so I don't know if the map is visible or not. Let me know if you can't see it


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Joy rolled her shoulders as she brought her large curved sword into a ready position. "I don't guess they're just going to stand there and let us blow them up- but it seems silly to come all this way and just leave 'cause some shambling critter waved us off... How 'bout we form up a nice wedge, Brenwar at the front, me and Halleck a pace back to ether side, and our Starling behind the wedge casting fearsome magic?" Even as she spoke, each of her companions 'heard' a soft swelling of music in their heads, a rousing martial air of pipes and drums- just loud enough to stir the blood but not enough to be a real distraction.

[sblock= OOC]
>Initiative roll (just in case) 1d20+4= 13; roll Roll Lookup
>Current position is fine to start, but see IC comments


The silver-masked girl does not seem to hear Joy's sensible counsel. With hands clenched into trembling fists around her dagger, she takes two steps forward and thrusts her dagger into the sky with a scream of hatred.

[sblock=Insight DC 15]...and more than a little fear.[/sblock]

A torrent of sparks falls from high above, tiny but intensely bright, like raindrops from a violent storm that only lasts a moment. Falling almost too fast to see, the brilliant sparks land in a burst near the largest skeleton, fizzing and hissing where they strike ground or dead flesh, but almost screaming with destructive power where they strike reanimated bone.

[sblock=actions]Porphyria's wild soul resist for today is cold.

I'm not sure which icon is Porphyria; one of the ones on the right, I assume. Either spot will do.

Move: directly forward to row 14. (or start there, if we only get a surprise round).
Standard: blazing starfall, burst 1 centered on I4. Targets reflex; 27 vs. large skeleton, 22 vs. Legionary 1, crit vs. legionary 3.. Invisible castle fell over before I could roll the damage; it's 1d4+9+1d6 radiant. The 1d6 is from Challenge-seeking dagger's property: 1d6 extra damage against targets at full HP.

Voidrunner's Codex

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